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Just now, Mind Character said:

I think round 1 Mind Character vs. Mistakey is a debatable bout...

The fight was over-hyped and disappointing... when it comes to internet standards...

see i used to have to be right once upon a time
i made some enemies its actually how i got this here user name
it led me to fight about who was better colt mccoy or sam bradford with some rams fans
had to defend the tribe defend the COLT

turns out he just sucked and my take was bad but i had to defend my take

notice how i was on board with any of the never Allen qbs?
i just wanna be a fan and be able to root for my browns without seeing walls of text talkin about how dumb we are to be excited for baker mayfield

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42 minutes ago, bosko1616 said:

Because everyones ripping mind 


@Mind Character I almost never read your entire post. I just pick and choose what I want to respond too. But rarely ever do because I know your response is going to be a term paper in gender studies by a gender fluid 22 year old him/her on why there’s more then 2 genders. There I said it. 

I have non-binary light switches in my house. Because I wouldn't want to assume.

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4 minutes ago, Mind Character said:

I just hope one day we can get back to you posting about me on Reddit like the good old days...

It wasn’t a post, it was a comment...You nailed baker and Ward. Props on that but you had misses before and After...

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11 hours ago, buno67 said:

To me tho, with the success they are having with Gregg. If the new guy comes in and struggles, everyone will start to turn towards Gregg and it could cause a weird dynamic. I think to keep Gregg it would take a Vet HC to do it. 

As long as that veteran HC isnt Mike McCarthey Im good

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17 minutes ago, mistakey said:

see i used to have to be right once upon a time
i made some enemies its actually how i got this here user name
it led me to fight about who was better colt mccoy or sam bradford with some rams fans
had to defend the tribe defend the COLT

turns out he just sucked and my take was bad but i had to defend my take

notice how i was on board with any of the never Allen qbs?
i just wanna be a fan and be able to root for my browns without seeing walls of text talkin about how dumb we are to be excited for baker mayfield



We have fallen into the time-loop again... the prophecy foretold this...

On 4/24/2018 at 4:53 PM, mistakey said:

unlike you i wont grieve if we take baker mayfield
first of all isnt that INSANELY dramatic?


On 4/24/2018 at 5:49 PM, Mind Character said:

You think!?...

Shucks...... And here all this time I thought my posts about Cleveland becoming a post-apocalyptic hellscape where there are water wars and no rule of law wasn't dramatic at all...


.... Wait... so again... let me get this straight... you're saying that me speaking hyperbolic and in old English-ish about the pending Armageddon and descent into an Post-Apocalyptic hellscape when we draft Baker over Sam has undermined my wall of texts doing serious analysis of Baker versus the rest of the QBs play assessment and pro-project even when I praised Baker as a repeated pro-bowl but preferred Sam b/c I thought in 3 years he'll be the best headed toward a HOF career????

NOOOOOOO...... How could I let this happen??


On 4/25/2018 at 11:04 PM, Mind Character said:

There are those of us that read the book of Dorsey...The prophecy foretold this.... then Darkness shall sweep over the Ohio Lands for one last time before the Great, Final Cataclysm....


On 3/4/2018 at 10:21 PM, Mind Character said:

Dear lord Bruce,

Thou'st doth command ye hold thine tongue good sir.

Silence! Lest ye spoil & disturb the Cosmic Winds set to grace we troubled few with the presence of lord Samuel Darnold of San Clemente.

The mad lord McCloughan was last seen filled to the collar with spirits preaching the gospel of little-Favre to er'a ear he could find.

Bad news from the stronghold in Berea. Mine spies spoketh of dastardly tales of young master Andrew Berry & meister Paul of the Moneyball Citadel being swayed by the sweet poisen siren song of PFF charlatans & disciples of the gospel of little-Favre.

I darest not trouble ye further, but I regret to inform ye that the new Master of the Court lord Dorsey of House Non-Wordsmithian has become a smitten follower of such foolery.

Thou'st doth'nt want to hear these words, but thy last hope lies in none other than lord Hueball of once top Offense acclaim, lord Zampese, & lord Haley.

Rumors abound that lord Dorsey has won sir Haley to his side promising unspeakable & treasonous machinations against sir Hue.

The odds are meager that we shall prevail. 

There be'ist little time to secure victory before all is lost. I still fear we shall all soon fall under the flag of Little-Favre. 

Whispers from the land of Sashi are that lord Brown loved good sir Darnold...but I digress...

Can sir Hue sway the mad King Haslam & his little-Favre minions?

I pray thee well & have good cheer until the dark night of draft day shall befall us.

