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Saw 13 Game - JoshstraDaymus WINS!!!

Pickle Rick

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Time for me to take a break and let you all do the hard work.  Before you lies a table full of stun guns. They have been modified to deliver a charge 10 times what they were designed to give.  Needless to say, you get shot with one of these you are gonna be out cold for a while. The entire facility will be available to you.  Last one standing gets the key. For those that get shot, when you come to, you will be locked in a reverse bear trap (as seen below). There is no escape from the trap, the only way to survive them is with a key. 




You have 5 possible moves each round and you cannot repeat the same move in back to back rounds

Hide - you duck behind an object (wall, desk, cabinet, etc.) and cannot be shot

Hide behind a jigsaw statue - you hide behind a jigsaw statue and cannot be shot.  If hiding behind a jigsaw statue and someone tries to shoot the jigsaw statue will return fire.  The statue will have a 65% chance of success when attempting to return fire.  If multiple players try and shoot you the target will be randomized. 

Move - you move to a new object leaving you susceptible to being shot.

Load - you load your stun gun with a charge (the gun will hold a max of 3 charges at one time).  You must load your stun gun before you can shoot.  This will leave you susceptible to being shot. 

Shoot - you shoot a player.  This will leave you susceptible to being shot.

You will have to submit to me a list of moves for 30 rounds.  

You may only use each possible move 6 times.  

6 Hide

6 Hide behind jigsaw statue

6 Move 

6 Load

6 Shoot

You will also need to submit a Big Board of targets to shoot.  When you shoot in a round you will shoot the top player alive from your Big Board. 


1. Whoever is responsible for killing the most players 

2. Whoever is closest to this question, how many rounds will it take for this game to end?

3. A 10 round match until the players tied are no longer tied. 

Also if the game ends with more than 1 alive we will repeat with less rounds (10) until we have a winner

You may not work with anyone in any way on this challenge 

Deadline to submit is Wednesday at 5 pm eastern 

If anyone sees a logistical or flaw please let me know asap and I can fix it. 

Players Alive:

1. @Malfatron

4. @theuntouchable

5. @The Orca

7. @JoshstraDaymus

8. @MWil23

9. @ET80

10. @rackcs

11. @Whicker

12. @TedLavie

13. @bcb1213

14. @Matts4313


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24 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

Why are we loading six times if we can only shoot six times if each load gives three shots 

Your gun can hold a max of 3 shots.  Each time you load it loads 1 shot. 


51 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

you load your stun gun with a charge


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16 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:


Time for me to take a break and let you all do the hard work.  Before you lies a table full of stun guns. They have been modified to deliver a charge 10 times what they were designed to give.  Needless to say, you get shot with one of these you are gonna be out cold for a while. The entire facility will be available to you.  Last one standing gets the key. For those that get shot, when you come to, you will be locked in a reverse bear trap (as seen below). There is no escape from the trap, the only way to survive them is with a key. 




You have 5 possible moves each round and you cannot repeat the same move in back to back rounds

Hide - you duck behind an object (wall, desk, cabinet, etc.) and cannot be shot

Hide behind a jigsaw statue - you hide behind a jigsaw statue and cannot be shot.  If hiding behind a jigsaw statue and someone tries to shoot the jigsaw statue will return fire.  The statue will have a 65% chance of success when attempting to return fire.  If multiple players try and shoot you the target will be randomized. 

Move - you move to a new object leaving you susceptible to being shot.

Load - you load your stun gun with a charge (the gun will hold a max of 3 charges at one time).  You must load your stun gun before you can shoot.  This will leave you susceptible to being shot. 

Shoot - you shoot a player.  This will leave you susceptible to being shot.

You will have to submit to me a list of moves for 30 rounds.  

You may only use each possible move 6 times.  

6 Hide

6 Hide behind jigsaw statue

6 Move 

6 Load

6 Shoot

You will also need to submit a Big Board of targets to shoot.  When you shoot in a round you will shoot the top player alive from your Big Board. 


1. Whoever is responsible for killing the most players 

2. Whoever is closest to this question, how many rounds will it take for this game to end?

3. A 10 round match until the players tied are no longer tied. 

Also if the game ends with more than 1 alive we will repeat with less rounds (10) until we have a winner

You may not work with anyone in any way on this challenge 

Deadline to submit is Wednesday at 5 pm eastern 

If anyone sees a logistical or flaw please let me know asap and I can fix it. 

Players Alive:

1. @Malfatron

4. @theuntouchable

5. @The Orca

7. @JoshstraDaymus

8. @MWil23

9. @ET80

10. @rackcs

11. @Whicker

12. @TedLavie

13. @bcb1213

14. @Matts4313



1. Once shot you are eliminated from this competition.  So be the last one alive.  

2. You have to provide a big board (rank everyone in the game).  When you shoot you will shoot the top player on your list tha is alive.

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