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Around The League V.2


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On 7/28/2020 at 4:50 AM, agarcia34 said:

We're starting to see more players opt out of the year. Will be interesting to see if any Raider players choose to sit out a year. Pats already have 4 players sitting out. Two of them(Cannon and Hightower) are two big pieces to that team.








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On 7/25/2020 at 2:16 PM, Humble_Beast said:

Adams does seem like a punk to me. Good trade for the Jets in my opinion. They need to build around their QB. 

He was complaining about the Seahawks booking him an early flight, dude is a primadona. 

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7 hours ago, Bitty 2.0 said:

1st off there's a 60% false positive on the test and if you don't have pre-existing conditions there's almost a 0% chance of dying from this if you're under 65.  Most people don't even knowing they have it.

seconds the NIC is predicting a vaccine by October-November.


Even though this impacts football I am not sure if we are supposed to discus this so I will try to keep this short, none combative, and relate it back to football.

1) Positive rates are pointless and if infection rates are that low then that makes hospitalization and deaths that much worse.  Just means the RO is lower than expected and mortality rates are that much higher.

2) Numbers for people with preexisting conditions is really high and younger people with out preexisting conditions are dying or being hospitalized.  I have known a few already.

3) We are having these numbers while taking crazy precautions by many people yet the spread is bad.  With a vaccine most will not take precautions and since vaccines like the flu vaccine have low effectiveness rates and therefor we end up with a similar RO.  Kind of like making cars safer but car accident fatalities stays the same.  More safety features leads to more risky behavior.  Humans are stupid.

4) Half the population gets flu vaccines, it does help but how much depends on the year, but we still end up with 30-70 million cases a year.  The RO for the flu is lower than the corona virus so you could expect the same if not higher numbers.  Only reason numbers are not higher is it did not have a full season outside of the US before it came here.  If 10,000 infected people enter the country before we realize it the impacts are a lot different than 100 infected people entering the country.  It buys us an extra month to react.

5) Vaccines are good for the virus it is meant to treat but as soon as it mutates enough the vaccine is pointless.  This virus is mutating going to mutate very soon.  Also why flu vaccine is not more effective.

6) I think this virus stays with us similar to a flu and we will just have another virus that will kill 30,000-100,000 a year and it will come down to how well we combat it.  That means stuff like major sporting events, concerts, theme parks will get put on hold every time there is an outbreak.  So yes I believe professional sports will be drastically altered for a while.

This will effect revenue and trickle down to contracts.  Another aspect that will change is the revenue will not be steady from year to year and therefore you will see CBA changes if this lasts that reflect how teams do contracts.  Instead of Mahommes getting a set amount he might be offered a set percentage of revenue.

This is long term outlook so the further out I look the more likely I am wrong.  Hopefully this virus mutates to the point it is harmless or kills itself off which is a possibility also.

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7 hours ago, Bitty 2.0 said:

1st off there's a 60% false positive on the test and if you don't have pre-existing conditions there's almost a 0% chance of dying from this if you're under 65.  Most people don't even knowing they have it.

seconds the NIC is predicting a vaccine by October-November.


Omg thank you 🙏!

the only legit risk the players face is the risk of contracting it and spreading it to an elderly parent, child, or prexisting condition wife/gf.  

im honestly actively looking to join a Covid trial.... for 3k I’ll let them stick a swab of that pure Wuhan strain up my nose.  It’s a really bad flu... that’s all it is... we didn’t act like this when HIV was booming in the 90s.... back when the public thought you could catch it from touching someone.

wear a mask, wash hands often, practice “safety”.... AND LIVE LIFE!

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2 hours ago, drfrey13 said:

Even though this impacts football I am not sure if we are supposed to discus this so I will try to keep this short, none combative, and relate it back to football.

1) Positive rates are pointless and if infection rates are that low then that makes hospitalization and deaths that much worse.  Just means the RO is lower than expected and mortality rates are that much higher.

