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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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Wasn’t gonna post about this til it was set in stone cause I’ve been kinda jerked around for a minute but I’ve finally been promoted to bartender and start that Wednesday. My income pretty much doubles from that. General manager came up to me after my shift today and said I’m one of the hardest working people there and he doesn’t know how I do it. And it’s cause I went through 5 years of laying around feeling sorry for myself from having cancer and having side effects and illness after and now that I’ve found a way to fight through it I’m driven and willing to destroy myself every day because I can. Things are getting consistently better for me lately. 

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20 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

I'm on the no kid train for completely different reasons, but yeah, I have no idea how people deal with kids. Woof. Awful. 

They're a lot of work the first couple of years, yeah.  But there are plenty of rewarding moments in there.  Then as they get older they can help with stuff, and you can also relive your childhood through them to some degree.

But yeah, they're not for everyone.

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2 hours ago, Tyty said:

Wasn’t gonna post about this til it was set in stone cause I’ve been kinda jerked around for a minute but I’ve finally been promoted to bartender and start that Wednesday. My income pretty much doubles from that. General manager came up to me after my shift today and said I’m one of the hardest working people there and he doesn’t know how I do it. And it’s cause I went through 5 years of laying around feeling sorry for myself from having cancer and having side effects and illness after and now that I’ve found a way to fight through it I’m driven and willing to destroy myself every day because I can. Things are getting consistently better for me lately. 

good for you, junior!

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3 hours ago, Tyty said:

Wasn’t gonna post about this til it was set in stone cause I’ve been kinda jerked around for a minute but I’ve finally been promoted to bartender and start that Wednesday. My income pretty much doubles from that. General manager came up to me after my shift today and said I’m one of the hardest working people there and he doesn’t know how I do it. And it’s cause I went through 5 years of laying around feeling sorry for myself from having cancer and having side effects and illness after and now that I’ve found a way to fight through it I’m driven and willing to destroy myself every day because I can. Things are getting consistently better for me lately. 

That's awesome. Keep grinding, you're doing a great job.

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1 minute ago, The Gnat said:

3 days of your life you can't get back, if you only watched the episodes once. I'm glad I stopped watching.

I'm satisfied. I've burned three days in worse ways.

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On 5/19/2019 at 3:01 AM, Forge said:

The only thing that would make it better is if it was the same guy who let aj hawk tackle him every year

Forge, I have to ask, is your name based off of the lead singer of the band "Ghost" Tobias Forge? 

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Yesterday was maybe the worst day of my life. I had the stomach flu yesterday, which of course meant constant stomachaches and vomiting. I was almost completely bereft of food yesterday, and most any time I DID try to eat something meant more vomiting, ugh.

I don't know if any of you have ever had the stomach flu, but let me be the first to tell you, it's the worst thing ever, short of being in a vegetative state. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Fortunately, I'm all better now, and currently enjoying an ice cold can of Mountain Dew without feeling sick. :D

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27 minutes ago, KManX89 said:

Yesterday was maybe the worst day of my life. I had the stomach flu yesterday, which of course meant constant stomachaches and vomiting. I was almost completely bereft of food yesterday, and most any time I DID try to eat something meant more vomiting, ugh.

I don't know if any of you have ever had the stomach flu, but let me be the first to tell you, it's the worst thing ever, short of being in a vegetative state. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Fortunately, I'm all better now, and currently enjoying an ice cold can of Mountain Dew without feeling sick. :D

I used to have leukemia 

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33 minutes ago, KManX89 said:

I don't know if any of you have ever had the stomach flu,

Doesn't every kid get this like once every year or two?  I know i did.

6 minutes ago, Tyty said:

I used to have leukemia 

Well played

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4 minutes ago, theJ said:

Well played

I sarcastically use it as an excuse at work all the time cause it’s an easy joke and I don’t care that I used to have it. My coworkers have suggested I get it again which I can’t fault them for 

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40 minutes ago, KManX89 said:

Yesterday was maybe the worst day of my life. I had the stomach flu yesterday, which of course meant constant stomachaches and vomiting. I was almost completely bereft of food yesterday, and most any time I DID try to eat something meant more vomiting, ugh.

I don't know if any of you have ever had the stomach flu, but let me be the first to tell you, it's the worst thing ever, short of being in a vegetative state. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Fortunately, I'm all better now, and currently enjoying an ice cold can of Mountain Dew without feeling sick. :D

I got a mild sunburn over the weekend.  Trying to pull through.

12 minutes ago, Tyty said:

I used to have leukemia 

Not sure to lol or not.

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