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You Are In Control. Who Replaces McCarthy?


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12 hours ago, Mr Anonymous said:

Yes we do, it's been very clearly stated.

This place is something else. People say post links, I post links which clearly state Murphy's expanded role and his own statement that he planned to give the GM full authority before something changed his mind. Two outspoken posters with zero evidence of their own, in complete contradiction of public statements made by Murphy, come up with their own alternate reality and say I'm the one who is wrong.

Here's the truth of what's going on here at FF. There are a handful of posters here who dominate the narrative. I think it's obvious who those people are. They hammer their notions down the throats of people here and insinuate that they have inside information of what's going on in Green Bay. I know for fact that they don't because almost everything being said here is so far off the mark. When I first started getting vocal here it was because these people passing themselves off as "know-it-alls" were so clearly uninformed. Obviously, they didn't take too kindly to being upstaged and have been pushing back against everything I've shared. That's a shame because I am telling people here the truth. My profession bleeds into pro sports and I am fortunate to be able to work with people in the know. I do know more than what's available publicly. But what's disturbing though is that most everything I have shared on this site is public knowledge and I have posted links. The threat to these posters image that they have inside knowledge is so strong apparently that they want people to ignore public statements.

I have laid out very clearly what's going on in Green Bay. The fact that I have been spot on about what's going on there will be very apparent soon enough. When McCarthy is fired come January and Murphy soon after publicly rolls back his own role in football operations and finally grants Gutekunst full authority over the head coach, maybe people will stop punching a gift horse in the mouth.

Maybe it's because your delivery is  just like the posters you are complaining about. 

Most sites have at least a handful of soapboxers  who always think they have more info than anyone else.  Or guys who think that playing football for a while in their lives somehow gives them more license to speculate.  Who knows? It is hard to take anyone's self-appraisal at face value.  

Truth is perspective and I like reading a bunch of differing truths, then I find my own.

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On 11/23/2018 at 11:18 AM, TheOnlyThing said:

"Throughout the years" there were "issues between McCarthy and [the Packers' former GM]" regarding the former GM's lack of activity in free agency?

Who knew?

Reading this board, I was always under the impression that McCarthy was just as supportive of the former GM's refusal to add free agents as the former GM's adoring fans were.

I guess I should have worded that better, because I definitely misspoke there.  It wasn't until recent years that there was a difference in opinion between McCarthy and Thompson.

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On 11/23/2018 at 10:41 AM, Mr Anonymous said:

I have laid out very clearly what's going on in Green Bay. The fact that I have been spot on about what's going on there will be very apparent soon enough. When McCarthy is fired come January and Murphy soon after publicly rolls back his own role in football operations and finally grants Gutekunst full authority over the head coach, maybe people will stop punching a gift horse in the mouth.

Have you though?

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16 hours ago, CWood21 said:

I guess I should have worded that better, because I definitely misspoke there.  It wasn't until recent years that there was a difference in opinion between McCarthy and Thompson.

Not adding FAs is one thing when a GM is drafting well; it's another when he's drafting poorly like Thompson did the last 2-3 yrs of his reign of terror. A coach is left in the position of "ok, how do I make chicken salad out of this group of chicken mess?" - which McCarthy was OK at until it hit the point of, oh, now when the guys he should be leaning on - 3rd and 4th year vets - simply aren't there. 

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