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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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Everybody is at fault for the problems. Everybody telling kids they have to go to college, but not telling them to get a degree in something that will get them a job they would actually like. Kids going to school thinking that a generic business degree, and partying at a house with Greek lettering on it will get them a good paying job. Society telling people that a job in the trades is below a desk job. 

Nobody is saying to figure out what you want to do, and then go get an education that will help you get there. Nobody says that a plumber, HVAC tech, mechanic, construction manager, or network tech can make more money than than the guy sitting behind a desk, and the schooling at a community college is less than half. Nobody says that certifications in a lot of fields hold more weight that a degree will, and most can be done for cheap, or in a few classes at a community college.

Going to college just to go to college is a terrible idea, but it's still being pushed as the way to do things. 

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45 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Right, that's the point that I'm trying to make (and not doing a very good job of apparently). There's plenty of blame to go around with both parties. Millenials who blame solely the boomers for this are wrong, and boomers who blame Millenials failed their children, period.

Can't agree with this more. There's things we can control and things we can't. I don't blame boomers for my own bad financial decisions, but I certainly recognize the negative impact they've had on my life as a result of their poor decisions.

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There's also my favorite boomer advice of sending your resume to companies that aren't actively hiring. That may have worked once upon a time, but now that resume goes in the trash and is forgotten about because they can find 1000 applicants online.

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Just now, skywlker32 said:

There's also my favorite boomer advice of sending your resume to companies that aren't actively hiring. That may have worked once upon a time, but now that resume goes in the trash and is forgotten about because they can find 1000 applicants online.

Yep. And its no longer a good idea to punch up your resume using Comic Sans font

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59 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Right, that's the point that I'm trying to make (and not doing a very good job of apparently). There's plenty of blame to go around with both parties. Millenials who blame solely the boomers for this are wrong, and boomers who blame Millenials failed their children, period.

For sure. And when around Millenials, I will admit this 100%.

When I'm around my extended family and they start going off on it, I take the attitude "they can't do that to our pledges, only we can do that to our pledges". I do all I can to crap on boomers, and most of the time it's just hyperbole.

"Did you know the average millenial waits 3 years longer to get married now? Maybe if they didn't buy iPhones they could afford a house."
"Did you know the average baby boomer clubs 4 baby seals to death a year? Maybe if they saved for retirement like an adult they wouldn't be living on Social Security and Medicare Uncle Gary."

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2 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Never claimed to be ??‍♂️

Just saying I’m making weird unusual changes in my life lately. Never wore blue jeans before and now it’s in my closet. Different hairstyle than what I have always done:just cut it short lol. Pants size is down 14-16 inches from two years ago. Throwing away like all my dumb graphic tees I’ve had and worn since high school and replacing them with new dumb graphic tees and v-necks and sweaters and sh**

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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

Just saying I’m making weird unusual changes in my life lately. Never wore blue jeans before and now it’s in my closet. Different hairstyle than what I have always done:just cut it short lol. Pants size is down 14-16 inches from two years ago. Throwing away like all my dumb graphic tees I’ve had and worn since high school and replacing them with new dumb graphic tees and v-necks and sweaters and sh**

buy a Jurrasic Park Tshirt from Target 

cant miss.

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24 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Yep. And its no longer a good idea to punch up your resume using Comic Sans font

Terrible advice. Comic Sans should be used in all important documents. Turning in important paperwork with Comic Sans is like having a mullet, it shows you mean business, but still like to party. There isn't a better message to send when trying to get a job.

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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

Yep. And its no longer a good idea to punch up your resume using Comic Sans font

I had a project manager put together an entire project plan in Comic Sans in Excel.  Surprisingly she's not longer with the company. 

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6 hours ago, eagles101 said:

And school wonder why there are bully problems. I would have told my kid i front of the principal that if that bully even took a look at him to beat the bully to a pulp. 

I did just that in front of the receptionist last time it happened, and when I met with her today I advised that Ben will never be excused for instigating a fight. I told them both if he ever started the fight he would find out was BMT was like when he was home. But then told her it was on her and the staff for not getting the issue resolved earlier, and that I was going to just take him home if he had in school suspension.

She said that would go toward the truancy limit (or something like that), I replied they failed to live up to the "no tolerance" stance they claim to take for bullying. If they didn't fail to protect their student after the first - or even second - instance then this could not have happened. The kid having a knot on the side of his head was on her directly and her failure to do the job. So unless she and her "uninformed" staff would agree to match the suspension on herself my son should be good to go, and the little snot should be getting ALL the punishments between the two. We bickered back and forth for a bit.


I guess the 4th grader has been a jerk to a lot of kids, because he was straight up suspended for 3 days after more kids complained about him. Ben was being reduced to 1 day due to excessive action. I was informed of that AFTER I got snarky about his punishment for repeated bullying was less than self defense.  So I lost some ground there. lol

At the end Ben had some worthless "written warning" in case there was concurrent issues and was not suspended at all. So if he gets into a physical altercation in the next few weeks at all it immediately gets elevated to being a more serious case.

Ben was upset and trying not to cry because he was embarrassed and hates seeing me p***ed off, so I got him to calm down and go wash his face before going to class. Before he left I let them both know I expect Ben to tell a teacher immediately if this happens again and the staff to take action just as fast, if they don't Ben will handle the bully again his way. Let the principal know he has done BJJ for 3 years now, and IDC how he stops the bully. "No tolerance on our end either." I was thanked for coming in and asked to leave. 


3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Right, that's the point that I'm trying to make (and not doing a very good job of apparently). There's plenty of blame to go around with both parties. Millenials who blame solely the boomers for this are wrong, and boomers who blame Millenials failed their children, period.


Now THAT was very well said.

At some point millenials have to accept they have a **** hand and deal with it. Being successful isn't some major mystery, work hard, focus on getting into a field that is well rewarded (any STEM for example) and look for opportunities to improve your life/job. If you can't even put forth the effort to better yourself you deserve to be a failure.

Boomers need to see they had a much more advantageous hand dealt to them, and how the massive failings that are coming to today were not done by 30 year olds who were infants when the issues were instigated.  I've heard how rising college costs were due to "millenial incompetence" by a guy in his 50-60s. Asked how and he did the "If you don't know you need to do your own research" nonsense. Called him out and he eventually bowed out when I wouldn't let up.

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1 hour ago, flyers0909 said:

I had a project manager put together an entire project plan in Comic Sans in Excel.  Surprisingly she's not longer with the company. 

What is surprising is that HR actually at one point said, "Yep, she's the one" during the hiring process.


***Assuming there was more than one applicant***

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