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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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I never care if somebody betrays me and gets me evicted or kicked out of a game. It's a game, why would I be upset that the cards didn't fall how I anticipated? I may be bitter, but I can always appreciate the game move and give the person credit. I've gone out early a few times and it never actually bothers me. I love playing so I wish I could stay longer, but I live for the big moves and the betrayal. I root for those and I will always support them and not let them negatively impact my decision at the end.

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finn posts some power rankings and explains his @mission27 nomination


On 9/12/2019 at 5:09 AM, FinneasGage said:

Diary 5: September 12 6:04am

my goal in this game is to nominate mission27 and make him know that our allegiance to one another has permanently expired. he was the only guy in this game i trusted. i thought he was different than the rest of these principle-less cretins the site is littered with. he's like the rest of them. the list of trustworthy guys on this site has been narrowed to @Tyty. i'm not hurt by his disloyalty. i've been conditioned. an old friend on this site has taught me it's the ones that you trust the most that you have to be most cautious of. 

so TLO is gone. we'd previously had a falling out of sorts in the group chat w/ myself, him, mission and flux where i accused flux of a rouge vote (which i still believe he did) and then TLO going at me for not communicating properly (which is true i've been sloppy and just doing whatever without really consulting with people). so that alliance was kinda getting ****ed up a little. we sort of rekindled, but i don't think any of us really trusted each other. 

then ET won POV, which pretty much brought an end to the alliance lol. kudos to him. was a huge move in the game. probably the biggest move of the game so far. i felt like we've been coasting. honestly the only time i've been nervous about being sent him was the first eviction against orca. 

at this point my two main guys are: outpost and flux. outpost has really had my back despite me being a dog **** ally for a majority of the game. i have a final 3 pact w/ them. separately. 

pickle has had my back since i got pissed at him a couple weeks. i told him i would do everything i can to protect him and be transparent with everything i do. which i'll be faithful to. i told nazgul the same thing.

oh and a side note: i was heavily contemplating turning on all my allies and just going out w/ a bang. this was amid my main alliance kind of insinuating they weren't ******* w/ me. i was considering teaming with ET and just wrecking everything but he was really wishy-washy and i think he told me straight up he was going to put me up, so i was like **** it and just dumped that plan. 

if anything else has happened since my last journal, i can't remember it off top.

Quick Power Ranking of guys remaining (in terms of the strength of the game they've had)

1. ET
2. pickle
3. outpost 
4. flux
5. nazgul
6. mission
7. touch

if i were to go to jury this is how i feel about the game everyone's played at this point. i think ET is in a tier of his own probably among those 7. 

i don't know what's a bigger priority to me right now. getting rid of the biggest threat to win: ET. or getting rid of a snake: mission. we'll see how it plays out. also i figure most these guys are looking to make their move. a blindside absolutely wouldn't shock me. i think everyone has to eliminate me and ET. 


On 9/15/2019 at 4:56 AM, FinneasGage said:

Diary 6: September 15 5:55am

my ability to win this game is severely compromised with the first two jurors being TLO and mission. i was never necessarily playing to win, but that's definitely made it nearly impossible considering there are others in the game who are not fans of the fin. 

i have no regrets. if anything i'm glad i did what i did. it more so confirmed what i already knew. 

i think flux and outpost are the only people in this game that aren't liars, so i'll dedicate my remaining days in this game trying to get them as far as i can possibly get them. but **** maybe everyone is a liar. 

i'm not sure where i go from here. i'm going to need flux, outpost or pickle to win the next HoH, because i think everyone else will probably nom me. 

nom'ing mission made winning incredibly hard, but from a principle stand-point it was a move that had to be made. 



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Just now, Outpost31 said:

Because you stab me in the back each and every game.  You did it literally three times in a row during BB6, an I trusted you after each one and you doubled down after each one and I trusted you again here and you did it again here and you still can’t get why.  

