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16th Coach of the GB Packers (let the search begin)


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2 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

He is the guy I want.  He gives you the young, offensive mind you want at head coach.  He's kind of a quarterback whisperer.  And he's been a head coach.  He knows what it takes to succeed.  And he comes without the baggage of McDaniels.

He only reached the playoffs once and lost. He has almost a 50/50 Win/Loss record.

I would only be fine with him only as a coordinator. As a head coach I think we should be aiming higher.

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1 minute ago, Arthur Penske said:

I like Gase a good deal, but I think to say he knows what it takes to succeed as a HC is a stretch. He just got canned as his first stint as a HC.

He was trying to win with Tannehill.  

I think that if you give him Rodgers?  Different story.  I mean, look what he did with Manning and Cutler.

Gase tried and ultimately failed in Miami.  I think he will have learned from that.

I don't know what McDaniels give you that Gase doesn't, without the BS that comes with McDaniels.

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8 minutes ago, ReadyToThump said:

I was talking to my buddy yesterday; if Mike Tomlin got fired somehow he would be my #1 candidate. Always like him as a coach, and I feel we need a passionate coach that can light a fire under this teams ***. Something McCarthy failed badly at. 

MM might not have been a rah rah coach, but up until the last few years, IMO he did a great job having his teams dialed in when we needed it. Emotion is nice, but it's fleeting. Focus and discipline matter a lot more to me. 

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Just now, Chili said:

He only reached the playoffs once and lost. He has almost a 50/50 Win/Loss record.

I would only be fine with him only as a coordinator. As a head coach I think we should be aiming higher.

Aim higher.  I like it.  Does it get higher than Gase, though?

It has been discussed at length, about the short comings of college coaches coming into the NFL.

Here a younger coach, with experience, who has worked well with quarterbacks.

GB "fixes" Rodgers and things turn around quickly.

To that extent, I think that McDaniels and Gase have the best chance at working with Rodgers.  Only one of those candidates isn't nuclear.

In your opinion, who is the "aim higher" coaching candidate?  Cuz I'm all ears.  

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12 minutes ago, cannondale said:

First of all - yes I'm old.

I could be wrong, but isn't a head coaching job very similar to heading up a company or any major organization ? Haven't the same principles of success held true since forever ? I don't think this has anything to do with old school vs new school. The question I posed before still stands. What traits does McDaniels have that are similar to all of the successful head coaches we have seen throughout the years ? We know he will cheat. We know his people skills suck. We know he will hang his fellow man out to dry. We know he can alienate an entire team and front office. That's not what I think we need. If that makes me old school, so be it

Im definitely not arguing those are unimportant traits. My initial reaction of McD was disgust as well. But then I started reading more about his failures and my disgust disappeared.

As headline readers, none of us are in a good position to judge his character. I'll continue to say that if his personality passes the sniff test of Gute and Murphy I'll take that vote over anyone here who only reads dramatic news headlines.

I think the colts fiasco was way overblown. People back out of deals like that all the time. I understand it.

I think the Denver fiasco was exactly what champ Bailey said: he was in over his head and Denver screwed up giving him all that power. He overcompensated for his youth. Anyone who ignores his age as a driving factor there is ignoring reality.

He's not a straight-shooter like a Zimmer. But then again, I don't want necessarily want that in a head coach either. Culture fit vs best mind.

I decided I prefer the latter.

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3 minutes ago, chillparsi1 said:

MM might not have been a rah rah coach, but up until the last few years, IMO he did a great job having his teams dialed in when we needed it. Emotion is nice, but it's fleeting. Focus and discipline matter a lot more to me. 

It seems like ever since the 2014 playoff debacle the team went downhill as far as focus and preparation. Our teams, particularly in the last two years have looked deflated and lack-of-hearted. 

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The more info that comes out about Gase, the more I believe his best position is OC. Or maybe a HC position where he doesn't have full 53 responsibilities will bring out the better coach in him. I just think going from one HC where accountability was an issue, to another one where he has shown those same issues, is a bad idea. I would love Gase as an OC, just not sold on him as a HC. The absolute dream for me would be to hire Saban, and he bring in Gase as his OC. I know Saban isn't leaving the college game but it doesn't change that his coaching style would be a perfect fit for this team, IMO.

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As a side note - I haven't the faintest damn clue who I prefer as the next head coach. McDaniels is the only guy I have strong feelings about. Similar to Jim Schwartz, I'll take him as a coordinator, not a HC (obviously not an option). Not everyone is cut out to be a Head Coach, and there is nothing wrong with that

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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I don't want Fitzgerald and I want that buzz to die a quick death.  I do not want a college head coach.  Period. 

Same, the track record of failure is too strong for college coaches in the NFL. That said,  if I were wrong and Fitz came here and tore it up it would be pretty great that a Chicago guy did it. He is a flamboyant bears fan though, that’s pretty hard to overlook.

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What are the traits needed to be a successful HC versus the traits needed to be a successful OC/DC? The discussion on here seems to be evolving around someone who knows the X's and O's versus someone who knows how to mold a group of men into a team. What other traits come into play? 

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