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34 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

Leadership. Rich is so soft. If you didn't drill it into the players heads that driving drunk will ruin your life, you're not a good enough leader. I would have lost my voice yelling at the guys in the locker room after the ruggs situation.

What do I need to re-read ? 

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Just now, Dessie said:

What do I need to re-read ? 

Where I said Hobbs was 100% at fault and that he's dead to me? You yourself agree that it's not good enough. It clearly isn't. This repeated offense is an organizational embarrassment. No idea why you're coming at me for that. I have every right to be furious about this.

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4 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

I never did. Reread what I wrote. 

Like I said, have your friends die from this. Then take care of people affected by this for a living. Then tell me I'm rambling again.

Why did you highlight the ‘so soft’ part and say you never did, you clearly did. 

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Just now, Dessie said:

Why did you highlight the ‘so soft’ part and say you never did, you clearly did. 

You're missing the point. He's soft. I'll stand by that. Not sure how you can equate that with me saying he's 100% the reason this happened.

I really don't want to argue about this. This is a sensitive topic for me and frankly you're pissing me off.

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1 minute ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

You're missing the point. He's soft. I'll stand by that. Not sure how you can equate that with me saying he's 100% the reason this happened.

I really don't want to argue about this. This is a sensitive topic for me and frankly you're pissing me off.

You are changing the argument, you told me to re-read what you wrote and highlighted ‘so soft’ and denied you said it. You clearly did. 

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1 minute ago, Dessie said:

You are changing the argument, you told me to re-read what you wrote and highlighted ‘so soft’ and denied you said it. You clearly did. 

Sure. Whatever you want. If you want to be right so badly, then yes I'm 100% in the wrong.

Love this culture and coach. So happy this organization is headed in the right direction off the field.


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3 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

Sure. Whatever you want. If you want to be right so badly, then yes I'm 100% in the wrong.

Love this culture and coach. So happy this organization is headed in the right direction off the field.


Gus Bradley has worked miracles this season. Imagine if we had Paul Blart as DC still, Jesus.

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21 minutes ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

I'm not saying it's 100% his fault. But do I think there's an issue if it's happening over and over again? Absolutely.

You're right I'm not in the locker room.

But Jacobs had a DUI last year. Ruggs this year. Hobbs now after Ruggs killed someone. You think this is a coincidence? You think it's being handled right? 


For the most part, I agree with you. 

I want to know what, if anything, Rich hammered home in the locker room after Ruggs. That's a fair ask. 

However, I place even more blame on Mayock for this one. Rich is an interim coach with zero hand in building the roster. I blame Mayock for constantly taking charity cases. 

Maybe Rich said nothing. Maybe the players just brush it off thinking he'll be gone soon. Maybe he says everything and you just can't fix stupid. Hence, I wanna know too. 

I think this much is clearer than ever though: Mayock has got to go. 

He had a big hand in guys we've brought on that were turds. He treats the organization like a halfway house. And his poor decisions have now put an interim HC in an unenviable position yet again. 

That's definitely an organizational issue. I reserve opinion on Bissacia, for now, because I'm not sure he and "the organization" are interchangeable enough at this juncture. That is, he didn't pick the guys screwing up. Maybe he's a class act and would never have picked them up in the first place had he had that power. We simply don't know. 

In his defense, Ruggs and Arnette were pretty much back to back. Not sure he could've done anything there. 

Hobbs is the first real blemish then. And it's an ugly one, made even uglier given our season. How it's handled will say more to me about Rich than it happening in the first place (again, I'm giving him benefit of the doubt for now, but if it turns out he's been lazy with it, that changes). I think this is his first test in terms of managing a problem that arises. 


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1 hour ago, MrOaktown_56 said:

Sure. It's defnitely Hobbs fault first and foremost. But there's more at play. Mark has a (supposed) 0 tolerance domestic violence policy. That's an organizational thing. Where is the response for a DUI. What have the staff/organization done to prevent this from happening more often?

Alcohol and pain killers are all players are “allowed” to use. Teams get sponsored by alcohol companies it is what it is. It’s impossible to ban drinking. Do they have beer limits at the game? It’s on the individual and it’s always been imo. 

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Look Ruggs situation is one of the worst this organization has gone through.  Hobbs even taking a chance like this is completely stupid after what has happened this season.  In the end you have to judge Hobbs for what Hobbs has done and not combined with what Ruggs/Gruden have done.  Let's get the specifics of what happened before we say this young man is dead to us.  Big difference between going 150 mph and killing someone while drunk and being drunk and going to sleep in your car.  If he got in his car with the intention to drive and fell asleep behind the wheel then have at him.  If he went to his car and said to himself I need to sleep this off because I have had to much to drink then that is a completely different situation.  @MrOaktown_56 completely understand your pain and anger but lets wait for the facts to come out.  Remember both Waller and Crosby both got second chances.  Hobbs' situation seems to be much less severe than Jacobs and Ruggs.

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4 hours ago, OldManWillis said:

Want to fix this issue?

Word it into future contracts. If a player gets a DUI/DWI they forfeit the entire salary of their contract and have to pay back any salary they have already received. 

Ain’t no way in hell NFLPA would go for this 

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4 hours ago, OldManWillis said:

Want to fix this issue?

Word it into future contracts. If a player gets a DUI/DWI they forfeit the entire salary of their contract and have to pay back any salary they have already received. 

No one would sign with us.

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