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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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22 minutes ago, BigD88 said:

I’m sure Courtney Smith is a loose cannon with a ton of issues. If not, she wouldn’t have been in this situation for so long and would’ve left ZS a long time ago. I’m almost certain she’s a loon. And no matter how crazy she is, none of it justifies or excuses any physical harm placed on her at the hands of Zach Smith. 

We have documented messages and imaging showing physical injuries, and messages from Zach admitting physical abuse. Unless Zach’s camp can put forth some evidence disproving the authenticity of said messages, then I’m really not interested in the typical defense of attacking the credibility of the victim.

No one is defending Zach Smith, just that it's a murkier situation than it seemed and should be considered when trying to pass judgement on Urban Meyer.

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16 minutes ago, Raves said:

No one is defending Zach Smith, just that it's a murkier situation than it seemed and should be considered when trying to pass judgement on Urban Meyer.

It’s always gonna be murky. DV cases are insanely murky as there’s a ton of baggage and toxicity that leads to the eventual physical abuse. Which is why I get really upset when I see the inevitable character testimonials against the victims in these situations. It’s not unique to this one. Nothing to do with Meyer. As it pertains to him, I’ve already stated my stance on how he’s erred in this situation by simply not exercising basic risk management and distancing ZS from the program a long time ago. Not about whether he had to find out if he was guilty in any specific instance. By keeping a clear headache on staff (who wasn’t even a great coach), he’s now opened up himself, his program, and the university to the risk of very troubling lawsuits if there is any kind of slip up or if everything wasn’t followed 100% by the book over a span of 7 years. 

But regardless of that, stories like this recent one are honestly a joke. Not in the sense that they’re false or don’t add context. But because it states the obvious detail of a clearly toxic relationship, doesn’t justify physical violence by the perpetrator at all, and quite frankly, if she was oh so insane, Zach could’ve left on his own accord years ago as he was the one with the very very lucrative job and ability to support himself and his children. Instead he stooped to the level of violence, which transcends any elaborate story you could tell me about Courtney’s personality.

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13 hours ago, BigD88 said:

But regardless of that, stories like this recent one are honestly a joke. Not in the sense that they’re false or don’t add context. But because it states the obvious detail of a clearly toxic relationship, doesn’t justify physical violence by the perpetrator at all, and quite frankly, if she was oh so insane, Zach could’ve left on his own accord years ago as he was the one with the very very lucrative job and ability to support himself and his children. Instead he stooped to the level of violence, which transcends any elaborate story you could tell me about Courtney’s personality.

Do you have kids? I don't but the same way people say women have a hard time leaving abusive relationships, wouldn't you try to put the extra effort forward to make it work for your children? From what I gather, this dude really cares a lot about his children so my guess is he wanted them to have parents that were still together. It happens often and fails often. 

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1 minute ago, JTagg7754 said:

Do you have kids? I don't but the same way people say women have a hard time leaving abusive relationships, wouldn't you try to put the extra effort forward to make it work for your children? From what I gather, this dude really cares a lot about his children so my guess is he wanted them to have parents that were still together. It happens often and fails often. 

It certainly does. No kids yet but unfortunately have seen domestic abuse play out in one female relative’s relationship (actually very similar circumstances to the Smiths WRT the timeline, kids, and number of incidents). His motives may very well have been altruistic in the sense that he wanted a full home for his kids, but at the end of the day, he crossed the line (more than once). It sucks. And pieces like the one from yesterday really just don’t help. It causes more mud-flinging, doesn’t solve, help, or change anything, and results in more toxic back-and-forth that the kids get stuck in the middle of. 

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