It isn't me that doesn't get why. And this isn't about me not getting your vote. I never expected it. You always fail to see how a move can benefit someone else. I did something you didn't agree with? Maybe think about why I did something else. Everything with you is "me, me, me." And I get that. I'm always out for myself to. But at least I am able to recognize that each of us are playing the game for ourselves. You expected loyalty from me and never seemed to consider that just maybe I had previous allies that I prioritized. You and I had communication most of the game - don't act like you would've felt bad about voting me out at any point. And don't pretend like I was your top ally. These DRs prove you had no intention of working with me most of the game. So let's stop acting like my deceit came out of the blue. My issues are your reluctance to see anyone else's side on any vote / alliance / etc. The game doesn't revolved around Outpost. And another gripe I have (which I didn't know I had until you mentioned it) was you actively campaigning in PMs against me. I don't care that you didn't want me to win. I'm just embarrassed by how much of an absolute loser someone would have to be to do that. 

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when mission was nommed by @FinneasGage


On 9/13/2019 at 6:54 AM, mission27 said:

Diary session:

Well now I know how Ceasar felt.  So much jealousy.  For literally everyone in the game to promise to vote to save TLO and then knife him shows just how afraid everyone is of the MoL.

Of course when they knifed Ceasar they finished him off.  It was up to the people to rise up and ya boom the assassins.  In this case the double headed monster of the MoL is still kicking... and the people at home aren’t happy either.

From now on I have no interest in winning the game.  My only goal is to get those SOBs who took out T.  ET will be meeting a very painful end very soon.  I will be personally ya booming him whatever the cost.


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Lots of behind the scenes action from flux 

(potentially playing the game ;))


On 9/3/2019 at 8:49 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Diary Room Session

So, it sounds like ET, Outpost, Pickle are all voting out Dwight. I assume Naz will vote out touch. mission and TLO will do what fin says, which will be touch. That's 3-3 with me as the likely swing vote again. After ping ponging back and forth at the beginning, I've pretty much been with the fin/tlo/mission group as the secret fourth. Kind of like El Cuatro, but I don't know if I have as good of a shot in a final four as I did with El Cuatro as it's probably closer to a 3v1 than a 2v2. I also have solid relationships with everyone outside that alliance besides Dwight and Naz.

I want to vote out Dwight, but my issue ultimately is that fin will 100% know it was me who flipped unless I can convinced him that Naz voted out Dwight (which isn't completely unprecedented iirc). With the other side, I think they'll know also if I vote out touch so I may be showing my cards either way. I'm still leaning toward Dwight but may sit on it a little before actually casting my vote. 


On 9/4/2019 at 1:29 AM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

End of the day, I can't have both Dwight and Naz in jury and I need to get back to being more in the middle like how I want to play. Hopefully I can smooth things over enough with fin or convince him that Naz voted out Dwight (maybe a hard sell but not an impossible one). I hate to go against fin but there have been people who have wronged fin worse anyway and he hasn't gone after them. Besides, this honestly is probably better not only for my game but fin's as well even if he doesn't see it.

I vote to evict Dwight. 


On 9/9/2019 at 2:57 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Diary Room

I was completely aware of what ET was going to do as far as trying to expose mission and TLO. I am a little nervous as it exposes me a little bit, but for the most part, a lot of the other participants knew or should have thought/known I was playing up to those two fin that I'm with them.

To an extent, I am. Fluidity and adaptability is what I'm going for in this game. I want to have options and be able to go between those options as I see fit. My main two vulnerabilities right now are:

1) TLO mission & fin do not buy the story I gave them about Dwight, so it is possible they try to take me out sooner or don't trust me at all. On the flip side,  they have had so-so trust with me so far anyway (funny enough they only seem to doubt me/mistrust me when they shouldn't but then they listen to me/trust me when they shouldn't) and I would have been #4 in the final four to all of them anyway if we did get to the point where we all four made it to the end (unlikely regardless). I had considered being honest with them, but fin is being a wildcard at the moment and I wasnt sure if I could trust TLO and mission not to flip the info against me; and on the off-chance they believed me about it, it would create more confusion among them. Ultimately, I do think they still see at least ET and maybe Outpost or touch as needing to go before I do. ET continuing his shots at them and getting one out this week does ultimately help me as I think they will feel like they need to work with me.

2) The last bit leads into this. It is very possible ET is planning on backdooring me or that TLO/mission could convince him to do so. I doubt this scenario as it isn't in ET's best interest in order to make it further, but it is definitely possible. 


