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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Just now, Silver&Black88 said:

Do you feel at all like there's an element of causation regarding time travel from the element of rushing these last episodes out?  Because I do.

Probably.  With less time restraints, I have to believe they would have come up with a more convincing scenario than a frozen lake.  Maybe a really tiny fort of some sort where they could have held off an attack realistically for a number of days. 

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When they originally announced they were bumping the seasons down from 10 episodes to 7/6, I was disappointed, but also happy that they were focused on making a good product instead of forcing 10 episodes on us for money. Now I realize that they didn't care at all about the quality of the show and that's not at all why they bumped it down to 7 episodes, they cared about how much the CGI would cost over the course of 10 and thought simply reducing it to 7/6 would save them the difference. What a poor decision to make when wrapping up such an incredibly great first 6 seasons. I really hope the last episode delivers and I REALLY hope they don't do this again for season 8 and it's as great as we all hope.

Edited by McNabbs Beef
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Even with their rushed plots, they could have done so many little things differently that would have made the show much, much better IMO.

Here's a very basic rewrite of certain parts of the episode- IMO it makes it noticeably better. First make the very small adjustment of instead of having Dany wait at Dragonstone, have her wait at Eastwatch! She can have some dumb line about her worrying for their safety and wanting to go with them, Tyrion says it's too dangerous and she says fine she'll wait at Eastwatch in case they end up needing help. Nothing too crazy about that. Tyrion watches over Dragonstone, and it's not like shes in any real danger chilling at Eastwatch. Maybe even make some allusion to the fact that she's worried about Jon Snows safety and it's a reason why she's going. Have a scene where it shows the people of Winterfell and maybe other areas look up as they see Dragons flying overhead. Helps increase the word that a dragon queen is in Westeros. 

Gendry runs for a few hours, gets back there and the whole idea of Ravens flying ~1000 miles and them hanging out on an icy rock for a week is killed off. Dany gets the message and he points her in the right direction. They're maybe waiting for a day at most. Only "plothole" here is the ice freezing over that fast, but tbh we have no idea how cold it is up north. All we know is that it's REALLY freaking cold, so I don't think anyone would be too upset about that. Also, personal quip, but I'd like it if the icy island they were on was raised up a little bit higher, such that you literally have to climb a vertical surface to reach the top of it. This would make the idea of them holding off hundreds or thousands of wights more believable to me, as they would never have the possibility of being completely swarmed. This would also get rid of the "dany shows up just in time" BS, as they wouldn't have quite the same urgency. Not to make it boring, they'd still all need to be on top of their game has dozens of wights would be coming at them from all angles and they'd totally be fighting fatigue, but IMO it's much more believable. You could tell me they were holding them off for hours and I'd believe it as their would only be so many coming at a time. 

Sacrifice a little of the artificial drama for some realism. COMPLETELY DROP the whole "Jon Snow inching away from the Dragon for no reason, falling into ICY WATER, coming out alive despite being pulled down there by several wights, Uncle Benji coming to save him at the last second out of nowhere (but not coming with him), and then him riding for hours in freezing cold clothing back to East Watch and living" thing. Yeah, scrap that ENTIRE scene. It literally added nothing and ruins so much of what makes this show great. If you really want, you can add some more drama. Maybe Jon holds off the wights while everyone is getting on the dragon. As he turns to get on though a few climbing grab his leg and he has to turn to fight them. He screams at Dany to leave as he see another dead-eye-accuracy Javelin coming in hot. She flies away at the last second and Jon is left alone to fight the horde climbing up to him. He fights for a little and it looks semi-bleak, when the third dragon senses he's in some sh** and saves him. Alludes more to him being a Targ  and not nearly as crazy as what actually happened. Or don't do that, it doesn't matter. Just don't do what they actually did haha.

Edited by McNabbs Beef
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1 hour ago, McNabbs Beef said:

Even with their rushed plots, they could have done so many little things differently that would have made the show much, much better IMO.

