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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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30 minutes ago, JonStark said:

I really need to get out of this thread. I'm completely fine if people weren't a fan of how it went down. Let your opinion be known, move on, and I can respect that. I agree it was rushed and that was a huge reason it wasn't as great as it could have been.

When people need to bring the ones who did enjoy it down, it's annoying. When people say it didn't fit her character, they're wrong. That's not opinion. Jon walking right by his best friend without saying goodbye is something that does not fit his character. Everything Dany did was set up over the entire series and was a part of her character whether people choose to see it or not. 

I'll tag you when @Calvert28 posts 500 words on why the all-female re-make of Ghostbusters is better than the original, because you don't wanna miss that.

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

No doubt it deserved better. I would disagree that its mediocre. But it fell from GOAT/Most amazing show ever - to just a good, entertaining show. Better than mediocre, but noticeably not what it once was.

For the record HBO wanted 2 more seasons. GRRM said it would take 4 more to fully vet what he wanted. The idea of 6 episodes sucks for everyone involved. 

When I say mediocre I am generally comparing it to the other seasons. It may not be mediocre in "All of TV" list but it is mediocre for what it once was. Its still entertaining no doubt but its just lost what made it special which is disappointing to a lot of people. 

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2 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

When is Watchers on the Wall going to get the respect it deserves? 

Sorry I missed that one but I would include that in the list as well. I don't really know if this is an unpopular take but my favorite will always be the Battle of the Bastards. 

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18 minutes ago, Forge said:
21 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

I'm curious about how GRRM plays out this scene or what we hear from Dany next episode. Will we get reasoning or a thought process? Or will they leave it ambiguous? Did she go mad or was she just fuelling her violent impulses?  

Honestly, I think the idea that she's "gone mad" is a little off to me. I don't think that is the case. There have certainly been Targs who were crazy, no doubt on that, but I think Dany is more in line with someone like Maegor (pre head injury) or something like that. I don't think she's crazy - I Do think that she's a tad violent (as a lot of Targ's have shown to be in the past), and she's embracing that. But I don't think that she's crazy. 

She is 100% not crazy. She even explained the rationale to Tyrion in the episode - it was all about combating Cersei and sparing innocent people from her reign. 

In the next episode if there's any conversation about it, she'll double down about how she was right. She saw evil in Astapor/Yunkai/Mereen and saw that here, and responded with justice.

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7 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

No matter what the cost and yet Dany chose to stay in Mereen for several years. Despite having a force capable of landing in Westeros.

A force?  The manpower sure, but she didn't have ships.

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3 hours ago, sunnygsm said:

Bravado. She's going to make bold statements when she's grasping for power. There's a big gap between words and action. I don't think what she did was outside the scope of her character; however, going from burning enemies to innocents is a step that could have been more fleshed out. 

I will say that unlike the other episodes in the season, this one has grown on me since I saw it. The others got gradually worse the more I thought about them. 

The step from burning enemies to burning innocents can be made in a single step if that step is one in which you come to view said innocents (specifically the people in the capital) as enemies.

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18 minutes ago, Leader said:

I disagree with this thinking entirely. You're certainly entitled to think so and I'm not hassling you - but this is some SERIOUS TV and I'm not going to get hung up on the (perceived) nuances of character arc, film editing and alike.



What do you find endearing about GoT if not it's character development? Just an honest question. I could never not be hung up on the character arcs because that's the foundation of the show to me. 

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9 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

She is 100% not crazy. She even explained the rationale to Tyrion in the episode - it was all about combating Cersei and sparing innocent people from her reign. 

In the next episode if there's any conversation about it, she'll double down about how she was right. She saw evil in Astapor/Yunkai/Mereen and saw that here, and responded with justice.

If they go that route I'll still consider her crazy as its maniacal. I don't think she can claim that she was responding with justice here. The alternative would be to have her acknowledge that she did it to send a message. She's going to rule and this is the cost for everyone's betrayal etc.

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1 minute ago, THE DUKE said:

She just killed 300000 non combatants after the city surrendered.  She crazy.  That'd be like bombing Hiroshima after Japan surrendered.

Yes, she's a villain now and the show needs to end with her char broiling anyone and anything that opposes her until she's dead or everyone else is. There's no coming back from what she did.

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2 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:
14 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

She is 100% not crazy. She even explained the rationale to Tyrion in the episode - it was all about combating Cersei and sparing innocent people from her reign. 

In the next episode if there's any conversation about it, she'll double down about how she was right. She saw evil in Astapor/Yunkai/Mereen and saw that here, and responded with justice.

If they go that route I'll still consider her crazy as its maniacal. I don't think she can claim that she was responding with justice here. The alternative would be to have her acknowledge that she did it to send a message. She's going to rule and this is the cost for everyone's betrayal etc.

Then you're defining crazy to call her crazy. She has an ethical code: free people from tyranny by whatever means necessary. It's obviously skewed, no one here is actually justifying what she did. But it's the same extreme code she's had literally the entire show.

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3 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

Yes, she's a villain now and the show needs to end with her char broiling anyone and anything that opposes her until she's dead or everyone else is. There's no coming back from what she did.

Yeah, Jon or Arya are taking this woman out this weekend..... and I ain't talkin bout no BBQ dinner!!

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36 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

There has been an effort to "negative bomb" everything GoT this season. Its not surprising that it is much lower. Even people upset with the Dany situation could agree that it is not the worst episode ever. 


Thats the beauty of the internet though. Wouldnt shock me if half of those votes are bots. 

I reject this notion. The first few episodes are in the 8's and the 3rd episode, which is also over an 8, has 50,000+ more votes than this one. Plus 32% of the votes gave it a 10 as opposed to 18% giving it a 1. Removing both from the equation puts it roughly at a 6.4. I don't buy there being an agenda for only the past two episodes.

Edited by Bullet Club
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10 minutes ago, sunnygsm said:

If they go that route I'll still consider her crazy as its maniacal. I don't think she can claim that she was responding with justice here. The alternative would be to have her acknowledge that she did it to send a message. She's going to rule and this is the cost for everyone's betrayal etc.

She realizes that fear is all she has. She said so to Jon before the attack when he spurned her. She knows that if she lets it come down to who the people love and admire, the throne is Jon's easily as he has the claim. Honestly, this was her best bet to keep the throne. 

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