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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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7 hours ago, SwAg said:

<return to the painting location with the ominous ticking, position myself a safe distance away, and throw the bone I took from Woz’s body earlier at the sound of the ticking> @The Orca

The sound gets faster

7 hours ago, Forge said:

@The Orca

<Head to the jungle museum, open the door and walk inside>

You slide your way down to the jungle museum and walk inside 

6 hours ago, N4L said:

<takes out some sort of weapon/makes a weapon from a sharp piece of wood or from the chandelier> 

<Proceeds to the jungle room to protect @Forge

<Looks to see if the pictures are watching me on the way there> 

You have a piece of metal and proceed to the jungle museum and stop outside the door. There is a painting of a majestic snake 

5 hours ago, MWil23 said:

<I walk around to the torture room and carefully inspect it for booby traps>

@The Orca

Ylu walk to thr torture room but cant get in. No booby traps appear that you can discern geom the outside

1 hour ago, ET80 said:

<wake up, walk to the Jungle Room, stand outside>

You move to the jungle room and are outside with N4L 

1 hour ago, bcb1213 said:

<shrug > @The Orca

Bcb is shrugging 

31 minutes ago, Llamalover said:

<I head to the dungeon and walk inside>

You walk down the stairs and inside to the dungeon

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