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Saw 13 Game - JoshstraDaymus WINS!!!

Pickle Rick

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Players Left Behind / Jury: 

1. @Malfatron

2. @daboyle250

3. @gopherwrestler

4. @theuntouchable

5. @The Orca

6. @Outpost31

9. @ET80

10. @rackcs

11. @Whicker

13. @bcb1213

14. @Matts4313

15. @Counselor

16. @Nazgul


Welcome to the grilling period.  All jury members will have a few days to grill the final 2 (ted and josh) on anything and everything they wish to ask (game related or not).  After the grilling period ends, the voting will begin

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Just now, JoshstraDaymus said:

I honestly cannot say I had any real influence in eliminating Touch. I went with the logic of him not submitting on the last comp and I voted for him on that and that alone. Independent choice of my own.

Did you enjoy it? 

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3 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

1. To take one of Shadys questions: What was your "big baller" move this game?

If I had to pick one Big Baller move, I would say it was last round voting to get rid of BCB.  He's a hell of a player in all sorts of games, and in my mind he would win if he was in the final 2. I couldn't chance that. I like BCB, but he was as dangerous as anyone to win this game.

6 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

2. Why does your opponent deserve to win?

I think Ted is a good competitor and he never really was negligent in this game. I also think it  was a boss integrity move to take me over rackcs who would have that asterisk of not submitting in the last comp.

7 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

3. Why do you deserve to win?

4. How did you do in the comps?

3 and 4 go kinda part and parcel for me, so I'm gonna let it ride.

I did better in comps as it got further along, and granted my probability of winning comps as the game got thinner, helps. I did really buckle down and attempt on the last few with some strategy and thoughts. For the last game while it seems like a lazy strategy, I thought going triples for every roll was my best chance for any payout.

I think I deserve to win because I did do well in these comps, and I did actually do well overall I would think. Most of my core allies were gone by the time I got to maybe the midway or just after the midway point of the game.

10 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

5. Did you ever feel like you were at risk to be evicted?

6. how was your social game? who were your alliance members?

Yes and no. Yes because I think for a good while there I would have been a low impact eviction, no one would have batted an eye if I would have went out and thats no big deal. I'm okay with it, I had fun. I also say no because of the fact that i was so under the radar socially with most of the people in this game that maybe people forgot about me? I know that sounds bad, but I have a hard time imagining people with furrowed brows saying "Oh we need to get Josh out NOW"

Socially, my only strategy was to not really make any enemies. I think I accomplished that. As for my alliances, I had some partners in crime along the way, but I will openly tell you our speaking backchannels weren't super extensive. I had an alliance of 4 at the beginning of the game that fizzled out, and within that alliance of 4 I along the way created a better bond with 2 of them.

I had an alliance with Naz, Malf, DaBoyle. I also was in speaking with ET80 and Whicker at one point.

These aren't accidental people for me, these are people I enjoy communicating with and have all brought something to the table.

I will openly admit though, there is one more person I wanted to work with in alliance that I never did, and while he and I have had our back and forths and spats, that I do think highly of as player of all games of these sorts, was @The Orca

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15 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

@TedLavie & @JoshstraDaymus => If you had the choice of giving @Malfatron a wet willy or a noogie, which would you chose? 


JK - Real question - What happened after I was gone? Did either of you backstab anyone? Are either one of you a Redskins fan? 

First things first, I'm a grown man, I will never give a wet willy. I'm in my 30s.

I didn't backstab anyone I think. You know I love my Redskins.

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Just now, Outpost31 said:

@TedLavie, @JoshstraDaymus, which of you was the least public about your betrayals? 

The one of you with the cleanest record in that regard will get my vote.  I don't care if you betrayed people.  That's part of the game.  The bigger part of the game is whether or not you can hide it. 

Its funny, I was just going to follow up with this.

I honestly don't think I betrayed anyone per se, but I will openly admit to failing @Nazgul because I could have saved him had I been paying attention at the time. I was at work and missed the voting deadline. I was waiting to see how votes shook out and I messed up.

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6 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

First things first, I'm a grown man, I will never give a wet willy. I'm in my 30s.

I didn't backstab anyone I think. You know I love my Redskins.

You dont have children do you? Giving them a wet willy is a responsibility of a good father. 

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