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12 hours ago, plan9misfit said:

@Matts4313, what about this? Do Troy Aikman, Jimmy Johnson and Terry Bradshaw know anything about football? Or are their comments just useless media fodder, too? After all, it’s not like any of them have won championships or have busts in Canton or anything.

They said the exact same things we have been saying for months, right down to the footwork being cleaned up to help mask bad throws. But I'm a hater.

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1 hour ago, resilient part 2 said:

THIS is exactly my thoughts. Welcome to the club... 

I agree with all but Bolded the most important IMO.

Nominate this for POTY 

A few years ago, @The_Slamman nominated one of my posts for POTY. It contained 5 words and was a response to someone who said they drank the Garrett Kool-Aid. It read “Did it taste like urine?”

Sometimes, great posts can be really short.

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2 minutes ago, DaBoys said:

They said the exact same things we have been saying for months, right down to the footwork being cleaned up to help mask bad throws. But I'm a hater.

Not just a hater, but a know nothing, and someone who just makes things up with no evidence. Just ask Matts. He’ll tell you.

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43 minutes ago, DaBoys said:

They said the exact same things we have been saying for months, right down to the footwork being cleaned up to help mask bad throws. But I'm a hater.

You're not a hater.   We have different opinions and that is what makes the forum work.

 Dak has issues but again I ask has the organization done everything it can to provide Dak with the proper supporting cast of players, coaches, and schemes?  Dak is not going to turn an average wr into an All Pro like Brady, Rodgers, Brees etc.  But I'm convinced that he can succeed with the right system.

I respect Aikman's Bradshaw's and Johnson's concerns.  But you know what?  We can also find a lot of people who will say they like Dak.  Where is that going to get us?

I think the organization is committed to Dak.  Broken record time.  Get him the support he needs.

For me I think Dak succeeds with a TE, healthy OL, and a system that plays to his strengths.  Start with a new OC and an experienced QB coach.  

Of course if he fails then, well we have a problem.

But if we move on from Dak now who do we turn to?  Flacco?  Carr? A draft pick?  Cooper Rush?  We have won a lot of games with Dak.  

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4 hours ago, Texas_OutLaw7 said:

I actually think Dak can be very successful in the right offense. But we don't have a coordinator that can highlight his strengths.


Yes, we just need to find that elusive OC who excels with inaccurate QBs who lack anticipation and has a poor feel for the pocket.

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2 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:

There is a big big difference between criticizing and hating, and some of you guys have no idea how far across the line you have it. But I will leave it at that.

There is also a fine line between supporting Dak and being completely blind in his faults while placing all the blame on SL, JG, tight ends and o-line.

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3 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:

There is a big big difference between criticizing and hating, and some of you guys have no idea how far across the line you have it. But I will leave it at that.

This is exactly the point. Ive been adamant since day 1 that Dak has faults. Infact, I think I said 1/3 of his struggles are his fault. But I just get super annoyed by the dumb haters. 

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I wouldn't mind mixing a bit of BMORE offense with SL OC schemes temporarily for this PO run. But SL is stuck in his ways. Getting a new OC is imperative next year. Dak's last year on a rookie contract. If this offense continues to struggle in 2019 with him at the helm then we need to address it for 2020. 

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You know what’s super lame?  Calling people haters for merely pointing out the obvious.  Are we haters for pointing out JG is a ginger and likes to clap?  No.  It’s who he is.  


We want to like Dak.  We want him to succeed.  But when it’s clear that he lacks basic skills that are fundamental to being an NFL qb, pointing them out isn’t hating.  And to be clear... it’s more Dak than SL.  SL sees Dak every day.  SL knows Dak’s Shortcomings better than all of us.  SL isn’t trying to set up Dak for failure (unless you consider EVER calling any pass play inside the red zone as setting Dak up for failure).  

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2 hours ago, CAPJ said:

There is also a fine line between supporting Dak and being completely blind in his faults while placing all the blame on SL, JG, tight ends and o-line.

I haven’t read any post in a long long time that says DAK does not have any faults    I take umbrage with the constant bashing that DAK is not accurate he is one if the more accurate young passers in the game his problem is not accuracy his problem is he has an occasional problem that will lead to bad passes but sense he can go a whole game completing 80% it’s not like its happening a lot a game Yes he also struggles in a collapsing pocket at time make the judgement on what to do    People complain he doesn’t throw the ball down field enough but I personally feel this is a scheme route issue combined with a underperforming OL   Yes he at times will take a SAFE throw over risking a deeper pass and this may lead to him missing some opportunities down field    But these are also why he doesn’t turn the ball over as frequently as most young QB and can mask him not trying so many deep passes

just a little tidbit last game Mahomes averaged 6.8 yards a pass and Dak 6.4  that isn’t much difference considering that is how by being accurate completing his safe passes Dak is at least being effective

remember also yeah DAk should have hit the TE for a ten yard gain but his pass to Elliot should have gone for a first down but in a rare situation Elliot didnt complete the catch at the first down marker those two are at a 85-88 % catch to target rate 

side note we average just under 2 - 3 an outs a game which Yes is a little too high but not exceedingly bad Ironically we had Zero three outs in the Indy game 

AND YES he will miss a few open guys a game when those guys are not his FIRST read 

all these are fixable with experience and coaching 

But what I say is he also is one of the better leaders at the QB position and also shown evidence of being extremely clutch as evidence by his high total of 4qtr winning drives and his over all tecord can not be discounted and I would say he had even close to The D two years ago we have now we would be playing in the super bowl that year so YES i also feel he is good enough to win a super bowl with the players we have on the team right now though our OL needs to be completely health And TSmith needs to be playing at a pro bowl level not the crap we have been seeing of late 

My other major complaint is this notion that we can just get some one better in the draft or pick up some one better History tells us that is a bad percentage as you got to go back to ....  Payton Manning I think to find a first round QB who came in played at a high level as a rook and every year after....  and Ben  Ryan Cam and Flacco   Did make the super bowl quickly  but look at Ben year three to see he was way worse then Dak year two or this year even   Ryan has been consistent good reg season but done a poor job winning the clutch games as he has had a good team yet struggled to win in playoffs  Cam has been up and down and did have one good year as did Flacco.  But that is THREE in what seven years of three 1st rnd QB per year so that’s what 1 in 6 or seven NOT good odds and one other Fowles made it how many QB change teams year after year!!!    Then you have Brady Wilson Rogers all we’re either not 1st rnd QB or spent well over a year on the bench after being drafted    Yeah we can add ELI but don’t get me started on that though it also shows you don’t need a top 15 QB just one who can play a couple games in a row with out making devistating turn overs and be solid in clutch time 

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“Lacks basic skills that are fundamental to being a NFL QB”.  

- This to me is totally crazy view to take. If you want to take this view regarding Dak’s problems then it can be easily argued  IMO then there are very few starting QB’s in the league who have ALL the basic skills needed to be a NFL QB certainly again IMO not enough to field over half the teams playing 

so at this point we can agree to disagree I feel you are being too critical biased against Dak based on what I see out of other QB’s over the years and what I have seen Dak do both this year last year and as a rookie  

I would also say Aikmen would have been gone  after his rookie year based on what I see as your view and Big Ben after year three  

Thus THAT is my view YES Dak does not have all the skills you see in a elite QB  but most Qb’s in the league also do not have all the skills especially young QB’s and almost all QB’s improve with time and you need to both give them time but also put them in the right situation to start  

 And you don’t need a Brady clone to win the super bowl 

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