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Ask yourself this one question, If Tom Brady had Jason Garrett as a HC, would he still be the GOAT???

resilient part 2

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Brady has acheived some incredible things, and im very impressed by how he's still playing considering his age. 

But the way this defense and special teams is carrying the Pats to potentially a 18-1 season, with a SB this time, highlights again just how insanely stupid it is to give QB's credit for wins. 

Maybe best thing for people like me who think that Football is a team sport, really is for the Pats to just go all 85 Bears this year and take the SB with one of the statistically best defenses of all time. Will the narrative still be - Brady carried the Pats to another SB, like it bizzarely was last year?

Edited by The Hitch
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3 hours ago, The Hitch said:

Brady has acheived some incredible things, and im very impressed by how he's still playing considering his age. 

But the way this defense and special teams is carrying the Pats to potentially a 18-1 season, with a SB this time, highlights again just how insanely stupid it is to give QB's credit for wins. 

Maybe best thing for people like me who think that Football is a team sport, really is for the Pats to just go all 85 Bears this year and take the SB with one of the statistically best defenses of all time. Will the narrative still be - Brady carried the Pats to another SB, like it bizzarely was last year?

Well he's definitely carrying the offense. Even if he's taken a backseat to the defense and special teams, it's about time considering how many poor defenses Brady had to compensate throughout his career.

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11 hours ago, PapaShogun said:

If Jerry Rice didn't have Montana and Young throwing him the ball for 15 years would he have been able to put all those records out of reach? Does it diminish his greatness?

Not sure what your point is. There are many players in the NFL that were victims of circumstance, and others who were put in favorable positions. Players can't control that. 

I think that's his point. Players are unable to accomplish great things with JG holding back the talent. 

Edited by Calvert28
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I honestly don't understand why people are criticising Garrett for kicking that FG. It was a 7 point game, if they go for it and don't get it the Pats have all the momentum, and even if you get lucky with a fumble or pick TD, it's a tie game and you're handing the ball back to Brady with about 3 minutes to go.

Kicking the the FG achieves two things - firstly it rewards your offense for a good drive, keeping moral up. Second, it puts pressure on the Pats to at least do something on offense. A 7 point lead the Patriots know they're have a margin for error, a 4 point lead means they're a mistake away away from being behind.

Let's not forget, the plan worked. The Cowboys got the ball back with plenty of time, and were driving for the winning TD. If Cooper had caught that 4th down pass we might be talking about the Cowboys pulling the upset.

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17 minutes ago, Elky said:

Well he's definitely carrying the offense. Even if he's taken a backseat to the defense and special teams, it's about time considering how many poor defenses Brady had to compensate throughout his career.


They are talking about the Tom Brady and the Pat's, not peyton Manning and the Colts.

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15 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:


They are talking about the Tom Brady and the Pat's, not peyton Manning and the Colts.

I'm not entirely sure what Peyton/Indy has to do with anything, but the narrative that Peyton consistently had to work with poor defenses in Indy and Brady always had a good defense is actually a myth. Let's do some fact checking:

2002: Indy 8th NE 23rd

2003: Indy 11th NE 7th

2004: Indy 29th NE 9th

2005: Indy 11th NE 26th

2006: Indy 21st NE 6th - NOTE: Indy's defense was THE reason they won Super Bowl XLI!

2007: Indy 3rd NE 4th

2008: Indy 22nd NE 23rd

2009: Indy 18th NE 11th

2010: Indy 20th NE 25th

Indy's defense outranked us 4/9 times, so it's basically a 50/50 split. Brady has played with some pretty awful defenses too. I would recommend doing some research BEFORE you make a claim.

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11 hours ago, SkippyX said:

If Peyton Manning was the Patriots QB they would have 2 or 3 rings.

If BB had Rodgers they would have about 2 rings.


Brady is the GoaT to the same level Gretzky or Babe Ruth is. There is no close second.


BB is an incredible coach (the best) but he’d be the first to tell you that players win championships.

 Crazy statement because of those three players one of them doesn't belong.

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55 minutes ago, Elky said:

I'm not entirely sure what Peyton/Indy has to do with anything, but the narrative that Peyton consistently had to work with poor defenses in Indy and Brady always had a good defense is actually a myth. Let's do some fact checking:

2002: Indy 8th NE 23rd

2003: Indy 11th NE 7th

2004: Indy 29th NE 9th

2005: Indy 11th NE 26th

2006: Indy 21st NE 6th - NOTE: Indy's defense was THE reason they won Super Bowl XLI!

2007: Indy 3rd NE 4th

2008: Indy 22nd NE 23rd

2009: Indy 18th NE 11th

2010: Indy 20th NE 25th

Indy's defense outranked us 4/9 times, so it's basically a 50/50 split. Brady has played with some pretty awful defenses too. I would recommend doing some research BEFORE you make a claim.

What are you basing the defensive ratings off of. Because I think Points against, first downs allowed and turnover should be the standard.  Also, for you to state that about Indy and not acknowledge the same for the Patriots is plain foolish, because the years the offense led the Patriots did not win a superbowl yet every single Patriots superbowl I can name a defensive play in the 4th qtr that won the game for them.

Edited by MrnastiesNO
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