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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, thrILL! said:

Switching gears...

How much wildfire do we think Cersei still has and how might she use it?  Would she burn King’s landing to the ground in spite of it came to it?  I’m not sure Dany & Jon would set up their potential kingdom there anyway. 

Cersei explicitly tells Jaime(?) she will burn the entire city to the ground to protect her family (children?) in one episode. So yeah, I feel pretty confident she'd kill just about anyone and burn down the entire city if it meant she could be Queen still.

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2 hours ago, BayRaider said:

Too many people complaining. Did it have some flaws and maybe the ending could of been different? Sure. Good reason to look forward to the books, I’m sure that will be 90% different. 

However, it was a great episode, great battle, and I quite enjoyed it. This is top notch television that comes once in a bluemoon. Enjoy the episode for what it was and relax. I had a great time. I really thought every character might die at least once and my heart was pounding. 

Because people love to complain. About the draft, Endgame and now GoT. If something isn't spoon-fed to them then it's "lazy writing". The best way to enjoy a movie or TV show is by watching it and avoiding all online media afterwards. Stay in that bubble of having watched something that you truly enjoyed instead of having others nitpicking everything and belittling those who did enjoy it.

Some complain about how unrealistic last night's battle scenes were. Remember when this happened in an Oscar winning movie? 


If I have to complain about every plot hole in a movie or TV show then I'd be complaining about 95% of all movies and TV shows. Best to completely avoid all fantasy, sci-fi, horror and action movies. I'd rather just enjoy what I'm watching then letting these plot holes get to me so much that I need to rant and vent about it for hours. 

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4 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

Switching gears...

How much wildfire do we think Cersei still has and how might she use it?  Would she burn King’s landing to the ground in spite of it came to it?  I’m not sure Sansa & Tyrion would set up their potential kingdom there anyway. 


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2 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

The only reason I bring it up is because Arya is supposedly a master of disguise, so it would have been cool if she used a white walker's face, or something interesting. To me, it just felt like another point of lazy writing. 

That would’ve been cool but there was no time for her to do that.  Every second was precious so she couldn’t go playing Ethan Hunt. 

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1 minute ago, thrILL! said:

That would’ve been cool but there was no time for her to do that.  Every second was precious so she couldn’t go playing Ethan Hunt. 

I'm just imaging the complaints if she had actually done that.

"I'm supposed to believe she had time to run off, change her face, and then kill the NK?!?!?!"

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11 minutes ago, pwny said:

Also a thought. Not directed at anyone in particular, just a thought. If you consider yourself a fan of the biggest movie series, tv shows, video game series, etc. in human history and nearly every single one of them, you have roughly the exact same major complaint about them, maybe the issue isn’t every single major media production. Maybe it’s you.

Thats where someone like me comes in. Im not a fan of standard recycled generic Hollywood hero flicks and shows. Not whatsoever. 90% of non sport things I watch are educational history or car shows. And love the educational history for the realism with disregard to hero aspects.

Why the first 4 or maybe 5 seasons felt special to me. And while I still heavily enjoy GOT in its own way. Its not the same cup of tea today that I fell in love with those early seasons.

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1 minute ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Why the first 4 or maybe 5 seasons felt special to me. And while I still heavily enjoy GOT in its own way. Its not the same cup of tea today that I fell in love with those early seasons.

That just reminds me of fans complaining when their favorite artist’s new album doesn’t sound exactly like their last one. 

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11 minutes ago, Tyty said:

 that’s the hand flip knife trick that ended up saving westeros. 

Of note, that Talking Thrones pointed out, remember it was Bran (the one who can see through time) who gave Arya that dagger.  I've operated for about a season and a half now on the belief that all the New Gods (and possibly even the Old Gods) are really one in the same, just different riffs in presentation dependent on the culture/region.  This also made for a convenient, if arguably necessary to build the necessary tension, bit of plotting for Melisandre to be sent out before Bran re-entered in terms of being by Jon's side(ish).  Not that the NK and the army of the dead weren't enough to get Jon to believe in magic, but Jon needed to be shown that not all magic was bad/evil and that certain beings with supernatural powers could/needed to be believed.  Not that he necessarily wouldn't have believed Bran, but he was prepared for it.  But had you had Melisandre and Bran in the same place for a period before the battle, where they could effectively source-check one-another on what they're prophecizing, there's less tension.

I'm in no way arguing that Bran saw the definite future, but it's certainly possible he saw many possible futures a la Dr. Strange and was covering bases.

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28 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

If Sam was in the crypts, he would've had the chance to be a real hero by defending everyone.

Instead he laid on a pile of dead bodies for 30 minutes.

Someone had to hold those dead bodies down.  It's not like they had a giant on their side anymore.(Thanks for nothing, Ramsey!).

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30 minutes ago, pwny said:

Also a thought. Not directed at anyone in particular, just a thought. If you consider yourself a fan of the biggest movie series, tv shows, video game series, etc. in human history and nearly every single one of them, you have roughly the exact same major complaint about them, maybe the issue isn’t every single major media production. Maybe it’s you.

Oh yeah that wasn't directed at anybody in particular wink wink nudge nudge

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9 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

That just reminds me of fans complaining when their favorite artist’s new album doesn’t sound exactly like their last one. 

No. Its more like wrestling fans being a fan during the Attitude Era. Then the business wants to flip it to being PG and pushing a superhero while thinking the fanbase they had build would be happy with the changes.

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1 minute ago, PARROTHEAD said:

No. Its more like wrestling fans being a fan during the Attitude Era. Then the business wants to flip it to being PG and pushing a superhero while thinking the fanbase they had build would be happy with the changes.

That business became publicly traded, you're not going to be able to do the stuff (some of which people remember with waaay too rosy-tinged of glasses) that got Russo wet in the shorts in the AE while answering to shareholders.

You like to root for the bad guy.  No one's saying that you're not allowed to.  But don't act like that's an attitude reflected by the majority, especially when it comes to GoT.  Entire bars of people cheered when Arya came flying in and then again when she prison shanked the Night King, there's video of it all over the internet.  Pretty much been the law in entertainment media for a long while, eventually you have to adapt to the wants/expectations of the mainstream or you die in your niche.  Especially with TV, hence why we've seen so many great show concepts cancelled one or two seasons in.  With the kind of budget that was getting sunk into GoT, they weren't going to risk that.

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