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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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17 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I ******* hate Christmas music.

Well I ******* hate music that isn’t Christmas music so this is exemplary of our rivalry here 

17 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Yep. It's the easiest, crappiest, mad lib style lyrics imaginable with a somewhat upbeat high tempo beat and some bells in the background. It's awful. I judge anyone who likes it.

Wow there you go flyin off the handle god damn 

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17 minutes ago, TENINCH said:

Thanks and when I say we were poor we weren't Packer fan poor. We just didn't have much and ate a lot of chow mein because it was cheap.

But you believed in Santa until you were 34 and that makes you the richest of all.

And dumbest. 

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19 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Independent of order, there is 1 schedule possible for each team.

Dependent on order, there would be 11! schedules possible for the first team(*), 10! schedules possible for the second team(**), etc. etc.

EDIT: Explanation:

* The first team could play any of the other 11 teams the first week, any of the remaining 10 teams the next week, 9 the week after, etc.

** The second team already has their date with the first team locked in, but could play any of the remaining 10, then 9, etc.


17 hours ago, pwny said:

12 teams, one on one? Does location matter?

I wrote a crappy program a few years ago that compared fantasy football schedules for teams in my main league, tried to figure out who had the luckiest schedule. I've been trying to expand it for a while. This year two teams seem like huge outliers. The third worst team in total points is 8-4 and locked into the playoffs(seeding tbd) and the third best team in total points is 4-8. I had the idea that wanted to make the program simulate multiple seasons to find out how many seasons, with their scores, would those results happen. There's way more schedule possibilities than I initially anticipated. 


Edited by skywindO2
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On 21/11/2018 at 10:02 PM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Is your boy @Aztec Hammer still alive?

Hey mate, I’m here - thanks for the concern!

and same to everyone else who tagged me in a post over the last month or so.

I’ve had a rough couple of months in my personal life and haven’t really been in a good place. As such, I’ve not been able to check in on here and catch up with all you madlads. I’ve missed you all but that goes without saying of course.

I hope you’ve all had a brilliant few weeks following the post-Hue Baker breakout and the first away win in what is it, 25 games?!

I’m loving Baker, particularly his overall attitude in being a leader. Clapping back at Damien Woody and the first take crew etc. Not hesitating to say what he feels need to be said about Hue. I love it. Where I previously might have thought it is a bit petty and that every QB should act like Tom, I can’t help but think that Baker saying and acting like this is exactly what Cleveland and these Browns players need.

Never been more happy to be wrong about a player than Baker. Long may it continue. Kitchens looks good too and has rejuvenated Baker in the few weeks he’s taken over.

Hopefully I can get in here more often again and keep up with the shenanigans. It’s great to know you all have been enjoying some Browns ups after all these years of downs.

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29 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

I wrote a crappy program a few years ago that compared fantasy football schedules for teams in my main league, tried to figure out who had the luckiest schedule. I've been trying to expand it for a while. This year two teams seem like huge outliers. The third worst team in total points is 8-4 and locked into the playoffs(seeding tbd) and the third best team in total points is 4-8. I had the idea that wanted to make the program simulate multiple seasons to find out how many seasons, with their scores, would those results happen. There's way more schedule possibilities than I initially anticipated. 


Why not just use points scored against?

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