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***Spoilers*** Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


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My initial reaction is that the movie is a mess from start to finish. Dialogue and pacing is terrible imo. The fan service and spectacle is legit. This trilogy severely lacks cohesion and strong story arcs. Aside from chewy, c3po and kylo, I did not feel for the other characters. I could careless if they lived or died.

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It was the best one since episode 3 imo. wish rey actually died and palpatines lighting bolts killed everyone, but wasn't mad. all my homies made a spectacle of how displeased they were tho. and everyone in the theater seemed pissed lol. i don't know what they wanted. it was a pretty standard "franchise" movie. they're pretty much all the same. 

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Saw it last night. It was...ok? 

I absolutely hate how "extreme" Star Wars fandom seems to be. You can't just think that a movie was OK or decent or pretty good. Everything has to be either amazing or the worst thing ever that destroyed your childhood or something ridiculous. Can a movie just be...ok? 

I mean, I wouldn't put it in my Top 3 Star Wars movies, but it wouldn't go in my Bottom 3 either. 

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To be fair, Snoke was only a hologram in TFA. He wasn't seen in the flesh. The possibility that he was just a puppet/projection was at least feasible.

Then there was Kylo appearing to have a conversation with Darth Vader's helmet. It didn't make sense unless Kylo was just completely batsh-t crazy. 

The problem is the prequels tie closely into Anakin defeating Palpatine. Bringing him back wrecks the purpose of the first six movies.  Rey being a Palpatine is fine and had she emerged as the central villian in this trilogy it would have been a "daring" twist.

I used quotations because the management at Lucasfilm is way too precious and infantile in it's coddling of female characters. A truly equal person can serve the story in whatever direction it goes.

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1 hour ago, Lions017 said:

Saw it last night. It was...ok? 

I absolutely hate how "extreme" Star Wars fandom seems to be. You can't just think that a movie was OK or decent or pretty good. Everything has to be either amazing or the worst thing ever that destroyed your childhood or something ridiculous. Can a movie just be...ok? 

I mean, I wouldn't put it in my Top 3 Star Wars movies, but it wouldn't go in my Bottom 3 either. 

Now that actual fan reviews are out this actually seems to be the consensus. All the numbers point to it being meh.

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I enjoyed it. It's not a good movie and it played like fan fiction (in a bad way), but I didnt hate it either. The pacing was horrendous, almost like they were simultaneously fitting more than they could into the movie and trying to hid the flaws by moving so fast you dont even realize what  youve seen until something completely different is happening. The plot is a garbled mess, mostly due to structure. Time has no meaning in this flick. The saber battles were mediocre IMO. There were what, three McGuffins in this flick? Rey, the dagger, and the sith GPS? 

My biggest complaint was that Rey DID NOT need to be Palpatine's granddaughter. What a pile of crap. Despite the fact that the Emporer was poorly handled and explained in general, we didn't need forced familial ties to push the narrative. TLJ set it up fine when Snoke said the light rises to meet the darkness. Since Palp was puppeteer to Snoke, those are his words anyways. Just make Palp need to be struck down by the rising light to create his new emporer. This is the only thing I hated, Rey Palpatine. 

Side note: I am trying to rationalize why Leia's body didnt dissipate right away. She was using force projections to bring back Ben Solo and died from the strain much like Luke did in TLJ. My first thought is that those who mastered force ghosts have their corporeal forms disappear. Leia, Yoda, Luke, and Obiwan all dissipated and force ghosted. You could argue that Anakin also dissipated and they were only burning Vader's armor to line this up and while Ben didnt force ghost its wouldnt be out of the realm of possibility that Luke taught him to do it prior to the split. However, that still does not explain why it took so long for Leia's body to disappear. The reason I WANT it to be is that the skywalker line was a manifestation of the force (IE Anakin is force jesus) to help bring balance to the force by ending Palpatine and once he was gone, all skywalkers merged back into the force and THATS why Leia didnt dissipate until then (Lucky all the Skywalkers died doing it, but that couldve been the Forces plan all along). The only reason that checks all the boxes is that she somehow transferred her light or some piece of her into Kylo Ren to bring back Ben Solo and was apart of him so when he died she officially/actually died. IDK

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Still don't understand why they did just use the Ben-Rey are twins angle from the EU. The current story seems like they started with it as a base (or Rey as one of Lukes daughters) and edited it from there. The story would have written itself, and the double turn at the end of the second movie would have been awesome. 

