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quaint seaside village mafia “Town wins. Josh draws short straw”


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1   Cult leader - target a player at night select players may be converted to cultists -hidden sacrifice your cult to become cthulus host survive for one day and night to win solo joshdradomus

2 Village priest-passive your connection to god allows you to feel how corrupt your village has become active pray for an individual to determine if they are corrupted or pure. Malfatron

3-6 4 townspeople squire.md4l.et.ragnorok

 7-8 2xTown gossip active -1x you gossip in the night to see if two people chosen by you are connected or not.-tedlevih picklerick

9 town jailer. Active- jail a person during night blahstoise

10 Paranormal investigator.visit a player in the night to Investigate the alignment of the chosen player. Untouchable

11Town blacksmith odd night hand out an unbreakable steel lock to a chosen player that player may use it to protect themselves for one chosen night- dingo lad

12 toymaker even night hand out a wooden puzzlebox if they solve the riddle they are given a pm with the ratio. Wicker

13mad man by the sea you are paranoid you may choose to set a trap during the night to kill the first person that visits you. Warning killing a townsperson first no vote twice will result in a punishment- mwil

14 Town pyschic 2x use your deck of tarrot to determine the game ratio buksfan

15-16 town masons- you do everything together bcb matts

17 town watcher target a player at Night and learn who, if anybody, targeted that player the same Night (but not what actions were performed on that player).racks

 18 Town huntsman target a player at Night and learn who, if anybody, that player targeted the same night (but not the action the player performed).-gopher-

19 Village fishermen you may choose to stay out during the night fishing instead of staying in town. Note fishing in the dark could be dangerous counsler

20. Town fishermans wife nightime pick a player gossip in the night to find out his role name orca

town names could be converted


Edited by wolfeyestrk
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2 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

at dusk the town gathered, with a cold wind driving a storm in-front of it the town brings JoshstraDaymus to the gallows outside of town. as you put his neck to the rope those gathered can hear him bellowing like a mad man to the wind."no NO! it wasn't supposed to be like this, you promised me power. HELP ME!" his final words as he drops 

JoshstraDaymus was lynched he was the Cult Leader.

as his body swings you hear lightning crack in the distance over the ocean, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of each of you. the oppressive feeling of a million eyes watching from the shadows are now gone.

With the cult leaders death all threats to the village and town have been removed. CONGRATULATIONS! Town wins

Wow. One death win? First game I have ever seen like that. Would love to see a role list.

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3 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

at dusk the town gathered, with a cold wind driving a storm in-front of it the town brings JoshstraDaymus to the gallows outside of town. as you put his neck to the rope those gathered can hear him bellowing like a mad man to the wind."no NO! it wasn't supposed to be like this, you promised me power. HELP ME!" his final words as he drops 

JoshstraDaymus was lynched he was the Cult Leader.

as his body swings you hear lightning crack in the distance over the ocean, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of each of you. the oppressive feeling of a million eyes watching from the shadows are now gone.

With the cult leaders death all threats to the village and town have been removed. CONGRATULATIONS! Town wins

By the way, i investigated josh n1 too, lol

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