I shall make haste in the morn to light a candle for sir Zampese & master Hue.

Yourn Fellow FFer,

lord Mind Character

On 4/19/2018 at 4:08 PM, Mind Character said:

Welcome brethren... there's lasagna, cognac, and whiskey in the kitchen.. and boxes of Kleenex and trash cans in every room for your sadness...

Soon many of our brethren will be pouring into the house wearing all black, angry, dazed, confused, and lost... they'll need us more than ever... just remind them there's always next year... and Josh Gordon hasn't (yet) fallen back in love with the evil one's lettuce...


On 4/19/2018 at 7:40 PM, Mind Character said:

"When we pass on HOFer Sam Darnold, and pass we shall... it will be to the blind applause of the masses." -- Proximo, Gladiator




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5 minutes ago, Mind Character said:


We have fallen into the time-loop again... the prophecy foretold this...



.... Wait... so again... let me get this straight... you're saying that me speaking hyperbolic and in old English-ish about the pending Armageddon and descent into an Post-Apocalyptic hellscape when we draft Baker over Sam has undermined my wall of texts doing serious analysis of Baker versus the rest of the QBs play assessment and pro-project even when I praised Baker as a repeated pro-bowl but preferred Sam b/c I thought in 3 years he'll be the best headed toward a HOF career????

NOOOOOOO...... How could I let this happen??







this is one sentence for anyone who is keeping track

it also answers your question - yes.  it does.  if no one reads your stuff because they find the shtick preceding it intolerable then uh yeah it undermines it

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1 hour ago, ditchdigger said:

If there were countless posts, surely someone here would remember them, or would be easy to find in your post history.

All I remember was the crap you gave me for calling Hue a fraud and the worst coach in history.

Which he indeed was, and you were 100% wrong on.

There is no nuance involved with being a fraud, and no context other than the worst record in the history of the NFL.



You can't remember what you don't read or understand.

Enjoy your right to derp my fellow internet forum brethren.

1 hour ago, NateDawg said:

@Mind Character you made some legitimate points and backed off your hard stance shortly before he got canned. I just want a direct stance on whether he was a source of turmoil and deflection, deserved to be fired, and a bad head coach. We are all aware of Haley’s shortcomings as well, but Hue had ample chances running things and is the HC that insisted on a veteran QB, etc. The list goes on. In short, whether he was an issue and in the end deserved to be fired. 

Not true man. I didn't back off of anything before "Hue got canned."

I just haven't been active on the forum as the weeks drag on due to work ramping up before the Holidays which is no different than my normal inactivity on the forum around this time. I always circle back during late December and push actively toward draft season.

I agreed with the firing of Hue in the end.

And have made many post about the best reasons for firing Hue for a long time.

On 1/19/2018 at 6:50 PM, Mind Character said:


Is this year. The 2017 season. And the issues that have arisen.

Not his time with the Raiders, Falcons, Bengals, or Ravens.

Not 2016 when he never threw a player under the bus and took the blame everytime.

Not the RG3 nonguaranteed contract gamble on a previous QB1... not wanting Goff and Wentz, but agreeing with the consensus organizational decision of tanking/moneyball... not going 1-15 in 2016 with rookie 4th round pick Cody Kessler with Ricardo Louis rookie types, Cam Erving, Greco, and Austin Pazstor. a 34 defense with 43 rookies Nassib, Ogbah, Schobert...

Not that he wanted Mahomes, Trubisky, and Malik Hooker over Deshaun Watson, but still texted him and would've to select Deshaun over trading down.

The Best Evidence is the case of Deshone Kizer, situational football mismanagement, allowing a year of frustrations to boil over to the point where he even allowed others to perceive that he was blaming the talent of the roster on the losing, and making short sighted decisions to win now that didn't fit the developmental plan of a young QB.

Benching Deshone Kizer was not bad as every position on the field gets benched/rookie or not for consecutive catastrophic play.

However, it's hard to argue that Kizer was maximized given the results that the coaching on Accuracy, footwork, situational football, and turnovers did not take root.

That all can't be blamed on Kizer the rookie QB, and Hue had a major part in that. Ultimately, if the coach's coaching doesn't take root and manifest in the play of the player then the coach deserves responsibility.

The organization however did what it set out to do in 2016 (tank, get rid of best talent, burn it to the ground, accumulate picks, and lose in epic fashion)... For 2017 Heading into 2017 Team Changes: The only difference between the 2016 team and the 2017 team literally was Subtracting Joe Haden, Terrelle Pryor, Demario Davis & Adding Kenny Britt, Jason Mccourty, Kevin Zeitler, JC Tretter, & Rookies at key/critical positions...that's it. The results were always likely going to be similar.

