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Am I the only one not chugging the Kool-Aid?


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Don't get me wrong -- I'm not judging or complaining about those who have busted out the beer bongs -- but I have been wondering what the hell has been wrong with me lately. Today it hit me...

The last time I was excited about an offensive head coach, it was Marc Trestman. Sure, I got to enjoy the #2 scoring offense in the NFL his first season, but we still managed to not make the playoffs due to Aaron Rodgers gutting us.

Looking even further back... I was so sure that Jay Cuter was the missing piece to our (at the time) elite defense that I was foaming at the mouth waiting for the 2009 season to start. Anyone remember that game?

That's right... Sunday Night Football, at Green Bay. Colossal letdown.

Fast forward to now and it's like both those ******* scenarios met at a bar, got hammered, banged and out came the 2018 football season. I can't tell you the last time we've had this much (potential) talent on the offensive side of the ball fused with a head coach that is coming from what I consider to be the most exciting brand of offensive football. Combine that with a (franchise?) QB who is beloved by his teammates and coaches/ownership and you have a recipe for something special. Then we add Khalil Mack in a blockbuster trade and you have visions of an already top 10 defense moving up to elite status.

Oh, and we get to open on Sunday Night Football, at Green Bay. I know I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much, but I have to be honest in that it ******* sucks. I miss feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins and being so restless and pissed off that today is only Wednesday.

Am I alone here? Does anyone else feel different about this season than year's past? Have I become a jaded Bears fan that demands that they "prove it first" before they get to earn my passion?

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No problem with keeping your guard up. There are a ton of ways the season can let you down. Just let the great plays still be exciting, rather than having a room and gloom attitude when something good does happen. That's really all we can do. 



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I share your reticence, and have been disappointed too many times to truly expect greatness Sunday.


The team is about as well built as I can remember, but the linch pin is still going to be trubisky.  Is he ready? Is he even good?  I really like him, but so far all he's shown us is that he's not going to be a total bust, probably. Last year was about as indeterminate as can be for a quarterback.  If he's at least good, the bears should be good, but I don't really know that yet. 


I'm with you, and will be watching with more trepidation than usual, although no matter how much the bears stink I still love watching the game

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When we traded for Cutler I was at NIU and remember being interviewed for the local paper saying Cutler> Rodgers. Then the first game at green bay and he throws 4 picks. It was such a let down. 

I think this trade is so much more different than that one. I still think we lose this Sunday but I think t his trade will show dividends as the season progresses. 

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I'm right there with you G08 .. if Kevin White can show why he was the 7th overall pick, in addition to all of the other pass catching options added this off-season, with a run game of Howard Cohen and BC !! we could very well be looking at a SB run ! If biscuit shows out the sky is the limit with our D !!!

I would still like to see Pace add a vet CB, awfully thin after Fuller and PA, can PA stay healthy ??Nonetheless I have not been this excited since '06/'07 .. plenty of reasons for SKY HIGH OPTIMISM !!

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33 minutes ago, beardown3231 said:

I'm not chugging, I'm sipping. At least it'll be exciting. I already said I still expect them to win 8 or 9 games. It'll be 2019 where I think they're a playoff contender.

This is where I'm at.  I definitely see the needle being pointed up, and I think we have a outside chance at a wildcard spot, but it'll take some time for this team to fully mesh, and think next year is real year where we will see success.  I'm still hoping for an overall winning record this season, though, which I do not think is out of the question.

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25 minutes ago, beardown3231 said:

Whichever one of you said you think Hicks will play and Floyd won't, I'm not sure where you got any of that. Only two Bears are on the injury report and neither are significant- Daniel Brown and DHC.

Thurs and Fridays participation reports haven't been sent in yet either though. Friday being the most important for Sunday games.

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1 hour ago, SLCbear said:

I'm right there with you G08 .. if Kevin White can show why he was the 7th overall pick, in addition to all of the other pass catching options added this off-season, with a run game of Howard Cohen and BC !! we could very well be looking at a SB run ! If biscuit shows out the sky is the limit with our D !!!

I would still like to see Pace add a vet CB, awfully thin after Fuller and PA, can PA stay healthy ??Nonetheless I have not been this excited since '06/'07 .. plenty of reasons for SKY HIGH OPTIMISM !!

I usually start drinking a _little_ early before a Bears night game, but by my math you've got 77 hours or so to keep it up.  

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