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4 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

@MrOaktown_56 And why not post my replies to those? I completely debunked his Alex Smith thing saying it IS the same thing. People assume just because Carr has a strong arm, his tendency is not conservative. That’s not the truth what so ever. Take the arm out of it. His tendencies have been more conservative than Alex Smith since college. Just because he has a strong arm doesn’t change that. 
Also why are you so obsessed with those two? Why not form your own argument against me...? I feel like you are getting desperate and clawing to any hope you can. Carr might be on his way out bro, hope you can deal with that...

You are calling me desperate. But I have no desire to engage in these debates. I'm pointing out that your objectivity has been called out by posters with no affinity for or against this team. You have responded by calling them (including a mod) "haters".

Huge rebuttal there.

You still haven't understood the point of their post. Not having trust in mediocre to average players is not the same as holding back an elite cast, which alex smith did to some extent in KC. I don't understand how you are unable to grasp the simple analogy that Jakuvious put out and Yin-Yang also alluded to.

When I point this out, you call me "obsessed". Again another ad hominem which doesn't really prove anything.

I have already formed an argument. An argument I supplemented with backing from unbiased forum members. Who have no more or no less credibility than we do, aside from not having any conflict of interest from supporting this team or a particular player.

They're simply suggesting that it was built as a short pass offense, which I agree with. If the personnel changes and there are still problems, I don't think any forum member will have a problem blaming the qb then. Including me.

This isn't really about whether he's on his way out or not. It's about the merit of suggesting that he's the problem or not. Hope you're able to grasp that.

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5 minutes ago, dante9876 said:

Lol if you give up less than 20 points it's fine. Especially when most of cap and resources are on the offensive side of the ball. The side that's suppose to carry the team. Every body brings up injuries on offense but just calls defense trash. They had plenty if injuries too. If they wasnt exhausted from the offense not doing anything all game maybe those drives dont happen. If offense plays better those drives dont matter. And yes we was competitive in those games but it was cause of the defense. Offense do their job we are 4-0 and in the playoffs. Not to mention bengals and jags was two of the worst defenses in the league when we played them. We can blame the refs all we want. They certainly deserve alot of it. But it should hadnt come to that bad call. We should had beat the hell out of the jags. The were in full spiral mode at that point. 

Well if bengals and jags bad D gets brought up, can we also bring up all 4 of those teams had bad Os so our D was expected to play better?

i agree with the D getting gased. Back to back 3 and outs is killer. However the raiders actually moved the ball decent, 9th in yards. That plus our strong run game, leads me to believe our O was on the field a fair bit.

i think our young players on D stepped up nicely, and performed well we just didn’t create turnovers. 

agreed o has to play better, and agreed it’s lame to blame refs. I shouldn’t have. I think our backups on D are closer to talent level as the starters than with our O.

agreed we’ve spent to much on O, why I want to attack the D this offseason. I think our D has a bunch of good players. But not one game changer. If we can get one or 2 game changers it can really make a jump. 
the nfl Rules is designed to favor the O. Teams are going to score on you. You need turnovers / sacks to negate scores.


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50 minutes ago, dante9876 said:

He overrate it and you underrate it. The o line comment in particular. The o line played great for at least 3 quarters of the season. Missing ritchie and gabe early on didnt hurt them a bit. Even miss trent wasnt that bad at first. They finish season ranked in top 8 in pass pro and run blocking. Losing Jacob was huge. He was the one carrying the offense. I think bay certainly overrate Foster and the wr core. But if you think a wr and a backup rb and some depth is all we really need. 14 pts a game in those last 6 or 7 games isnt acceptable. And some of that falls on Carr. Gruden In video doesnt even sound like he wants to talk about his qb. Not even exciting about him. 

maybe he`s tired of 2 offseasons of these questions? possibility? I will say this having ab on our team probably means 9-7, and you can probably modestly add 6-800yds. 6-8 tds...so would 9-7 with 4600 and 27-8 td/int look better for everyone? not being a Richard, this is a serious question. still wouldn't fix pocket awareness or other things but......just wondering.

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16 minutes ago, dante9876 said:

He bails out to fast though. That's the issue. The oline is fine. Most qbs would love to play behind it. 

I agree and said it above that I’ve seen Carr throw it away with no one near him. 
it is extremely frustrating. Not arguing this what so ever. Huge area he needs to improve. 

maybe it’s to late, and he can’t improve it, but I think he has other pros that can balance it out.

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53 minutes ago, BackinBlack said:

Just casually not mentioning that it’s because he broke his leg in week 16? So we played our backup?? 

actually first qb to win 12 games and not start playoffs, and first rookie to get his first start...in the playoffs... both are very unusual firsts.

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3 hours ago, BackinBlack said:

Fair enough, I wasn’t just talking about O though. I was mainly talking about our D. 

i believe/ agree that with a better #1 WR, our O is basically set. But that’s still only 50 % of the supporting cast. 

A #1 and TW getting back healthy and we’ll be good to go 

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5 minutes ago, Humble_Beast said:

Bros on here are weird lol. Mayock and Gruden having nothing but nice things to say about Carr. There is an obsession with DC hate on here 😂 



I expect you and Frankie to follow Carr to whatever team he goes to, yes? I definitely don't wanna hear any BS that Mayock/Gruden don't know what they are doing.

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