What changed was the quality of Hue's leadership and willingness to shoulder blame and make excuses. Once that started it was the beginning of his soon to be downfall.

It does make sense that after going 1-15 that it was hard to watch the redzone and catastrophic INTs of Kizer in 3 straight games.

So, when making a fire Hue claim, look no further than this year, but just know that 2016 will be lumped in with everything else erroneously as a reason why Hue deserves to be fired.


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16 minutes ago, mistakey said:

this is one sentence for anyone who is keeping track

it also answers your question - yes.  it does.  if no one reads your stuff because they find the shtick preceding it intolerable then uh yeah it undermines it

Schtick?? Intolerable??

And here I thought my posts were hallowed amongst the legends of footballsfuture...

Looks like it's about time for me to shove-off ...

I shall return with a long, non-quality soon-to-not be read post the likes no one has ever seen...

Challenge accepted... I hear you loud and clear... We're finally on the same page...

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1 hour ago, mistakey said:

aint good vibes when the dude runs his mouth about how only he knows the truth with 5 paragraph essays, cries chicken little when baker mayfield gets drafted for like a literal 6 months, and antagonizes others for simply not seeing the 'truth of his ways'

while the browns thrive without hue jackson and with baker mayfield.  its like he built up his persona based on the correctness of his takes and then his takes turned out to be ridiculously wrong and insanely dramatic

Fair comments. My preference isnt to speak to anyone in antagonizing ways.

It seems Cheddar hasn't handled it all that well, never know where people are at irl, and the closer people are tied to their ideas or online identity the more they get messed up when things dont go well. I'm.not syaong that is the case with mind or mc, but I work with stacks of people that have tried to top themselves and some of them are more affected by online stuff than others. 

Maybe I am overreacting, and your response isnt unreasonable.

Either way, I am on everyone's side and go browns.

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1 hour ago, Mind Character said:

That means a lot coming from a know nothing DERP such as yourself.

Dramatic? Me? Of course... that's part of the fun.

Ridiculously wrong? No.

Wrong at times? Absolutely.

You offer very little of value in analysis or opinion for someone throwing so many stones.

Dude, that long analysis of quarterbacks up there alone showed how wrong you were in your assessment of Baker. You were way off. Just because you articulate an incorrect thought well doesn't make it correct.  It's okay that you were wrong, but you were wrong.

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14 minutes ago, NudeTayne said:

Dude, that long analysis of quarterbacks up there alone showed how wrong you were in your assessment of Baker. You were way off. Just because you articulate an incorrect thought well doesn't make it correct.  It's okay that you were wrong, but you were wrong.

What was I exactly way off about in said analysis (below) that you are referring to?

If I said Sam Darnold should've been taken over Baker, but believed that Baker would be the clear best QB in year 1 and Darnold would have a historically bad year 1 how is that wrong?

On 1/2/2018 at 4:38 PM, Mind Character said:


@LETSGOBROWNIES You make me sick of myself....the urge to long, no quality posts in response to even clear trolling is always too strong...


(Exercise) Point based ranking system of the 2018 QBs: Assign points (1-4 points; 1 point to the QB that ranks last in that Ability Category, 4 points to the QB that ranks first in that Ability category).

**The Results surprised me and had me rethink some of my general assumptions and impressions about the QBs and how far they are from one another in terms of value.


QBs in Consideration (Sam Darnold, Baker Mayfield, Josh Rosen, and Josh Allen).

***Caveat is in reality not all categories would be weighted equally/same. That is, some mean more than others, but for the exercises sake will treat them as equal.***

Categories/Winning QB Indices::