Here's a very basic rewrite of certain parts of the episode- IMO it makes it noticeably better. First make the very small adjustment of instead of having Dany wait at Dragonstone, have her wait at Eastwatch! She can have some dumb line about her worrying for their safety and wanting to go with them, Tyrion says it's too dangerous and she says fine she'll wait at Eastwatch in case they end up needing help. Nothing too crazy about that. Tyrion watches over Dragonstone, and it's not like shes in any real danger chilling at Eastwatch. Maybe even make some allusion to the fact that she's worried about Jon Snows safety and it's a reason why she's going. Have a scene where it shows the people of Winterfell and maybe other areas look up as they see Dragons flying overhead. Helps increase the word that a dragon queen is in Westeros. 

Gendry runs for a few hours, gets back there and the whole idea of Ravens flying ~1000 miles and them hanging out on an icy rock for a week is killed off. Dany gets the message and he points her in the right direction. They're maybe waiting for a day at most. Only "plothole" here is the ice freezing over that fast, but tbh we have no idea how cold it is up north. All we know is that it's REALLY freaking cold, so I don't think anyone would be too upset about that. Also, personal quip, but I'd like it if the icy island they were on was raised up a little bit higher, such that you literally have to climb a vertical surface to reach the top of it. This would make the idea of them holding off hundreds or thousands of wights more believable to me, as they would never have the possibility of being completely swarmed. This would also get rid of the "dany shows up just in time" BS, as they wouldn't have quite the same urgency. Not to make it boring, they'd still all need to be on top of their game has dozens of wights would be coming at them from all angles and they'd totally be fighting fatigue, but IMO it's much more believable. You could tell me they were holding them off for hours and I'd believe it as their would only be so many coming at a time. 

Sacrifice a little of the artificial drama for some realism. COMPLETELY DROP the whole "Jon Snow inching away from the Dragon for no reason, falling into ICY WATER, coming out alive despite being pulled down there by several wights, Uncle Benji coming to save him at the last second out of nowhere (but not coming with him), and then him riding for hours in freezing cold clothing back to East Watch and living" thing. Yeah, scrap that ENTIRE scene. It literally added nothing and ruins so much of what makes this show great. If you really want, you can add some more drama. Maybe Jon holds off the wights while everyone is getting on the dragon. As he turns to get on though a few climbing grab his leg and he has to turn to fight them. He screams at Dany to leave as he see another dead-eye-accuracy Javelin coming in hot. She flies away at the last second and Jon is left alone to fight the horde climbing up to him. He fights for a little and it looks semi-bleak, when the third dragon senses he's in some sh** and saves him. Alludes more to him being a Targ  and not nearly as crazy as what actually happened. Or don't do that, it doesn't matter. Just don't do what they actually did haha.

The Rhaegal going to save Jon move would have made much more sense. Jump on, fly his dad.

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1 hour ago, McNabbs Beef said:

Even with their rushed plots, they could have done so many little things differently that would have made the show much, much better IMO.

Here's a very basic rewrite of certain parts of the episode- IMO it makes it noticeably better. First make the very small adjustment of instead of having Dany wait at Dragonstone, have her wait at Eastwatch! She can have some dumb line about her worrying for their safety and wanting to go with them, Tyrion says it's too dangerous and she says fine she'll wait at Eastwatch in case they end up needing help. Nothing too crazy about that. Tyrion watches over Dragonstone, and it's not like shes in any real danger chilling at Eastwatch. Maybe even make some allusion to the fact that she's worried about Jon Snows safety and it's a reason why she's going. Have a scene where it shows the people of Winterfell and maybe other areas look up as they see Dragons flying overhead. Helps increase the word that a dragon queen is in Westeros. 

Gendry runs for a few hours, gets back there and the whole idea of Ravens flying ~1000 miles and them hanging out on an icy rock for a week is killed off. Dany gets the message and he points her in the right direction. They're maybe waiting for a day at most. Only "plothole" here is the ice freezing over that fast, but tbh we have no idea how cold it is up north. All we know is that it's REALLY freaking cold, so I don't think anyone would be too upset about that. Also, personal quip, but I'd like it if the icy island they were on was raised up a little bit higher, such that you literally have to climb a vertical surface to reach the top of it. This would make the idea of them holding off hundreds or thousands of wights more believable to me, as they would never have the possibility of being completely swarmed. This would also get rid of the "dany shows up just in time" BS, as they wouldn't have quite the same urgency. Not to make it boring, they'd still all need to be on top of their game has dozens of wights would be coming at them from all angles and they'd totally be fighting fatigue, but IMO it's much more believable. You could tell me they were holding them off for hours and I'd believe it as their would only be so many coming at a time. 

