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COVID-19: NFL tells employees to work from home


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Population explosion, AIDS, Ozone layer, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Sars, Y2K, Ebola, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change ... now Corona.  

All legit bad in different ways.  But the best and most believable lies are 90% truth.  Any con man will tell you that.  And there are always lies that accompany any problem.   

Think back if you are old enough to people telling you with absolute 100% certainty the consequences and outcome of each of above and how many of the predictions actually came true.   

Were the consequences mitigated because of hype?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  

But don't doubt for a minute that News outlets and people with political motives who see it as self beneficial aren't loving every second of this and couldn't care less about consequences for others.   

And ignoring the economic impact of cancelling all economic activity  and the stock market tanking is not smart.    This too can cause deaths.  There is a whole butterfly effect of consequences to not being able to work or losing what you do have at a bad time.  

I think it is scary.  But I am also at work right now - around other people.   Probably so are many of you.  

I believe if we don't panic we will be fine.  If you are sick stay home until you are better.  That is main problem with viruses in general.   People don't want to miss work and think they are being tough or fear loss of job or money.  Employers need to encourage sick people to stay home as well instead of getting angry when an employee calls in.  Also a major problem.  

Everyone staying home doesn't solve anything.   That causes problems.   It will cause people to lose their jobs, their homes, their savings, it will increase crime, it will usher in bad political solutions that compound problems.

What will be will be.  Prayers.  





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14 minutes ago, dll2000 said:

Population explosion, AIDS, Ozone layer, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Sars, Y2K, Ebola, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change ... now Corona.  

All legit bad in different ways.  But the best and most believable lies are 90% truth.  Any con man will tell you that.  And there are always lies that accompany any problem.   

Think back if you are old enough to people telling you with absolute 100% certainty the consequences and outcome of each of above and how many of the predictions actually came true.   

Were the consequences mitigated because of hype?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  

But don't doubt for a minute that News outlets and people with political motives who see it as self beneficial aren't loving every second of this and couldn't care less about consequences for others.   

And ignoring the economic impact of cancelling all economic activity  and the stock market tanking is not smart.    This too can cause deaths.  There is a whole butterfly effect of consequences to not being able to work or losing what you do have at a bad time.  

I think it is scary.  But I am also at work right now - around other people.   Probably so are many of you.  

I believe if we don't panic we will be fine.  If you are sick stay home until you are better.  That is main problem with viruses in general.   People don't want to miss work and think they are being tough or fear loss of job or money.  Employers need to encourage sick people to stay home as well instead of getting angry when an employee calls in.  Also a major problem.  

Everyone staying home doesn't solve anything.   That causes problems.   It will cause people to lose their jobs, their homes, their savings, it will increase crime, it will usher in bad political solutions that compound problems.

What will be will be.  Prayers.  





Well said!

I will be living my life like every other day. I'm not staying home. I'm going to start moving into a new house this weekend (first family to ever live there) and then I'm going to continue to explore the state parks and natural springs here in Florida until it's too hot. If I get sick I'll stay inside like every other time I get sick. Nothing has changed for me. I just turned 40. If I get sick and die oh well. At least the Virus that got me had a cool name!

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18 hours ago, BayRaider said:

It’s only 3% because there’s a ton of cases still open (still sick). 

In fully closed cases, it’s 7%:



That's the entire world though right?

Obviously in places without a great healthcare system or good doctors, or access to the right medicine, it's going to be higher.

People are generally overreacting to this. My mom is the only person in my circle of influence who would probably die - once I have assurances from her that she'll stay away from people, the only way I'll really care about this is if/when daycare shuts down and my wife and I have to figure out a schedule for staying home with my 2 year old.

I get that people want to be concerned for other people, but that is feeding into the hysteria a little - and the news and political agendas aren't helping either. At the end of the day, it's pretty simple: if you're at risk of losing your life, it sucks, but you need to stay away from people and quarantine yourself until this blows over. It may not be completely possible, but as much as you can. As someone who is extremely pale, I'll get sunburned in the afternoon without sunscreen during the summer in 20 minutes - other people don't have to think about putting it on if only going out for a short period of time. That's life. It's not fair - some naturally occurring situations just happen to be that way.

