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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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13 hours ago, The Orca said:

I dont believe I can and I believe once I claim (maybe even my name) it will hurt town in the end and I will still be lynched like the many times before


13 hours ago, The Orca said:

Im the Fisherman


16 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I am the Arsonist, Loner-Aligned (Blue)

Win if I kill the firefighter or survive to the end of the game and win with whoever wins

I have a 1 shot kill via delayed fire

Bucs used it N1 on Naz

Orca 2.0 has done jack ****. Sat on his butt all game and helped town best he could





not sure how lying about the first supposed claim helps things in the end for you cause.  

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Just now, The Orca said:

Telling the truth wouldnt have mattered either. Scum everywhere. As soon as I claimed arsonist i was done

Best chance imo was to appear town so scum didnt want to lynch me...but even then unless I claimed vanilla scum was gonna lynch me...no win scenario brought on by fake **** from Touch and ET lol

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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

@The Orca you made a fatal error imo.  

You freaking caved.  You had 2 days to troll, gloat, shove it in the threads face.....

But you caved seemingly out of fear/self preservation.  



1 hour ago, The Orca said:

I am the Arsonist, Loner-Aligned (Blue)

Win if I kill the firefighter or survive to the end of the game and win with whoever wins

I have a 1 shot kill via delayed fire

Bucs used it N1 on Naz

Orca 2.0 has done jack ****. Sat on his butt all game and helped town best he could




Two post I would never see back to back

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12 minutes ago, Whicker said:

He literally claimed Friendly Other people!!


Who did, Mwil? No he didn't. Not  from what I have seen unless I missed it.  He's been pretty adamant that he's town. Secondarily, why would you go away from Orca at this point? 

3 hours ago, MWil23 said:


Just remember this when you guys lynch me tomorrow and I flip green town. I won’t take it personally. You owe me 5 likes and an apology, or just 10 likes, your choice.

I tagged Squire for a reason. I said two days ago there was more to my move.


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