  • Winners Mentality/Resiliency Traits: Grit/resilience in face of adversity, strength of will (do teammates and all around him feel he's an undeniable winning force), work ethic
    • 1. Baker Mayfield (4 points): Self made walk-on player, had blue collar jobs, teammates believe he's an undeniable force, film room junkie.
    • 2. Sam Darnold (3 points): Working class family upbringing, had blue collar jobs since he was young, family w/o money at times before business success, teammates believe he's an undeniable force, film room junkie.
    • 3. Josh Allen (2): Undervalued, self-made JUCO and FBS player, lived on low budged and had blue collar jobs. teammates have ultimate belief in him
    • 4. Josh Rosen (1): Entitled, rich family, no childhood or youth struggle, country club tennis player lifer, teammates love him for his political stances, teammates believe in him, not known as the biggest film junkie and worker off the field.
  • Pocket Acumen: Pocket poise, blitz/pressure avoidance movement (side steps, up steps, strength to shrug off defenders, subtle movement to reset to a throwing platform), eye level under pressure, ability to sense back side pressure and sack/fumble.
    • 1. Josh Rosen (4 points): Really adept at pocket foot work and side step and subtle platform displacement maneuvers. Calm demeanor in the pocket with great eye level. average job at feeling back side pressure and sack/fumble.
    • 2. Sam Darnold (3 points): Tremendous poise although fled the pocket more so this year based on a shaky OLine, the best of the bunch at quick avoidance and reset to another platform, eyes always down the field. Gets sped up at times, poor job at feeling back side pressure and sack/fumble.
    • 3. Baker Mayfield (2): Great within pocket mobility. Eye level goes toward defense when the pressure is on. Doesn't see windows when interior pressure is on and doesn't always do the best resetting with sound foot work. Never experiences back side pressure and sack/fumble due to elite pass protection and offensive scheme
    • 4. Josh Allen (1): Unseasoned footwork and presence in the pocket. Flees the pocket before even sensing backside pressure.
  • Outside of Pocket Creativity: Ability to pickup first downs, extend plays, and throw accurately outside of the pocket.
    • 1. Josh Allen (4 points): Unparalled out of the pocket playmaker; with uncanny deep ball accuracy on the run.
    • 2. Sam Darnold (3 points): Wow plays and really good down  field accuracy and instinct for out of pocket playmaking.
    • 3. Baker Mayfield (2): Really good and lethal when scrambling to the right, good accuracy down field when creating; however, is often inaccurate down field when scrambling to the right.
    • 4. Josh Rosen (1): Wins by quick release game and does not have the athleticism or play traits to win outside the pocket.
  • Arm Talent: Ability to throw off platform and different arm angles, general arm strength, pinpoint accuracy ability, touch throw ability, down field accuracy, WOW throw ability, Quick release, explosive throwing motion, Compact Delivery ability
    • 1. Josh Rosen (4 points): Has in all except big time arm strength, but everything else about his arm is elite.
    • 2. Baker Mayfield (3): Compact delivery, plus arm, won't make the WOW throw down the boundary but is an amazing accurate thrower down the seem and over the middle on play action. Layers the ball very well.
    • 3. Sam Darnold (2 points): Explosive albeit elongated release with uncanny deep ball accuracy. Best anticipation thrower.
    • 4. Josh Allen (1): Routinely makes WOW favre like throws when out of the pocket, has the biggest arm, but has serious accuracy issues from pocket platform and can't layer the ball at all.
  • Feet/Arm Mechanics: Does the QB overstride?, Proper weight transfer, foot/patter rhythm to process through routes,
    • 1. Josh Rosen (4 points): Textbook, prototype mechanics. A thing of beauty.
    • 2. Baker Mayfield (3 points): Won't get credit for fundamental weight transfer and sound upper body throwing mechanics.
    • 3. Josh Allen (2): Great throwing motion, but is all over the place and inconsistent, overstriding is aserious issue
    • 4. Sam Darnold (1): Elongated release, drops the ball down too low, gets happy feet at times, poor mechanics cause him to miss some easy throws.
  • Processing of the game: Slow or Fast Mental processors/eyes, anticipation ability, Clutch Factor, ability to not freeze up and seize up mental processing due to cognitive load or pressure, ability to identify mismatches, blitz recognition, able to see through traffic down field
    • 1. Josh Rosen (4 points): Doesn't always locate the blitz or account for pressure even in easy situations, the best of the bunch at identifying mismatches and getting the offense out of bad plays.Anticipation thrower extraordianire, has good clutch factor
    • 2. Baker Mayfield (3 points): Very fast at identifying where to go with the ball, and a great anticipation thrower on crossing routes over the middle. poor anticipation thrower on all other routes.
    • 3. Sam Darnold (2): Clutch factor is off the charts, gets fooled by defensive disguises and does not locate the apparent mismatches, blitz recognition is average at best, sees the game and works through progressions down the field with poise and efficiency, double clutches and unsure of his throws way too much.
    • 4. Josh Allen (1): More of a see it throw it player than an anticipator, mental process seizes up under the blitz.
  • Football Knowledge: Understanding of blitzes, defensive, how to get out of bad play calls, ability to identify mismatches, situational football awareness
    • 1. Baker Mayfield (4): Check with me offense limits the power to change plays, but does a good job checking into runs
    • 2. Josh Rosen (3 points): Was given the full reigns of the offense and makes timely correct at the line adjustments
    • 3. .Josh Allen (2 points): Makes great at the line calls to get out of a bad play or flip the run for positive gains.
    • 4. Sam Darnold (1): Checks into run plays but either doesn't have the authority or simply doesn't recognize how to adjust protections to deal with a numbers disadvantage or a free rusher.
  • Ability to Translate Knowledge to Action: Can they take understanding from the meeting room to game play?
    • Not enough data available to come to even a speculative conclusion.
  • Leadership: Communication skills, willingness to sacrifice and accept the burden of leadership, commitment to leading by example on and off the field, in the meeting room and on the field.
    • 1. Baker Mayfield (4 points): Emotional/heart beat of a team, fiery competitive spirit ignites excellence and fight in teammates, diligent working in the meeting rooms and the field rooms.
    • 2. Sam Darnold (3 points): Hard worker, diligent study habits, organizes WRs and TEs for extra work, not committed in the weight room, not as outspoken of a leader, teammates love his lead by example mentality.
    • 3. Josh Allen (2): Works at it in the film room and teammates love his weekly "state of the offense" meetings. Fiery competitor
    • 4. Josh Rosen (1): Teammates generally love/respect him along with his openness on his politics, coaches and football traditionalist conservatives don't, that aside Rosen is not a football junkie, and doesn't organize the skill positions for extra film sessions according to people around the program, doesn't put time in the weight room, and sees football as something he enjoys doing but not something he's committed to with a deep deep passion, some teammates recognize that and in the pros it could be an issue.
  • General Personality Characteristics: Likability, Trustworthiness, Conscientiousness, etc
    • 1. Baker Mayfield (4 points): One of the boys, loved by all teammates irrespective of cultural/ethnic background, bonds deeply with players from low socioeconomic backgrounds, can speak/get along with anyone on the team.
    • 2. Sam Darnold (3 points): More of a stay to oneself guy, but his humility and quiet candidness has bonded him to all his teammates.
    • 3. Josh Rosen (2): Arrogant to a detriment at times, although liked by a lot of teammates he has been described as sheltered/unaware of certain realities and as a result has been known to make ignorant humor/jokes that rub some teammates the wrong way.
    • 4. Josh Allen (1) Some teammates reportedly feel at times he acts like he's the big fish in a little pond.
  • Off-Field/Availability Concerns: Will they be suspended, will their attitude alienate other players in the locker room.
    • 1. Baker Mayfield (- 4 points): Pattern of issues with self control and alcohol that can't simply be attributed to "being young in college"
    • 2. Josh Rosen (- 3 points): Will his commitment to football be questioned? Will he butt heads with coaches? Can he be a Ceo of a team and accept responsibility for the teams mistakes?
    • 4. Josh Allen (-2): Some immaturity issues when it comes to accepting blame for teams mistakes resulting in exposing his teammates to criticism
    • 4. Sam Darnold (-0): No apparent red flags.