2) Numbers for people with preexisting conditions is really high and younger people with out preexisting conditions are dying or being hospitalized.  I have known a few already.

3) We are having these numbers while taking crazy precautions by many people yet the spread is bad.  With a vaccine most will not take precautions and since vaccines like the flu vaccine have low effectiveness rates and therefor we end up with a similar RO.  Kind of like making cars safer but car accident fatalities stays the same.  More safety features leads to more risky behavior.  Humans are stupid.

4) Half the population gets flu vaccines, it does help but how much depends on the year, but we still end up with 30-70 million cases a year.  The RO for the flu is lower than the corona virus so you could expect the same if not higher numbers.  Only reason numbers are not higher is it did not have a full season outside of the US before it came here.  If 10,000 infected people enter the country before we realize it the impacts are a lot different than 100 infected people entering the country.  It buys us an extra month to react.

5) Vaccines are good for the virus it is meant to treat but as soon as it mutates enough the vaccine is pointless.  This virus is mutating going to mutate very soon.  Also why flu vaccine is not more effective.

6) I think this virus stays with us similar to a flu and we will just have another virus that will kill 30,000-100,000 a year and it will come down to how well we combat it.  That means stuff like major sporting events, concerts, theme parks will get put on hold every time there is an outbreak.  So yes I believe professional sports will be drastically altered for a while.

This will effect revenue and trickle down to contracts.  Another aspect that will change is the revenue will not be steady from year to year and therefore you will see CBA changes if this lasts that reflect how teams do contracts.  Instead of Mahommes getting a set amount he might be offered a set percentage of revenue.

This is long term outlook so the further out I look the more likely I am wrong.  Hopefully this virus mutates to the point it is harmless or kills itself off which is a possibility also.

I'm sorry that your friends died from Colvin 19.

The one part I agree with is it's like the flu it's gonna be around for a while. Big pharma will make vaccines and develop better medications to treat the symptoms but life goes on. 

7 minutes ago, jimkelly02 said:

Omg thank you 🙏!

the only legit risk the players face is the risk of contracting it and spreading it to an elderly parent, child, or prexisting condition wife/gf.  

im honestly actively looking to join a Covid trial.... for 3k I’ll let them stick a swab of that pure Wuhan strain up my nose.  It’s a really bad flu... that’s all it is... we didn’t act like this when HIV was booming in the 90s.... back when the public thought you could catch it from touching someone.

wear a mask, wash hands often, practice “safety”.... AND LIVE LIFE!

I have family members at high levels at a hospital network.

They literally set up all the pop up hospitals in my state.

Nightly Conference calls with the CDC, working 16 hour days for weeks and guess what nothing happened they canceled the pop up hospitals and the phone calls. 

The fear of the unknown is always worse then reality

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3 hours ago, drfrey13 said:


6) I think this virus stays with us similar to a flu and we will just have another virus that will kill 30,000-100,000 a year and it will come down to how well we combat it.  That means stuff like major sporting events, concerts, theme parks will get put on hold every time there is an outbreak.  So yes I believe professional sports will be drastically altered for a while.



I think it will be higher numbers 100-300K a year which wouldn't put a stop to anything and basically resets the world to needing to be healthier and younger. Tech has made us live long lives. My grandma make it to 96 and she was more than ready to go. So I think events will go on and in 2021 no matter who is POTUS.  My gf was in China when it all started and almost didn't get back to US before lock downs. I heard about the restrictions first hand and knew Americans will struggle with this. American culture is a melting pot of many cultures which can be seen as a strength and weakness. Our strength is in the diversity and willingness to create a better life. (capitalism) The weakness is the individualism that stubbornness to push oneself and accept risks will also make enforcing anything impossible and met with aggression. There is a reason why so many want to come here and there is a reason why so many here are upset with our history and the ability to do better. Human's are an interesting breed and the US an interesting experiment within that species. Now TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER....👽 ACK ACK

There are risks to players but most would recover. Some might get damage but to think CV will ever be gone would be a mistake. So new generations can make a choice to move on or live in fear until worse things come. I'm prepared for all situations and will try to smile and spread happiness whenever possible as it might be the difference in someone having a deletion moment. Mental health concerns me more than CV. My Mom is a goner if she gets it but if she needs a hug to fight depression then I'd have to weigh those risks. As everyone with family/friends does. Life goes on and football will try to. 

