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You Are In Control. Who Replaces McCarthy?


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1 hour ago, Ragnarok said:

If the draft was held today...the Packers would be picking 11th.  One pick before the Browns.  Yes, the Browns of Cleveland.  The Cleveland Browns.  Worst franchise over the past 20 years.  Who have 5 total wins in the past 3 seasons.

With Rodgers at QB, that is never acceptable.  

Yeah and I would bet they would beat our sorry team quite handily if we had the misfortune of going up against them in our and their current, respective states.

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5 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

If the draft was held today...the Packers would be picking 11th.  One pick before the Browns.  Yes, the Browns of Cleveland.  The Cleveland Browns.  Worst franchise over the past 20 years.  Who have 5 total wins in the past 3 seasons. With Rodgers at QB, that is never acceptable.  

Yeah....well, it happens.
For some, nine straight playoff appearances....with how many division wins (I dont know)...but only one SB win....with Rodgers @ QB wasnt acceptable either.
Damned if you do. Damned if you dont.


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5 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

If the draft was held today...the Packers would be picking 11th.  One pick before the Browns.  Yes, the Browns of Cleveland.  The Cleveland Browns.  Worst franchise over the past 20 years.  Who have 5 total wins in the past 3 seasons.

With Rodgers at QB, that is never acceptable.  

Baker > Rodgers

just dropping truth bombs!!!

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5 hours ago, Gopher Trace said:

 Just because it is my position that McCarthy should not be kept after this season does not mean that I (or many others who feel the same way) think Rodgers should be excused from shouldering a lot of the blame. Mac loyalists continue making it into this dichotomy, and it's a false one.

Still there exist lots of issues with his coaching outside of the passing game: questionable and/or cowardly play-calling, general lack of discipline or preparedness leading to dumb penalties, sticking with bad coaches like Ron Zook, inexplicable tendency to abandon what is working well in-game, neglecting to use some good players for the useful skills they bring to the table (e.g. Marcedes Lewis), players sounding demoralized (Cobb: "this year feels different") and playing uninspired football (what some would call having "lost the locker room"), etc.

It's a lot worse than just "if Rodgers would just take what the defense gives him!!!" and that refrain quite frankly displays the sort of complacency we have had around all these other issues for all too long just because elite play from the QB has tended to minimize their effects. And I think there is more wrong with the passing game than Rodgers just not doing the right things.

"It has somehow become heretical to say anything critical of [Rodgers]." (Translation: I got into an argument with morons on Twitter, and am now butthurt and wrongly believe that those people's views are the consensus).


Man, I don't usually agree with you, but you hit the effing nail on the head!  Just because one might think that it is time for the coach to go the numbchucks immediately claim you're giving Arod a free pass.  NOT TRUE.  Aaron has been disappointing to say the least (my fantasy team is carrying his dead *** so far).  But when a change is needed it is usually the coach that goes.  It isn't just the offense that has struggled over the last five years (don't start pulling out the exceptions) it has been special teams, defense, wasted time outs and some head scratching time management issues that all add up and fall at the feet of the Head Coach.

Rodger's struggles this year only prove that no one except Rodgers, at the top of his game, can run this offense WITH SUCCESS.

Now is the time some chumbalone will bring up 'Matt Flynn set records and almost beat New England!' So Matt was 1-1.  C'mon, when Rodgers is out we suck.  Rodger's developed some bad habits this year after his injury and he isn't his usual self..and we suck. Without an All-Pro QB running the show....we suck. 

The playoffs are very unlikely and even if we did make them it is probably one and done...so here's my thought:

Let McCarthy go now. It sends the message that mediocrity is unacceptable. It also may be the kindest way to move on from him by taking him out of the line of fire. Let Philbin run the show for the remainder of the year and let game time evaluations of some second line players begin (Spriggs, M. Adams, Tonyan, McCray and a few DBs) IR King and Martinez (he better be hurt because he's disappeared). To keep doing the same thing over and over is insane.

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34 minutes ago, Dubz41 said:

 It isn't just the offense that has struggled over the last five years (don't start pulling out the exceptions) it has been special teams, defense, wasted time outs and some head scratching time management issues that all add up and fall at the feet of the Head Coach.

To keep doing the same thing over and over is insane.

Hey Dubz41, hope you've been well!

I clipped a lot of your post because I wanted to get to this stuff...as I feel it is the most important in your post.

I think you hit the nail on the head.  When Rodgers has played, well, like Rodgers can play, it masks all of the deficiencies of Mac as a head coach.  Now that he isn't playing well, all of that has become more glaring.  The horrible use of time outs.  The bad non-challenges.  Clock management.  That whole "statistics" comment.  As I think back over Mac's career, I'm hard pressed to find games where I feel like we outcoached a team.  I think we did against Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl.  I know we did against the Texans one year in which Mac had a gameplan that shredded their defense.  But there aren't many times where I know that Mac has schemed us to a victory.

And even fewer times where I think he's gotten that team energized to take it to another team right away.

If I'm being fair to Mac this year?  I think he's put in different offensive gameplans to beat defenses.  I think this might be his best year of play calling and installation.  Execution is what is letting him down.

So to me?  I'm letting him go even though I think he's done a better job on offense than is currently being reflected.    And I do that because there simply has been no improvement from week one to where we are at today.  Something is wrong with our coach/scheme and quarterback.  The reality is that Rodgers isn't going anywhere, so the coach needs to go.  

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36 minutes ago, buno67 said:

Well no shtt lol

gonna disrespect the Browns prepare for some trolling

Oh Bruno.....errrrr......buno (what the hells a buno?) come on.
You're not seriously gonna take the meager successes the Browns have had this year and actually gonna go out on social media to wreak havoc are you?

I mean seriously.

Look up Losers in Websters Dictionary. Its definition? Cleveland Browns


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14 hours ago, NathanDonald13 said:

What about Dave Dickenson and Rick Campbell of the the CFL as options? What do you guys think of Darrell Bevell for OC if we go with someone like Dave Toub as HC and keep Pettine on as DC? Did good with Favre with Vikings and was the reason Seattle draft Russell Wilson, also top 5 finishes in rushing.


I don't know much about these gentlemen of the CFL.  What do you know about them?

I don't want Derrell Bevell.  It is no coincidence Seattle's offense is better now that he's gone.

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