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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

I like trails. Walked on one a few days ago, found a quarter, a wallet, half a human skull and a bracelet.

Typical day in Houston. 

You still arent trying this game. ET80

2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I'm going to translate the below from "Pickle" to English.

Here's the list:


Let's look person by person:

1. Counselor bantering back and forth with Pickle and being active last night and this morning means he's "barely posted"

2. TK3: I'll give him that, albeit he was a later signup.

3. Me: I was at football practice from 3:00-6:00 and in bed by 10:00. I've been active before that as well as today, in which case I will also be active in the mornings/early afternoons, as is my normal routine

4. SwAg: Barely active? LOL. Today, not so much, but yesterday, I don't know how you could really say that.

5. Rams: Has been replaced and miscommunication about signing up

6. Whicker: As per the last 3-4 games, said that he's busy with whatever other forum function there is.

Translation: Most people thought I was talking about my scum list, while I was actually being intentionally vague and appearing extremely scummy, going way off on my normal Town meta early in games.

Translation: Last game I, Pickle Rick, was scum. I caught MWil23, who was actually a friendly other and had the power of Chud, which was/would have been used to weaken my twin brother Orca, who was also scum, albeit in a separate faction.

Translation: No one actually cares about the list but me. Therefore, I'm going to senselessly tunnel on Counselor for a while. It's also worth noting that eventually I will clamor for MWil and definitely SwAg.



I swear you use these same gifs on repeat.

36 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, it's not like it was NSYNC or something.

98 Degrees or GTFO

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Translation: Last game I, Pickle Rick, was scum. I caught MWil23, who was actually a friendly other and had the power of Chud, which was/would have been used to weaken my twin brother Orca, who was also scum, albeit in a separate faction.

Mwil: Swag "caught" you, and only jumped ship when he got his regularly scheduled hard on for me. Plus you are also at fault for not claiming. 

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5 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I swear you use these same gifs on repeat.


I didn't even use the "The Mail! The Mail! Don't even get me started on the mail!" one or the "Half of the people in this building have either been made up or don't exist!" gifs.

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Mwil: Swag "caught" you, and only jumped ship when he got his regularly scheduled hard on for me. Plus you are also at fault for not claiming. 

My soft claim/referencing the chud is what got Orca to tunnel on me and get me gone Day 1 unfortunately.

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Dont soft claim then. Its usually doesnt work.

I went from fuming at the twins, to glad they were scum since they blatantly tunneled on me, to kicking myself for pointing at it to Forge. I figured that Pickle/Orca were scum, but I was really hoping that Malf/Whicker wouldn't smoke me at the end. Unfortunately, I also pushed you and you were in self preservation mode. Live and learn from my vantage point. Like I said, I'm usually fairly aggressive...often times, it means that I'm done Day 1/Day 2. I'm trying to learn balance.

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squire12 - 3 - SwAg, The Orca, Tk3

Pickle Rick - 3 - Counselor, Mwil23, Whicker

The Orca - 3 - Dome, rackcs, Forge

Llamalover - 1 - Malfatron

Tk3 - 1 - Pickle Rick

Dome - 1 - Nazgul

Forge - 1 - kingseanjohn

Nazgul - 1 - ET80

bcb1213 - 1 - squire12

SwAg - 1 - bcb1213

ET80 - Matts4313

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