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3 hours ago, jimkelly02 said:

Omg thank you 🙏!

the only legit risk the players face is the risk of contracting it and spreading it to an elderly parent, child, or prexisting condition wife/gf.  

im honestly actively looking to join a Covid trial.... for 3k I’ll let them stick a swab of that pure Wuhan strain up my nose.  It’s a really bad flu... that’s all it is... we didn’t act like this when HIV was booming in the 90s.... back when the public thought you could catch it from touching someone.

wear a mask, wash hands often, practice “safety”.... AND LIVE LIFE!

Actually going be back in Vegas this weekend 😷 

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I’m all for preparing for doomsday.... better to be prepared than have panic hit when there’s not enough hospital beds,  ventilators, PPE, etc.....  the panic would be Nearly as bad as the virus.  I stay stocked with my Goya beans plus Guns+Ammo! Lol

but when “Politicans” like Gov. Cuomo (NY-Dem) politicize the response with comments like “we need 30k ventilators, Trump sent 400” so “you I pick the 26,000 people who are gonna die” (they actually sent 4K ventilators btw so he clearly minimized the federal support response) that’s when I realized its about instilling fear on the public to push their political motives come election time.... and:

1.  He’s dumber than his brother Fredo.  30,000-400=29,600 not “26,000”.  He’s such a poor liar he couldn’t even keep his lies and math on the same page.

2.  It’s about making this a Rep/Dem issue and not about public safety.  

..... btw Cuomo was caught with hundreds of ventilators in storage and had to admit they were in storage because they didn’t need them yet.... yet still complained and blamed Trump.  It went from we need ventilators RIGHT NOW or people are dying to we’ll need them in 21 days... most likely.

The 40k ventilators demand was a political strategy.  Create an insanely high need for ventilators that the federal government can’t immediately match (btw your only one of 50 states.... it’s not ALL about you).... which creates fear on the public and makes Trump and the Republicans the   Bad guys who aren’t doing their job (it’s really the Gov’s job to have adequate supplies for his state .... speaking of being prepared.... why wasn’t his emergency response plan adequate?  I realize the dooms day response needs for Covid where more than anyone could have reasonably planned for.... but if you need 40k ventilators or the Governor will have to choose who lives and dies (that is an incredibly terrifying thought.... and meant to scare the public) then maybe your the one to blame for not preparing well enough.


oh yeah.... this is the same governor who made retirement homes house Covid patients resulting in the spread and massive deaths.  If anything his poor execution resulted in a large percentage of the Covid deaths in his state.  And to deflect blame he just says “inevitably some will die”


I thought this virus was going to kill everyone.... now we learn most people who aren’t elderly or have preexisting conditions have a morbidity rate of near zero.

I thought it was about flattening the curve., so hospitals have enough beds..... well now hospitals have low enough occupancy that elective surgeries are back on.... and now the goal posts get moved and the new phrase is “until there’s a vaccine/cure”.

and all the time the hysterical and fearful public didn’t take notice of epic spending bills being passed by politicans..... which were packed by Republicans and Democrats political leaders with massive and totally unrelated To covid spending appropriations.


My point being..... the virus is a real threat, but the media and politicians gassed the public up and when they learned only a small segment of the population is at risk of death and the majority of people who get it recover after a few sick days NO ONE admitted that.  And if you ask questions or challenge everything with facts your a crazy person trying to put everyone at risk.

