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On 5/26/2022 at 1:05 PM, PARROTHEAD said:

Wishing I kept that play. But, think people know me and Ford by now. Ford was still in that 12.50 range. After buying what I could Tuesday. I sent near everything else its way yesterday. So really cant complain. Im just stuck waiting out the wash rule cause I made the same play 2 weeks ago.

just hopped out at 186.  Might hit 200 but i'm not gonna argue with  15 percent gain

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Okay, so Stryve Jerky is literally the best jerky I have ever tried in my life.

It was probably a terrible decision, but I saw it’s publicly traded so I bought 1,000 shares.

The last time I believed strongly in AND used a product AND invested in it was Roku and I only did 100.

I was going to post this in WAYTA, but I guess it’s locked for some reason.


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9 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

Okay, so Stryve Jerky is literally the best jerky I have ever tried in my life.

It was probably a terrible decision, but I saw it’s publicly traded so I bought 1,000 shares.

The last time I believed strongly in AND used a product AND invested in it was Roku and I only did 100.

I was going to post this in WAYTA, but I guess it’s locked for some reason.


SNAX peaked from it's all time high at $13.06 in Feb last year and is now down to $1.28.

In December they announced a deal with Costco and Walmart to distribute. Their stock was at ~$4.68 and only went down from there.

They have ~12.8mil shares outstanding with a float of 6.2mil. The average volume is ~500k. Yet on Dec 16th they had 43.73mil volume for the day. At a glance, it looks like a company being shorted by hedgefunds. I wish you luck.

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18 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

SNAX peaked from it's all time high at $13.06 in Feb last year and is now down to $1.28.

In December they announced a deal with Costco and Walmart to distribute. Their stock was at ~$4.68 and only went down from there.

They have ~12.8mil shares outstanding with a float of 6.2mil. The average volume is ~500k. Yet on Dec 16th they had 43.73mil volume for the day. At a glance, it looks like a company being shorted by hedgefunds. I wish you luck.

Don’t care it tastes good. I will go down with this ship.

I feel like there’s a legit chance all of this is because of supply chain issues.

It’s legit the healthiest jerky on the market and cheaper than most other jerky. If/when they expand into other healthy alternatives, and outside of this current market…

IDK. They’re either going to bottom out or they’re going to do very well.

Either way, I just want them to survive because I would be more upset about losing out on the jerky than I would be losing out on 1,000-ish dollars.

Edited by Outpost31
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GFI Gold Fields Limited (South Africa) down 23.44% today. They acquired my favorite gold company to buy stock of in Yamana out of Canada.

They paid way to much. But it made them the 4th biggest gold mining company in the world.

The drop was severe. Overreaction. I think theyre going to bounce like an Outpost check after betting on SNAX. Green candles coming. Yamana had lots of good ground. Wonder if GFI is interested in other minerals as well. Branching out in the future.


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5 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

GFI Gold Fields Limited (South Africa) down 23.44% today. They acquired my favorite gold company to buy stock of in Yamana out of Canada.

They paid way to much. But it made them the 4th biggest gold mining company in the world.

The drop was severe. Overreaction. I think theyre going to bounce like an Outpost check after betting on SNAX. Green candles coming. Yamana had lots of good ground. Wonder if GFI is interested in other minerals as well. Branching out in the future.


That drop is on 65mil volume when the average is 8.1mil 😲 Although having a float of ~887mil doesn't make it too extremely crazy.

Recent peak was in March at ~$16.70 (all time in 2005 at ~$19.15) and it doesn't appear to have been really affected by the pandemic.

At a quick glance, this one has my interest. Seeing that they also deal with copper definitely helps. I think people don't really appreciate the materials needed for computer chips, cables, and all that. I'll watch this one for another month or so before deciding whether or not to buy in. Thanks for sharing.

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10 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Would anyone mind giving me your thoughts on BDCO? I've been thinking about it for a little bit now but want to get another opinion. My biggest concern right now is that we're entering hurricane season.

How long have you thought about it? Just looking at the chart (Ive never followed the company) Looks like its boomed all May long. Up 78%. Ive been "late to the party" a couple times. So glad youre asking around and doing youre homework.


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2 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

How long have you thought about it? Just looking at the chart (Ive never followed the company) Looks like its boomed all May long. Up 78%. Ive been "late to the party" a couple times. So glad youre asking around and doing youre homework.


A few months. I initially didn't start out looking at them, rather I focused on companies that do jet fuel and they were in the group. But their recent price jumps has me focused on them. For quite a while over the last year there was contaminated jet fuel throughout the South/Southeast of the US. So the supplies were short plus we have people getting back to traveling again. Also, the military doing more public missions across the Atlantic to assist with Ukraine, baby formula, etc. Jet fuel is in demand.

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23 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

What is going on in the world of Bio/Drugs today? Cant look around atm. But near all the top losers are in that arena, several hitting new lows.

Chances are the drugs they have in their pipelines failed some sort of test/or didn't give great results.  The two I'm watching (though they are much smaller biotechs) are pretty much even today

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