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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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1 minute ago, Hockey5djh said:

Exec: :Grabs junk:

Terry: :knocks exec out:

Police: "Why did you do that?"

Terry: "He grabbed my junk"

Police: "Well alright then, seems legit"


I know I'm oversimplifying all the details surrounding his possible future employment and any legal ramifications from not only the assault charges but any lawsuits coming from the exec but for some reason this course of actions seems much more direct and impactful rather than saying "Some exec grabbed my junk but I won't tell you who because it could affect my employment/livelihood" a year after something happened.

100% agree... If people took a stand earlier against the filth that permeate throughout Hollywood, they wouldn't find themselves in the situation they're in now. 

It always money that plays a factor though. If you have real-world skills you can always file a complaint, or quit your job & find another. I think many become trapped by the thought of what would the do if the didn't have acting?

Sad, but the truth is they set up road blocks in their own mind as to why they must remain silent. Credit to Rose McGowan, she's on the warpath, & she doesn't care if she works in Hollywood again.     

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11 minutes ago, Marc MacGyver said:

Credit to Rose McGowan, she's on the warpath, & she doesn't care if she works in Hollywood again.     

Why is she not part of the problem, considering she took a $100k buyout from Weinstein and is only now jumping on the public bandwagon? Especially given the first two paragraphs of your post.

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9 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Why is she not part of the problem, considering she took a $100k buyout from Weinstein and is only now jumping on the public bandwagon? Especially given the first two paragraphs of your post.

Initially she was, but judging by reports she didn't get much help with earlier attempts to expose the culture.

It all about crossing the line. The silent on one side & the liberated on the other. 

The Terry Crews, James Van Der Beek, Corey Feldman, Elijah Wood, & Evan Rachel Wood's of the world need to come forward & share their information of abusers.  

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LOL that entire situation is hilarious. She and people are acting like Twitter tried to silence her #bravery when she clearly broke TOS agreement and they reinstated her as soon as she complied.

Sometimes I really wish NK would just nuke everyone.

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Just now, Marc MacGyver said:

but judging by reports she didn't get much help with earlier attempts to expose the culture.

Which is unfortunate but a decision was still made by her to drop pursuit of this issue she now deems supremely important for a cool chunk of cash. Not saying she was wrong making that decision then, or she is wrong now for discussing it, but she's having it both ways to some degree.

She also thinks her word should be all the evidence anyone should need if her tweets are to be believed, and I have a problem with that since it is just as dangerous as dismissing any accusation of impropriety off-hand. Two sides to the same coin.

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She, like Judd - was likely aware of the experiences of other actresses. The problem at the time was fear of losing what they had, & it contributed to the wall of silence.

McGowan at some point would have realised she'd have to go it alone, & likely would have others refute her claim. The best option would've been to internalised it.

The present situation is a vastly different one, with the floodgates essentially wide open. Public pressure has made silence a dangerous position to take, many now see it as complicit.

You are right, it'd would have been her word against his. Now however - it's a cacophony of voices against his. 

I mention Evan Rachel Wood, because she will never get a better time to come forward. Actresses, & those associated have come together with the full support of the general public. Never has it been safer to tell the truth.  



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1 hour ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

Yes... Even if the plane was flown by these guys...


I'd imagine there'd be plenty of room aboard the flight, & tbh that's the most important thing. Might even get an upgrade?

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2 hours ago, Mossburg said:

LOL that entire situation is hilarious. She and people are acting like Twitter tried to silence her #bravery when she clearly broke TOS agreement and they reinstated her as soon as she complied.

Sometimes I really wish NK would just nuke everyone.

They'll lose any war they get involved in, unless it's with Fiji... And even then, they might lose?

But, let's pretend NK have a Super Bomb named "EXTINCTION" ... How would you spend your final moments?


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4 hours ago, cddolphin said:

Would there be though? Let's imagine there would, it would virtually impossible to distribute it with any real efficiency or efficacy. Also, think of the violence that would breakout after even just 12 hours without power in a metropolitan area. 24hrs.. 48hrs... we are heavily armed in many places as well.

I would imagine we'd probably end up under martial law. That's reason #2 I don't bother being a prepper(#1 I just can't afford it.) They'd probably just find all the people hoarding guns, water, gas, etc and confiscate it.

There'd probably be some mass migrations to Canada and Mexico(oh sweet irony.)

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26 minutes ago, DontTazeMeBro said:

I would imagine we'd probably end up under martial law.

This was a common response, but I think it places too much faith in the military's ability to operate on a large scale during a time when transporting resources and energy has become monumentally difficult.

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4 hours ago, The Gnat said:

I think it might be high, but it would be higher than you'd expect for a long term power outage. I mean, if it were to happen in February and continue through July (for example) so just half a year or so, you have deep freeze up north that would kill off a lot of people and then you have the heat from summer that would kill off a lot of people, and that is just weather wise. Then you don't get into food issues that would quickly arise in some areas without power and the inability to treat diseases that wouldn't have been an issue before.

Food would be the biggest problem.  That stuff you see on the side of the road in large fields isn't edible without processing.  And those little gardens that people grow aren't going to sustain a family for long.

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1 hour ago, NS922 said:

"Brave passengers"? More like people who aren't superstitious idiots.

I think most who would take flight 666 to HEL on the 13th hour of Friday the 13th is at the least enamoured with the superstitions.

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