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1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

All reports indicate that he held them hostage since they still needed his vote for a TV rights deal. I get it... to a point. WWE is publicly traded. If they refused him, kept him out, and then he withheld a vote for TV rights which could potential tank the company, there are clauses to prevent him from doing that and hurting shareholders. It would be long, it would be costly, it would be hard, but the company would survive. Instead the board took the low and easy road. 

All fair points. But they could potentially see it as, deal with him in the boardroom through the tv rights deal and sale of the company and then they can. I h more easily push him out.

If we are being frank, plenty of Fortune 500 companies have this type of problem member(s) on their board, not saying it’s right. Just that it’s fact.

If he is pushing to return as “Mr. McMahon” that is what can cause the issues and actual impact on the stock price. They will not allow that to happen 

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8 hours ago, beekay414 said:

WWE already laying the groundwork for the Sami Zayn desertion from the Bloodline. Hell yeah. Rumble should be FUN.

Honestly, I'd have Zayn win the Rumble, KO lost to Roman that night, and then let that hang over the Bloodline longer.

It’s been such a great storyline, and we’ve all known where it’s pointing for a while now, but it’s been fun regardless.

I think you are more likely to see the Sami v Roman at Elimination Chamber than you are at Wrestle Mania. It’s the perfect set up, have Cody (or whoever) win the Rumble and make their intentions clear about one of the titles, and then they say Roman has to defend the other at EC. Do the chamber matches for the IC and US titles, and a stand alone 1-on-1 for the other belt. So when Roman beats/cheats over Zayn with the help of the Bloodline, that’s when Rock shows up to confront him that next week (likely on SmackDown) about being the leader of the greatest wrestling family 

The one thing that needs to happen at the culmination of this portion of The Bloodline story, they need to make a new star. And it pretty obviously should be Solo Sikoa. Once Roman is dethroned, he should pick it up. Maybe even avenge Roman’s loss to Rock (don’t give him the title already, but have the match at the next PPV, and when Rock is about to win, Solo instructs the rest of the Bloodline to beat him down for the DQ) maybe when Roman walks away, Heyman bails on the Bloodline, and whoever his next guy is (Stroman? Steiner?) and that’s another feud for Solo as he slowly takes power. He brings in new members (Naomi? Rakishi? Tama? Hikuleo?) and eventually he can go head to head with Roman once he returns, over who now runs the Bloodline. 

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2 hours ago, Jeezla said:

Is the end game with Sami/KO to have them finally team up and beat the Uso's for their first title reign? 

Or do we finally see Sami win his first HW title?

That’s been reported for a while now. And it makes sense as this Mania seems like it will be the downfall of Roman’s Empire. As fun as the Sami World Title win would be, it’s just not big enough to put on the Hollywood WrestleMania. If they couldn’t have gotten Rock, or Cody were still hurt, I could see them letting Sami get the first belt night one, or even peel one off at EC before Mania. Just seems like they have the two big ticket matches lined up now (Cody/Roman and Rock/Roman) and they aren’t going to pass those by as long as all are available for Mania.

Now you could run Rock/Roman without a title, and just be over the Bloodline/Family Honor, in which case Sami takes one at EC with Cody taking the other. But I don’t see them passing up the chance to put The Rock in a World Title feud one more (likely last) time. Especially if you can steal the wresting headlines with Cody holding one belt, and the entertainment headlines with the Rock holding the other.

But as a consolation prize, I’d take Sami/KO taking the titles off the Uso’s. Finally unifying them (with new belts) and reigning over both Raw and SmackDown for a while


I’d also get Solo in a multi-man IC title match (maybe even Ladder) and let him steal that. It allows for the Bloodline to not be completely destroyed, but also starts a schism between Roman and Solo. I’d do a 4 man Ladder Match for the IC title. And I’d go with guys each from a 3-man stable (kinda). Obviously Gunther as Champ with Imperium backing. Solo goes at it with the Uso’s in his corner. Sheamus as the big baby face with the Brutes behind him. And I would say let’s do New Day as long as Big E is up for just being on the mic, but that would kinda have to lend the match to Kofi or Xavier winning. So you could just toss Santos Escobar and LdF as the final participant. This Protects Gunther (should let him ascend to the Main Event) give maybe one last Maina Moment to Sheamus,  give real shine to Escobar, and as I intended, pushes Solo so he can take charge of the Bloodline, as the only one left with a title. 