Sacrifice a little of the artificial drama for some realism. COMPLETELY DROP the whole "Jon Snow inching away from the Dragon for no reason, falling into ICY WATER, coming out alive despite being pulled down there by several wights, Uncle Benji coming to save him at the last second out of nowhere (but not coming with him), and then him riding for hours in freezing cold clothing back to East Watch and living" thing. Yeah, scrap that ENTIRE scene. It literally added nothing and ruins so much of what makes this show great. If you really want, you can add some more drama. Maybe Jon holds off the wights while everyone is getting on the dragon. As he turns to get on though a few climbing grab his leg and he has to turn to fight them. He screams at Dany to leave as he see another dead-eye-accuracy Javelin coming in hot. She flies away at the last second and Jon is left alone to fight the horde climbing up to him. He fights for a little and it looks semi-bleak, when the third dragon senses he's in some sh** and saves him. Alludes more to him being a Targ  and not nearly as crazy as what actually happened. Or don't do that, it doesn't matter. Just don't do what they actually did haha.

Hit up the dudes on HBO.

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8 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Is Tyrion falling for Dany? Was that the point of their conversation in the last episode?

The bit where she said Jon was too short for her?  I think it was to re-inforce that she's thinking about him romantically, in case people didn't pick up on the fact that they've been eye******* each other for multiple episodes, so that the ending didn't seem to come out of nowhere

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On 8/20/2017 at 11:54 PM, Blackstar12 said:

How can you say this after what the NK did this episode?

To be fair, the Night King could be asexual at this point.  Spend enough time in that much cold and your bits and pieces have a decent chance of freezing and falling off.

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14 hours ago, scar988 said:

If this show was 12 seasons and done the way you say, it would have been ridiculously awesome.

That said, it would have been beyond expensive to do and not just because of the CGI.  They'd legitimately have to secure the majority. of the time of actors they were making bigger and bigger celebrities (at a constantly increasing cost) because if they didn't film at an ever-revolving schedule (minus maybe 3-4 month breaks at most), a good number of the actors would age out before their roles were completed.  This isn't a show like Seinfeld, Breaking Bad, or even the Sopranos where you're working with maybe 8-max core cast members.  GoT got into the realm of nearly double that on core cast members, at this point where 80% of them have seen major spikes in their demand for films and TV roles since

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35 minutes ago, drd23 said:

The bit where she said Jon was too short for her?  I think it was to re-inforce that she's thinking about him romantically, in case people didn't pick up on the fact that they've been eye******* each other for multiple episodes, so that the ending didn't seem to come out of nowhere

Yeah, she literally brought up that conversation point just so she could talk about Jon. "Know what I like about you, Tyrion? Jon.  I like Jon."

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1 minute ago, Silver&Black88 said:

Yeah, she literally brought up that conversation point just so she could talk about Jon. "Know what I like about you, Tyrion? Jon.  I like Jon."

Well, I mean it's been (not show-time, but what's considered to be a reasonable amount of time to go from the Free Cities to Westeros and then however long they've actually spent at Dragonstone) how long since she dumped Daario?  The woman has needs, after all!

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Jon and Khallisi is too obvious, I was hoping she would fall at the last moment for Tryian. Still a chance once (if) John and Khallisi find out about their lineage.

Does no one else think the realm would lay down their arms more readily if they were faced with a Targaryan and Lannister Queen / King combination? I think it makes too much sense.

Agreed on Jon jumping on Rhaegal. There was literally no purpose to him falling in the water and being separated from the group outside the writers feeling the need to close the loop on Benjen's character. And what a let down. They could have made him much more interesting. He probably should have died when resucing Bran, that would have made much more sense. But showing up last minute in typical Hollywood style and making illogical moves that lead to his death while saving the shows main character? That's not the GOT I fell for.

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