Heck, why have Rey as Palpatines daughter? If you are going down the clone angle, why not have Rey a clone of Luke and/or Anakin? Could have been Palps backup plan to Luke not turning, or Vadar failing him (like he did). That could have really feed Ben's jealous of Rey, and his hatred of her (in movie 2 or whatever).  

Edited by animaltested
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6 hours ago, iLikeDefense said:

My initial reaction is that the movie is a mess from start to finish. Dialogue and pacing is terrible imo. The fan service and spectacle is legit. This trilogy severely lacks cohesion and strong story arcs. 

The pacing was horrid, I agree.  It's like Abrahms had to rush two movies into one due to the lack of plot development in TLJ.  Loved the rest.  As for dialogue, it was on par with all the others.  

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6 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

It was the best one since episode 3 imo. wish rey actually died and palpatines lighting bolts killed everyone, but wasn't mad. all my homies made a spectacle of how displeased they were tho. and everyone in the theater seemed pissed lol. i don't know what they wanted. it was a pretty standard "franchise" movie. they're pretty much all the same. 

The only thing I didn't like about the "whole Sith history in me" vs. Rey and all the Jedi within her was that it seemed stolen from HP and the Deathly Hallows, where all of Voldemort's victims come ut to help Harry blow him away.


Which is fine as far as I'm concerned, because when I first read HP7, I was convinced the whole horcrux hunt was a rip off of the vision Lucas had for this trilogy.... ie The Skywalkers hunting down the clones of Palpatine.  I am basing that solely on interviews I read from him and glanacing thru fan posts on various sites.  I never read any of the expanded universe stuff that was considered canon by many.

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20 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

All that time I spent defending TLJ and this is how you repay me?  Are you SERIOUS?  In full Greta voice, “How dare you?”

I'm sure Rian Johnson would have done things differently for this movie if he was the director.

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4 hours ago, animaltested said:

Still don't understand why they did just use the Ben-Rey are twins angle from the EU. The current story seems like they started with it as a base (or Rey as one of Lukes daughters) and edited it from there. The story would have written itself, and the double turn at the end of the second movie would have been awesome. 

Haven't seen it yet but Rey & Ben's story is an amalgam of Darth Revan & Bastilla with Jacen Solo replanted in Revan's place.

Two enemies fall in love and develop a force bond.  The guy comes from a famous family and the pressure of it drives him evil.   

The son of Han & Leia is corrupted by the Dark Side and he kills a close family member to prove his loyalty to his master/the Dark Side.  So we kind of got a different version of the Jacen Solo's story.  Its just the bird he fancies trying to bring him back instead of his sister which is where the Bastilla and Revan story takes over.

TFA set up from the start a romantic angle between Rey & Kylo and TLJ only cemented their feelings.

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So, I consider myself a huge Star Wars fan (originals). I thought TFA was "ok". I did NOT like TLJ.... and I did like this movie, for all it's faults. It was the first time in theaters I actually felt like I was watching a Star Wars movie, if that makes sense. 

There were some things I didn't care for.... obviously the pacing was a mess. They crammed too much into this.  Reylo at the end was so forced and you can tell it was done in re-shoots.. it was so awkward. People in the theater laughed when he fell over. He should have died as she came back, and she could have woken up in his arms and it would have had a more powerful effect. The kiss was a joke. The dialogue, to me, felt better than the last 2. Maybe I just really hated Hamill's acting in TLJ, but the acting felt a lot better. 

There were some great moments in this movie. Everyone wants to complain about everything. This movie was not an abomination like people are saying, period. I think Ben should have survived over Rey, because Rey sacrificing herself to kill the Palpatine line would have been cool. Kyle/Ben was also the most interesting character in the series by far. I was torn on if I wanted a redemption arc for him, but once he had it, I was happy.

We see the entire line of Skywalker's sacrifice themselves. Anakin for Luke, Luke for Leia/the Resistance, Leia for Ben, and finally Ben for Rey. This is the only way I can convince myself I'm ok with the Skywalker line dying out, because it was consistent. 

I'm seeing it again tonight so I'll see how it holds up again where I can pay a little more attention to finer details. 

Side note, do we think the thing Finn wanted to say to Rey was that he loved her, or was it that he is Force sensitive? It's hinted a few times during the movie that he is, when he senses things.

Edited by JBURGE
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