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I’ve been running this question through my head, going into the Royal Rumble, Roman still holds both titles. So do you even put any other member of the Bloodline in the Rumble match?

I only say that, because before you even talk any surprise entrant (celeb, returning, legend, nxt) you can already put together a very good Rumble lineup without using a single Bloodline member. And with him already doubting Sami, Roman declaring “no need” for any member to enter would make sense 

But then it does make sense that this is where Sami does the “ultimate betrayal” where it doesn’t actually cost Roman any Belt. Maybe he stops a beat down after the KO match that night. And then when they are cleaning house he dumps Solo or both Uso’s (then Solo tosses him). Just so many stories they could tell at the Rumble, let’s just hope that Shane is kept far away from booking it. 

Edited by StLunatic88
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23 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

I’ve been running this question through my head, going into the Royal Rumble, Roman still holds both titles. So do you even put any other member of the Bloodline in the Rumble match?

I only say that, because before you even talk any surprise entrant (celeb, returning, legend, nxt) you can already put together a very good Rumble lineup without using a single Bloodline member. And with him already doubting Sami, Roman declaring “no need” for any member to enter would make sense 

But then it does make sense that this is where Sami does the “ultimate betrayal” where it doesn’t actually cost Roman any Belt. Maybe he stops a beat down after the KO match that night. And then when they are cleaning house he dumps Solo or both Uso’s (then Solo tosses him). Just so many stories they could tell at the Rumble, let’s just hope that Shane is kept far away from booking it. 

The way to go, imo, is to have Sami secretly already be in cahoots with KO, and to have them secretly be in a stable lead by none other than William Regal. Then you bring in Edge to be the singles guy. KO, Sami, and Edge w/Regal as their Heyman figure.
Then, when it's time to turn KO/Sami heel, you have KO and Sami turn on Edge and replace him with the Miz. Then KO and Sami start only speaking in French with Maryse as their translator.

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14 minutes ago, Jeezla said:

The way to go, imo, is to have Sami secretly already be in cahoots with KO, and to have them secretly be in a stable lead by none other than William Regal. Then you bring in Edge to be the singles guy. KO, Sami, and Edge w/Regal as their Heyman figure.
Then, when it's time to turn KO/Sami heel, you have KO and Sami turn on Edge and replace him with the Miz. Then KO and Sami start only speaking in French with Maryse as their translator.

Regal can't appear on TV in the E until 2024 IIRC

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1 hour ago, Jeezla said:

The way to go, imo, is to have Sami secretly already be in cahoots with KO, and to have them secretly be in a stable lead by none other than William Regal. Then you bring in Edge to be the singles guy. KO, Sami, and Edge w/Regal as their Heyman figure.
Then, when it's time to turn KO/Sami heel, you have KO and Sami turn on Edge and replace him with the Miz. Then KO and Sami start only speaking in French with Maryse as their translator.

beekay is right, from what we know Regal cant be on TV till at least next year, but I get what you are saying.

To me, with everything they have already done, it feels better for Sami to finally stick up for himself and his "oldest friend", rather than it be some type of Inside Job to take down the Bloodline. Just a guy who had finally taken enough from a group that he has done nothing but stay loyal to, while his old buddy has just been trying to extend an olive branch to him

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So I have been working on booking a Royal Rumble, wanted to see how difficult it would be (maybe Ill share the results here) but while looking the rosters over, I had a realization that Im not sure where my amazement should be.

If you gave me just the (mens) roster for either Raw or SmackDown for this year, before I even get to 2/3 surprise entrants, I could book a darn good 30 man rumble match. Way better than like 99/2000, which makes what happened last year such a shame.

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On 1/8/2023 at 5:00 AM, StLunatic88 said:

If we are being frank, plenty of Fortune 500 companies have this type of problem member(s) on their board, not saying it’s right. Just that it’s fact.

Look no further than Activision Blizzard.  Pretty sure their majority share-holder just picked up something like his 6th or 7th sexual harassment suit filed against him.

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1 hour ago, Dr LBC said:

Look no further than Activision Blizzard.  Pretty sure their majority share-holder just picked up something like his 6th or 7th sexual harassment suit filed against him.

Its an unfortunate reality that we live in. 

Im now more interested if they actually sell the company. Vince seems to change his mind on a whim, and if he gets back in the office, and has a sit down with Steph, I could see them just take the new TV money and sit on it again.

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