On 9/9/2019 at 6:01 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Also should make this clear:

I'm still willing to work with the four and would love to get to the end with either fin, ET, or Pickle Rick. Would also be fine with being there with mission. fin, ET, and PR are my top choices though from basically the three different routes I've set up and I do trust those three the most in the game. 


On 9/10/2019 at 7:12 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Gonna see if ET will put up Naz instead of fin tbh

But this is great. Would rather have TLO gone than mission but mission would have been out.


On 9/11/2019 at 8:14 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

I think after some rockiness stemming from voting out Dwight (and being unable to convince the TLO/mission/fin group I didn't) that I've now managed to structure things to where I should be okay next week regardless of who stays and who goes. I am hoping this keeps the vote close or creates a tie.

I vote to evict TLO. 


On 9/14/2019 at 2:07 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Diary Room

So, Fin's initial idea was to do mission (target) and ET with touch as the renom option. I seem to have been able to convince him to do mission and touch with ET as the renom option. I also suggested he let touch know he is a pawn and to reach out to ET to let him know he isn't going up unless the veto is used. I'm hoping this can build a little bit of goodwill between those two for the next round assuming ET doesn't get put up as a replacement and go out.

I've kind of dropped hints that I'm a little bothered by touch and Naz skating by up to now without really playing the game. The idea is that hopefully mission goes out now and then if I or one of them wins HOH next, it can be Naz and touch. Maybe sell the idea of there being a backdoor option when really I'd want one of them out. Naz and touch are probably the ones that I have the weakest links to so that's why I'm concerned a bit with them. I also am marginally concerned about Outpost and Pickle as my work with them has been stop and go, but ultimately I think both of them probably would target at least mission, fin, and ET before me.

My three path strategy seems to still be okay. As aforementioned, I'd like to make it to the end with fin, ET, or Pickle. This entire game has been about being active without coming off as a threat and to give myself as many paths as possible. I feel like I've done a mostly good job of this. I think I'm probably playing better than I did in BB2, but I'll also quite possibly have a tougher time winning a jury vote because 1) I have won before and 2) what I've been doing is smart gameplay but it may not be able to translate in jury questioning. Kind of like Aubry in Kaoh Rong where I've fronted these connections and strategy, but it may not be abundantly apparent. Very possible if I get to the end with fin or ET that they'll get the win over me because they've been flashy and made big moves. Not to take anything away from them as they've surely done their part to ensure their safety, but I've put in a lot of work to protect both of them. There's a reason why every vote has gone my way, I've been the swing vote/part of the swing votes every eviction, and why I am the only player in the game still who has not touched  the block. I could easily go down soon as I could always be wrong and there is so much that comes down to variables/luck, but I really am feeling it this game. At the very least, I better have that AFP wrapped up, haha.


On 9/14/2019 at 2:11 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

Should also mention, even though I'm a little more uneasy with Pickle now compared to earlier in the game, I do think it was significant that I articulated in the (I believe?) Dwight/touch eviction that we were the swing votes and would decide it, because ultimately we did vote together. 

That did weaken me a little bit with mission, TLO, touch, and fin but that's good. The public outing last round helps cut my ties with them a little as it looks like they were throwing me under the bus (which they were) and TLO went. fin is also motivated to get mission out because mission lied to him and voted for him to go. It also gave me a valuable opportunity to show loyalty to fin, which is what he values. As much of a wildcard as he can be, which concerned mission and TLO after the Dwight/Naz nominations, he is incredibly loyal and if you can play into that, you can improve your shot in this game.


On 9/14/2019 at 2:15 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

I also hope I'm not the only one doing DR lmao


On 9/14/2019 at 3:37 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:


i just have a question for you. i trust you, but two people have told me you were trying to force a tie between myself and TLO. why is this? or have two people fabricated similar lies? 


It initiated because Outpost told me he had voted TLO but was considering switching to vote you out. I told him if we both vote TLO then it may result in a tie and defer to ET (who would have probably voted out TLO) so that was to try to help protect you. Once I mentioned the tie possibility, Outpost told me he'd prefer that so then he could claim he voted to keep whoever stayed.