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31 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Yeah, my district is shuttering for 5 weeks starting Monday.

Our governor’s address less than an hour ago made it sound like closing of schools statewide is imminent and soon. It will be for 6-8 weeks. Too bad my wife isn’t certified for in-house daycare. I’m an elementary teacher and she works at a daycare... could have helped a lot there.

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Just now, GSUeagles14 said:

you certainly arent talking about @dll2000s post, right? Thats about as level headed as it gets imo.

Do either of you work in the medical field? Have ER/ICU experience? involved in epidemiology?

Listen to doctors/scientists. not forum folks blasting opinions.

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1 hour ago, JDBrocks said:

Do either of you work in the medical field? Have ER/ICU experience? involved in epidemiology?

Listen to doctors/scientists. not forum folks blasting opinions.

Kinda seems like you just want everyone to panic. theres a range within what even doctors and scientists are saying. Theres nothing wrong with he said, it was very logical and even keeled. But why think like that when I can just go to the store and buy 107 rolls of toilet paper.

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45 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Kinda seems like you just want everyone to panic. theres a range within what even doctors and scientists are saying. Theres nothing wrong with he said, it was very logical and even keeled. But why think like that when I can just go to the store and buy 107 rolls of toilet paper.

I wasn’t responding to him specifically. I don’t want people to panic. I also don’t want people taking advice from people with numbers in their name on anonymous social sites. I’ve never advocated for buying mass quantities of goods.

so would you kindly answer my questions? If the answer is no then just stop. You aren’t helping. I happen to have knowledge of what is happening at medical centers in real time, and the problems happening there are precisely because of the spread of bad/unqualified information. If you aren’t qualified to give advice or make suggestions then stop.

please lock this thread and let people talk about football news.

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1 hour ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Kinda seems like you just want everyone to panic. theres a range within what even doctors and scientists are saying. Theres nothing wrong with he said, it was very logical and even keeled. But why think like that when I can just go to the store and buy 107 rolls of toilet paper.

Yea he kinda is. You can make several posts about safety precautions about how to protect yourself and keep it from spread like good hygiene practices. Talking to others about this and doing it are the best defense we have right now against this thing and just wait for a angry post grenade to be thrown your way about how your spreading misinformation.

@dll2000 put up a perfect post of preaching don't panic, stay safe and you should be alright and prevent the spread and it still got hit with a angry post grenade about speading misinformation.

I swear these people are picking one or two words out of these posts and ignoring everything else. 


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47 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

I wasn’t responding to him specifically. I don’t want people to panic. I also don’t want people taking advice from people with numbers in their name on anonymous social sites. I’ve never advocated for buying mass quantities of goods.

so would you kindly answer my questions? If the answer is no then just stop. You aren’t helping. I happen to have knowledge of what is happening at medical centers in real time, and the problems happening there are precisely because of the spread of bad/unqualified information. If you aren’t qualified to give advice or make suggestions then stop.

please lock this thread and let people talk about football news.

regardless of your profession, youre not helping with the rhetoric youve posted. i dont know what yoir job is, but regardless of what it is that alone doesnt make yoir opinion better. someone posyed something worthwhile and logical. period. you dontt get to stop people from voicing very LOGICAL opinions.


i wouldnt be opposed to thos being locked either for what its worth. too many opinons that could concievably cause panic.

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Care to point out the “rhetoric” that you are referring to? 

If listening to medical professionals and scientists, using statistics derived from reputable research institutions, and advocating for proper application of CDC/WHO guidelines is “rhetoric” I guess I don’t think we have anything else to talk about.

I came to this thread to applaud the steps that major institutions like the NFL are taking. These things are helpful in combating the spread of a disease that has officially been declared a national emergency. 

I did not advocate hoarding. I did not advocate panicking and going to the ER. You’ve created a straw man.

I hope you and the people you care about stay healthy.

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