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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 hours ago, Tyty said:

Yeah well I feel like they didn't need to rush it so much. I would've been absolutely fine with two 10 episode seasons including a total of 7 additional "filler" episodes essentially so the show wasn't hurtling towards the end and there was still time for side stories. 

I think that they couldn't do this do to some sort of contractual reasons. I'm not 100% sure on that, but I think that was the reason they had to do that. 

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30 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Are there any fan theories out there that suggest the Mad King’s “burn them all” was related to Bran? It’s a question I’ve had since “hold the door” but I haven’t bothered to look for theories out of potentially finding a spoiler in the process.

I read one about this. Basically Bran wargs into different people trying to stop the NK. One of them is the mad king. The voices are Bran telling him to burn them WW. Also goes on to suggest he does the same with the first man that becomes the NK.

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57 minutes ago, LeeEvans said:

I've seen this a lot and I disagree. What made the books and early seasons of the show so good is that everything was still grounded in the realm of possible. Sure there were dragons and magic and whatever but it all felt believable and even possible and actions had consequences and recently the show has just completely lost that. It doesn't even really feel like Game of Thrones anymore. Cersei blew up a Sept full of people and no one even batted an any, all of those religious fanatics just went away? Jon and company go on the stupidest mission ever and get out of there with basically no major loses. The world the show has created has lost any semblance of reality and the remaining major characters all feel pretty bullet proof. I never had any sort of doubt that Jon was going to live or that Dany would get out of there fine, seasons one through four always gave me the feeling than any death was possible. 

I'm not trying to rag on the show too much and it's still pretty cool with it's ice dragons and frozen zombies but it's almost a completely different show from the one that I started watching. 

My exact thoughts. It's not that it's become a bad show, it's just become a different show from the one which we used to love so much in the beginning. And like most shows, that is to be expected over time, but in this particular case it just feels like lazy/underwhelming writing largely attributed to a lack of pre-defined backstory to work off of from the source material. If Martin had managed to finish his 2 books in the 7 some odd years this show has been going on, I feel like we would have gotten 2 very different final seasons of the show.

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3 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

My exact thoughts. It's not that it's become a bad show, it's just become a different show from the one which we used to love so much in the beginning. And like most shows, that is to be expected over time, but in this particular case it just feels like lazy/underwhelming writing largely attributed to a lack of pre-defined backstory to work off of from the source material. If Martin had managed to finish his 2 books in the 7 some odd years this show has been going on, I feel like we would have gotten 2 very different final seasons of the show.

Completely agree. I actually feel bad for the writers of the show, they were expected to adapt a big for a show and now they have to basically write the last two books on their own. GRRM let his own series down in such a major way. Obviously everyone likes this show for their own reasons and that is perfectly fine but for me it's lost a huge piece of what makes it great. I don't dislike watching this show by any means but I feel much less invested than I did before. 

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8 hours ago, deltarich87 said:

The Night King was literally about to do just that after taking down Viserion. Did you completely just miss the part where he was handed another spear to throw only for Jon to yell at Dany and co to leave?

Yeah, because he'd already killed one dragon and the other dragon wasn't in sight.  Any way you look at it, it wasn't a stupid decision because he did, in fact, hit the dragon he picked to target. 

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The which dragon to aim at issue doesn't bother me at all. Just because Drogon is bigger or he has people on his back? The NK may not even know how significant the people are (less significant than dragons you'd think) or if the next dragon would pick them up. Plus Drogon was facing the right direction so he may have seem the spear coming.

Taking out any dragon you can seems to be smart play. 

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4 minutes ago, wackywabbit said:

The which dragon to aim at issue doesn't bother me at all. Just because Drogon is bigger or he has people on his back? The NK may not even know how significant the people are (less significant than dragons you'd think) or if the next dragon would pick them up. Plus Drogon was facing the right direction so he may have seem the spear coming.

Taking out any dragon you can seems to be smart play. 

What if it was style points?

"see that dragon?" That's the one I'm taking out.

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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

I wonder if the dragon will have fire at all. Seems like that's only something it should be capable of while alive. 

yeah i don't think it would make much sense for him to breath fire. probably will breath some cold ish or something. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!

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What if for the twist. Arya is actually playing the game. And is trying to force/push Sansa to LF. Make it seem like all she has is LF. To get her out of the North and become Lady of the Vale. Which she will be passing on the Vale to their heirs. Would leave Jon alone in the North.

To set it up so blatantly that LF is going to get it in the end just sucks. Wrench needs to be tossed in there somehow.

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I read an article somewhere about everything that went down, and the fire breathing thing came up. A lot of people thought ice would match with the rest of the wights, but somebody commented and said that he still will breath fire, and that will be how they get through the wall. Viserion will melt the whole wall, or at least a part that will let the army though. I like that theory. 

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