With Pickle, he told me he was leaning voting out TLO but that both you and mission (for TLO) were fighting hard for his vote. I told him if we both voted TLO it may result in a tie. This was also to protect you. Telling them both voting for TLO would maybe help take blood off their hands was my strategy to help make it 4-2 to vote out TLO. I do think ET would have voted out TLO over you, but I wanted to avoid the tie if possible and definitely didn't want to risk Outpost flipping to vote you out + Pickle deciding to vote you out.

I meant to tell you after the vote (didn't want to tell you during as I didn't want to freak you out) but I forgot with work and everything.

Truth is, this was my #1 objective, but I was also completely okay with a tie since ET wanted mission or TLO gone so fin was safe anyway.


On 9/14/2019 at 3:45 PM, Adrenaline_Flux said:

This does kind of confirm though that I need to be more weary of Pickle and Outpost and that they are likely working together. I thought they wouldn't come for me until after mission, fin, and ET were dealt with (or at least 2/3) but it looks like I could be wrong about that. 


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TLOs last DR session

On 9/11/2019 at 9:08 PM, TLO said:

I mean Tbh like I said I can’t blame everyone for dispatching of the best comp player in big brother. If they blew their shot now, they knew there may not be another one. Even if mission did, Tbh, I can’t even blame him


this can be a diary session


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@Outpost31 love the diary rooms, but you're wrong on everything lol.

Making the jury isn't a huge achievement. It's just a goal so that I remain involved. I got 4th the first time I played and won on the third. I've been successful and won a ton of challenges back then. A lot of the challenges I participated in this time around (which wasn't many, I think I played in like 1 veto), were primarily luck based. I can't sit down and spend 30 minutes or more on a challenge, and my windows vary especially around holidays where my work picks up substantially. My schedule shouldn't be held against me in a game. We are playing to have fun, and I assure you I got online to participate when I was available. It's a silly thing to be so arrogant against somebody when you have no idea what's encompassing their life outside of a game that's played to have fun. I was very open in my PM's to people. I didn't really lie to anybody, and I knew it was a bold strategy. As Flux has mentioned before, winning before lets you play unhinged as you go in assuming nobody is going to take a previous winner into the finals. The only thing that actually bothers me from your comments is the thing about submitting moves. I assure you I'm not lazy, I dedicated a lot of my limited free time to this game. It's why I don't spend a lot of time on FF - I'm unfortunately not able.

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Lots of activity from et80 around mission and tlos eviction

also....some paranoia around other HGs

and a big board to top it off


On 9/3/2019 at 8:40 PM, ET80 said:

So, this is a really, REALLY tough vote. Dwight has been a fantastic ally, a really dependable source of information, diving into discussions and really sharing that with me. Likewise, he's a twofer vote with his brother (they play the Cain and Abel bit, but I know Dwight/Naz will bat for one another. Dwight was my biggest thorn when I got Naz out early last season).

Touch is my ride or die - my first BB, he and I rallied around each other and he sprungboard me to the final four, couldn't have done it without him. He's always been up front with me, and we're dialed in on mutual enemies (we all are, there's no doubt to this at this stage). 

It's a tough vote. I'll cast my lot in a bit. 

In other news, I'm about to rain FIRE on MoL. They seem to forget... I'm ******* THE EliteTexan80. I am the APEX PREDATOR in this universe, I blink and people who displease me vanish into the void.

Fin won't be first in my purge. Instead, he will witness my wrath, and tell the story of my anger...


On 9/9/2019 at 10:19 AM, ET80 said:

I'm... actually nervous. What's about to happen next? It's going to turn the game on its ear. It's going to draw a huge bullseye on my forehead, it'll push significant heat on myself, it'll dismantle a very strong block. 

But, I'm OK with all of that. Too often, I play too conservatively. It got me outed last BB at the end (that was inevitable, but I digress) and it got me booted two years ago when I was in the final four. Fortune favors the bold, they say - and this next step is bold. With my next vote, I am going to render MoL about as nuclear as Chernobyl in 1986 - nobody will align with them for the next 25,000 years. And it's all with me - it's all because I'm choosing to press AZ-5 and set off the cataclysmic events to push this game forward.

Here we go. No turning back.


On 9/9/2019 at 10:50 AM, ET80 said:

@mission27 forgot to mention how I'm fat. Or, is that a given for a middle aged man?


On 9/9/2019 at 11:17 AM, ET80 said:

@TLO with the save. Hard to deny, they make a good pairing.