Baker Mayfield 31- 4= 27

Josh Allen 16- 2 = 14

Sam Darnold 21- 0= 21

Josh Rosen 27- 3= 24

Without Subtractions Ranking:

1. Baker Mayfield (31)

2. Josh Rosen (24)

3. Sam Darnold (21)

4. Josh Allen (16)

Point total ranking:

1.Baker Mayfield: 27

2. Josh Rosen: 24

3. Sam Darnold: 21

4. Josh Allen: 16

Surprises & Conclusions from the Exercise:

1. I thought Josh Allen would finish a lot higher in point total based on my subjective general opinions about him.

2. As a guy that thinks that Sam Darnold is clearly the guy from a subjective standpoint, I didn't think that Baker Mayfield would be so much better than Darnold in terms of my ascribed value (relatively arbitrary of course based on my lens on their play) point system. While  I clearly feel Darnold is on a different level than Baker as an overall prospect Baker is has the highest points.  Is that because I value certain categories more? Is it because this exercise is obviously flawed, and bullsh*t in line with all my other long nonquality posts? What are we doing on this planet?

3. What does it say about my thoughts regarding why I subjectively feel Darnold is the one over Rosen and Mayfield although Rosen/Mayfield finished higher in most of my categories? The exercise helped me understand why don't I like him as much relatively speaking.

4. Might we be okay if we draft one of the top 3? Is it time to hop on the Baker Mayfield train. Baker will be pro-bowler for sure, but will he reach the HOFer level if Darnold achieves his potential.

5. It's hard to quantify belief but it's clear that my belief in some QBs over others stems from overvaluing dependability, off field intangibles, grit, and poise while I'm willing to forgive certain issues as long as I believe they can be improved upon (that is, 4 years later the QB can turn the weakness into a strength).




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