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Lets Discuss All Things Wrestling - Even The T-Shirt Company AEW!


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On 8/27/2024 at 1:09 PM, Fresh Prince said:



I’ve said it for a while, you had to put this belt on Danielson. I know he’s a great guy, and wants to elevate and promote the younger talent and all that (unlike some still in the company and some who have left) but if you are just going to do some good programs, you can elevate them a lot, but it’s only a few individuals. This way you can say that one of the greatest of all time has been the mountain top in your company. He has his name etched on the ultimate prize. It would have been a HUGE miss had he never held their important belts before he retired

I still say he should have gotten the International Title (or whatever it’s called these days) when we thought Shibata was going to be a quick run and he most wanted to wrestle Cassidy and Danielson. He should have taken it from OC and then dropped it in a major match to BD. But at least they got his name on the record books

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Probably the best spot AEW has been in for months.

Bryan is champion, lots of directions it could go.

Mariah is champion and can cement herself.

Back to Swerve vs. Hangman.

Mox storyline.

MJF/Ospreay rivalry has more to it, international title feels like it matters.

Maybe Kenny can finally ******* return?

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21 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

I’ve said it for a while, you had to put this belt on Danielson. I know he’s a great guy, and wants to elevate and promote the younger talent and all that (unlike some still in the company and some who have left) but if you are just going to do some good programs, you can elevate them a lot, but it’s only a few individuals. This way you can say that one of the greatest of all time has been the mountain top in your company. He has his name etched on the ultimate prize. It would have been a HUGE miss had he never held their important belts before he retired

Not to mention, and I know that there are some AEW devotees that don't want to hear this (and this is coming from someone who is a HUGE Swerve fan), but having the tippy-top title on a known-commodity - known to fans that don't religiously follow the independent scene, read the Observer, listen to the podcasts on the regular - is BETTER FOR BUSINESS.

You use Bryan as a bridge to build up (and I'm not talking about in the eyes of the regular AEW viewers, but the folks that they should be targeting to try and grow themselves*) not only the next guy to be the face of the company (should be Ospreay, but belief can be hypothetically suspended) as well as the major heel - i.e. the guy who takes the belt off Bryan, retires him, and sets himself up to be the mountain that the former (the new face/tippy-top guy) has to climb to complete their ascension.

* I add this footnote because I genuinely believe (the scale of it is debatable) that there is definitely a segment of the AEW hardcores that are a huge impetus to them growing that audience.  I'm not going to psychoanalyze these people, but it feels like some combination of spoilt entitlement (it has to be their way and anyone who wants anything different is wrong, "a mark" - ironically used incorrectly and without any self-awareness, and not part of the cool kids club) or liking being "the outsider/rebel" so much that they don't want change - even if it's logical and beneficial to the wrestlers, owner, and industry they claim to care about.  That later bit was very much an observation that could be made of a segment of the ECW hardcores (specifically the Northeast folks) even when the money wasn't there and it was common knowledge that Heyman was struggling to make payroll for more than half the lockerroom.

There's a certain level of hostility towards fans who haven't been there from the beginning or don't just wholesale buy in to everything that's being put out as being the greatest thing going that is fans failing their end of the (metaphorical) contract with the promotion.  And it's not in TK's personality to nip that kind of thing in the bud, because he has shown he can't even really do that with his own locker room.

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Strap matches that involve touching all 4 corners can be hard to work, but Punk/McIntyre was great stuff.  It was everything the match needed to be and Punk is a pro.  Loved how he sold for McIntyre throughout the match and the table spot was great.

Is Gunther capable of a bad match?  I don't think so.  And what more can be said about Randy Orton?  The man was built in a lab for the sole purpose of being a professional wrestler.  LOVED his entrance too.  Camera locked in, announcers quiet, Orton laser-focused.  

Owens/Rhodes was solid and the story of Owens not being able to pull the trigger was a nice twist.  I'm just not sure where it leads to.  Owens should definitely turn heel sooner than later though.  

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Nice beatdown on Punk by Drew. TBH, that's what Punk deserves for calling out Gunther after his...2nd win since returning? Never mind, that was his 1st win since returning. Totally justified beatdown.

Edited by Jeezla
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On 8/29/2024 at 2:34 PM, Dr LBC said:

Not to mention, and I know that there are some AEW devotees that don't want to hear this (and this is coming from someone who is a HUGE Swerve fan), but having the tippy-top title on a known-commodity - known to fans that don't religiously follow the independent scene, read the Observer, listen to the podcasts on the regular - is BETTER FOR BUSINESS.

This is me. I don't want to hear it.

I literally couldn't care less about what's "best for business". I have zero financial stake in AEW and Tony Kahn has enough money he could lose $2 million a week on AEW for the next 50 years and not blow through his inheritance if thats what he wants to do. I just want to mark out to the ROH/NJPW style wrestling. It doesn't affect my enjoyment a single bit if 10 or 10 million other people are watching it along with me. 

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Maybe I'm just an old head at this point, but I just don't like the super-fast paced, no sell everything, get high flying move after high flying move in as quickly as possible style.  Saw a clip of Ricochet wrestling somebody last week and it just felt way more cartoonish that even 1980s Hulk Hogan matches.  Just couldn't enjoy it, even though I do appreciate the hell out of the athleticism and skill involved to go like that.

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20 hours ago, wgbeethree said:

This is me. I don't want to hear it.

I literally couldn't care less about what's "best for business". I have zero financial stake in AEW and Tony Kahn has enough money he could lose $2 million a week on AEW for the next 50 years and not blow through his inheritance if thats what he wants to do. I just want to mark out to the ROH/NJPW style wrestling. It doesn't affect my enjoyment a single bit if 10 or 10 million other people are watching it along with me. 

But you want AEW to stay in business right? Thats the stake you have in this. Because that is on the table, Tony will lose some money, hes not going to blow all his money

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20 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

Maybe I'm just an old head at this point, but I just don't like the super-fast paced, no sell everything, get high flying move after high flying move in as quickly as possible style.  Saw a clip of Ricochet wrestling somebody last week and it just felt way more cartoonish that even 1980s Hulk Hogan matches.  Just couldn't enjoy it, even though I do appreciate the hell out of the athleticism and skill involved to go like that.

There is an art to Pro Wrestling that gets lost during the spot fests. And unfortunately the new generation of fans are way more interesting in "wow" moments than they are the actual phycology of matches

Its why some of the best of all time can do both. They will give a 15 minute wrestling match, THEN hit a crazy spot, and also be able to dive right back into the match

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