On 9/11/2019 at 11:18 AM, ET80 said:

My big board for the remainder of the game:

1. O-31. He was the first in a final two alliance, he's been a bastion of information, he's protected me in battle, he's set up pins to be knocked down. I didn't think much of him leading into this game (nothing personal, we've just always been at odds with one another outside of BB) but he's got a focus and intensity that is to be admired.

2. AFluxy - He's my buddy, my friend. He has a final two pact with me, which will be interesting if it's a trio of O31, Flux and myself; I've already committed here to stepping down if us three make it. I don't like the idea of stepping down (moreso now then when I wrote it out earlier) but man and a code and whatnot...

3. Nazgul - If I didn't have these two ahead of him, I'd probably make a final two pact with Naz. He's got a rep and he's lived up to it, but he's also a pretty good guy underneath and - I think - can be loyal in crunch time.

4. Touch - Our communication has been very one sided in terms of sharing information. I WANT us to work well together. Really, I do. But he's got to work a bit with me.

5. Pickle Rick - He played my Mission/TLO pipe bomb pretty well, but...I really don't know if he's gunning for me after that play. He's been unusually vague with me since. I don't know if I can trust him.

6/7. Mission/TLO - Funny part is, I could have stayed good to my word with them, and we'd probably be in the final three... which is where the problem lies. If I'm to have any chance to make it, one of them has to go before they mount an offensive against me.

8. Fin - Honestly, we got off on the wrong foot on the first vote, and have been at odds since. I've actually underestimated his stubbornness. It's still a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things. 

Votes coming up, I'll see how it works out.


On 9/12/2019 at 11:12 AM, ET80 said:

I think several of us were expecting a tie. This is odd. I really don't mind, TLO or Fin is fine with me. Touch is determined to find out how it played out - someone lied to him.

Mentally, this is what I got, this is the vote I think happened:

Mission - Fin

Outpost - TLO

Naz - TLO

Pickle - TLO

Touch - Fin



AF was pushing HARD to put up Naz over Fin via Discord. He thinks it came off as a suggestion, but it did come off to me as him trying to save Fin. He even suggested I contact Fin to work out a non-aggression pact.

AF prevented the tie, I think. Not enough to make a full call on that, but there's some evidence pointing to that.


On 9/12/2019 at 2:08 PM, ET80 said:

See, responses like this...

Don't make me feel better. Remember my power ranking, remember touch being so low? It's because of stuff like this. I've been transparent with him, he needs to be transparent with me.



On 9/14/2019 at 3:41 PM, ET80 said:

My GOODNESS, that pipe bomb was a gamechanger. I've killed the MoL faction from the inside out.


On 9/14/2019 at 6:57 PM, ET80 said:

This feels forced. I'm on my guard from this moment forward...


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touch unloads on @FinneasGage


On 9/4/2019 at 10:17 AM, theuntouchable said:

DIARY SESSION #****finn 

so, Finn has turned out to be exactly what I thought he was. A free-loading conniving bastard. The gauntlet has been dropped and I’m ready to release the hounds. Bastard is gonna go down quick. 


On 9/4/2019 at 10:25 AM, theuntouchable said:


So, the cats are riled up and scared. Mission and Naz have already hit me up post my call-out. 

I knew naz was gonna vote me, I mean it was his brother after all. But I couldn’t call out the people that voted me and conveniently leave someone off. Naz is pretty cool. 

Mission hit me up saying he didn’t vote to evict me. Does he think I’m dumb? I know ET, outpost and pickle voted to keep me here. I have it on good authority that Flux also voted that way. It makes sense too because he had mentioned that he didn’t want both twins getting to the jury. 

I also know that Finn has been working with mission/tlo because Finn told me that a while ago (before he wanted to try and swing his **** around like a boss). 

Time for the trash to be taken out America. 


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1 minute ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

Wait, I still don't see how I went out over Nazgul based on recent successes lol

@Adrenaline_Flux got me first. I wasn't targeting him, but definitely planned to eventually because I don't want him winning a second time before I do.

for me, what it came down to, was that Naz won the veto. I would have pushed for Naz to go over you since I thought I would have had a better chance angling a winner's alliance with you.

again, funny how things turned out lol

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