People say the media and politicians are stupid.... not me I say they’re brilliant scoundrels because they run the same scams over and over on the public and the public falls for it time and time again.... so whose the dumb ones.


and if You needed any proof this virus isn’t that bad then why are there so many athletes testing positive for it and not knowing they have it.  If you know you have it your not reporting to training camp.... your in bed.... but so many players in all these leagues have it and don’t even know.

there can be professional (and college) sports this year.  They’d need to have testing measures and do a ton of things to prevent the spread but it’s very possible.

so sure some of you can laugh and say oh he’s a crazy, stupid Trumper.... that’s fine. I wear my mask, I was my hands and have changed by behavior, but yes i do significantly question the narrative we’re told about covid.  Cuz whenever information comes out that things aren’t as bad as we were told it’s never publicized.  It’s not a bad thing that we over played it safe and it wasn’t as bad as we won’t thought, but won’t anyone say that? 

Edited by jimkelly02
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58 minutes ago, Humble_Beast said:

Actually going be back in Vegas this weekend 😷 

Nice.... driving or flying?  Personally I’d avoid planes as they do seem to be an environment that is more likely to spread the virus.

we all gotta change our ways and realize the new world that is upon us.... but we gotta work and live life.... otherwise what’s the point of surviving?

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8 hours ago, NYRaider said:

He was complaining about the Seahawks booking him an early flight, dude is a primadona. 

Did he really complain about an early flight? You’ve got to be kidding me?!?!  At that point you’ve got to realize banking such a significant portion of your teams future on this character:

1. Who plays SS and despite being as good as he is will never be worth 2 1sts, a 4th for 3rd swap, and an adequate starting and cheap SS at 4M for 1 year.

2. Will need a new contract By the end of the year and will likely command 16M+ with massive guarantees.

3.  Has never been happy with the team that drafted him.  Has had various issues with various different people.

.... and fail his physical and void the trade. He’s a great player but when you don’t have the awareness to not complain about an early flight to your new team who your hoping will give you a massive contract extension (2 years early BTW!!!) it’s a massive red flag..... and just one red flag in a pile of other red flags.


btw trading 2 1sts for a non-QB has a Very low success rate when you’ve also got to pay that player a massive contract.  The opportunity cost of trading 2 1sts and the contract extension at record setting levels never favors the team getting the player.

seattle will pick 26-32 on both those picks most likely.  This year the 4y contract of #26 was 12.383M (3.096m apy) while #32 was 10.821M (2.705m apy).  Obviously the rookie wage scale increases every year but at worst NYJ are getting 2 1st rounders for 4 years plus a 5th year option for 3-4M per year each.  They not only have the 2 1st rounders on incredibly cheap contracts they have an additional 8-10M a year to spend on a FA.

Seattle just went all in and I don’t think it was a good idea.  Russell Wilson is a great QB that has proven the ability to win games on his own.  And at 31yo Wilson’s window to win a ring is 4-5 years.  Without the trade they’d have had 2 low cost high end starters for 4-5 years.... the entire length of Wilson’s window.  Now that window shrunk to 2 years IMO because by ‘22 they’ll start feeling the crunch of not having the first round picks.  Not to mention they’ve had some poor recent draft classes.  This trade was meant to try and pull themselves out of that.  But I think it only pulls them in deeper.  


The only way trading 2 1st plus and extending a player to a massive deal works is if you’ve had 2 previous drafts where your 1st-3rds all hit and you found some nice depth in rounds 4-7 AND your close to winning a title.

And that division is a probably the toughest and even with Adams they’re no shoe-in to win it.

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1 hour ago, jimkelly02 said:

Nice.... driving or flying?  Personally I’d avoid planes as they do seem to be an environment that is more likely to spread the virus.

we all gotta change our ways and realize the new world that is upon us.... but we gotta work and live life.... otherwise what’s the point of surviving?

Flying, hour flight from Fresno ✈️.. just going wear  mask and keep distance. I already traveled 26 states during the summer. I usually have my summers off, decided to see more of this country then travel abroad. 

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