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36 minutes ago, N4L said:


The article says its might be because there aren't enough sick people in china to run a study. I don't buy that lol 

Clinical trials have very strict inclusion / exclusion criteria to be admitted into the study.
You could say "there weren't enough patients at the exact right stage of sickness to be included." 

They don't want lost causes and they don't want mild cases - the former are likely to perish anyways and the latter aren't likley to show much improvement
So they struggled to enroll enough for the study. Its not out of the question that in certain countries those patients wouldn't be made available.
IP is also an issue, but only if it works well and that's hard to show when there aren't any patients available.

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The thing that really grinds my gears is the media is absolutely doing this on purpose and playing dumb

This whole narrative that we may not go back to 'normal' until 2022 is so overblown.  I'm tired of seeing Wolf Blitzer on my TV pretending he doesn't understand the distinction between 100% normal which wont happen and 92% normal which will.  I know he got a 0 on Jeopardy but he can't be that stupid. 

If you tell people they wont be able to go hug their loved ones or work or have their wedding until 2022 they are going to think about that for 5 seconds and rightly say 'thats not sensible and simply not worth it to save a few lives'

If you give a more nuanced view... you'll go back to your lives soon, but we'll need to be good about testing and may need to have periodic restrictions and you probably can't take a cruise until 2022... people are smart and reasonable and they'll stick it out

Edited by mission27
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7 minutes ago, N4L said:

OnceInHollywood dancing leonardo dicaprio 1960s margot robbie GIF

Leonardo DiCaprio Weighs in on the Confusing Ending of Inception

So 'running live events for decades' with 'anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 people' makes him qualified to help maneuver a complex and intricate ecosystem of small and large businesses in a global economy, all while balancing a major health crisis???? The guy that filed for bankruptcy TWO FRIGGEN DAYS AGO is supposed to help figure this out???

We are The United States of America. We have hundreds of thousands of highly intelligent people that study economics and finance that live here. I want the Harvard business school professors to speak with our beloved commander in chief about the economic implications of theoretical 'gameplans' before I want vince **** ing mcmahon coming up with some half baked plan to bring trump BACK into the ring for some ppv event and think somehow he created jobs



Sounds like someone who doesn't have any money to pay his employees, or does, and is being greedy

WWE owned 23% of class B shares of the XFL, which just went bankrupt. So it really could go either way


(btw, I like you so don't take leo too seriously)

All good.  

Look, I'm not saying I'm an expert on these things.  But my work does a lot with the Naval Academy, and specifically events at the football stadium including football games, officer graduation, the hockey classic a few years ago.  There is a lot that goes into a live event on this size- plans, security, traffic control, tickets, vendors......it's a complicated endeavor.  Especially when you are talking tens of thousands of people.  If you don't have Vince, then you need someone that has experience with large and small scale events, what goes into them and how they would possibly be scaled in a social distance era.  

He could also be a greedy guy, he wouldn't be the first or last billionaire to be that way.  But if the scope he is working on is limited to live event details, I think few people would have his knowledge.  

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Just now, naptownskinsfan said:

Look, I'm not saying I'm an expert on these things. 

Im not an expert either, which is why I am advocating for literal experts who spend their entire lives studying economics and finance in an academic setting (meaning they have less skin in the game than these billionaires do) to provide council to the executive branch of our great country, rather than vince **** ing mcmahon 

2 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

But my work does a lot with the Naval Academy, and specifically events at the football stadium including football games, officer graduation, the hockey classic a few years ago.  There is a lot that goes into a live event on this size- plans, security, traffic control, tickets, vendors......it's a complicated endeavor.  Especially when you are talking tens of thousands of people. 

Im not disputing this, live events take a lot of coordination and logistics. The issue is that this is not a directly translatable skill to something as complex as what we are actually talking about here. 

6 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

He could also be a greedy guy, he wouldn't be the first or last billionaire to be that way

I am not even saying trump shouldn't be asking for advice from billionaires. Mark Cuban seems to have a deep understanding of the economic ecosystem and great vision. Marcus Lemonis is someone whose opinion on business I value.. warren buffet should be tapped. SOMEONE NEEDS TO LISTEN TO BILL GATES GODDAMNIT (lol)

8 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

If you don't have Vince, then you need someone that has experience with large and small scale events, what goes into them and how they would possibly be scaled in a social distance era.  

Its really not hard to keep small amounts of people 6 feet apart. I mean, we could literally hire every/any kindergarten teacher in the world to get them to manage adults in '"crowds" and they would all kick **** ing *** at this ****. "oh you mean I don't have a bunch of screaming, super hyper 5 year olds running around? **** yeah, this is easy" Just give them some duct tape, a tape measure and an assignment and you bet your *** those goddamn kindergarten teachers are going to get all these adults to line up in a straight line and stay 6+ feet apart. 


9 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

But if the scope he is working on is limited to live event details, I think few people would have his knowledge.  

I will give you this, somehow vince is so good at what he does that he is considered an essential business in the state of florida. imagine

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1 minute ago, N4L said:

Im not an expert either, which is why I am advocating for literal experts who spend their entire lives studying economics and finance in an academic setting (meaning they have less skin in the game than these billionaires do) to provide council to the executive branch of our great country, rather than vince **** ing mcmahon 

This made me legit lol man, nice job.

You've got a point. Although I do think its also helpful to have practitioners in addition to academics. As someone with a deep academic background in economics and also practical experience in the financial markets and running a business, the types of people you find in those three roles are very different and they all have a valuable perspective. 

Idk if Vince is the best example although hey, he does know a lot about the business of putting on events, and he's POTUS' buddy so whatever. Whatever we need to do to get things opened up again. I was more focused on the names Jamie Dimon and Brian Moynahan myself.

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3 hours ago, dtait93 said:

Good luck with that (not you obviously - the states if they take this route). Churches mostly gather by the hundreds. Stadiums, concerts, and conversations gather by the thousands. Not to mention all the other implications banning religious gatherings will bring.

(Before I say this, I want to make it clear I am not engaging in a religious discussion nor am I making religious statements)

No one is denying anyone's constitutionally given right to practice religion, nor is anyone preventing anyone from lawfully assembling. 

Its 2020. Go to church online/pray in your house and congregate on zoom to plot political action all you want. 

The ironic part is that these measures are meant to protect people. How many pastors have to die before people realize that meeting in large groups is a bad idea? Is it really going to take ENTIRE congregations getting sick before people realize this is a problem? prayer can take place anywhere

But hey, I am a firm believer in the idea people can do basically whatever they want with their lives. If people are going to sue governments for their right to all get sick together, then fine. Yes, technically people have the constitutionally given, American right to go to church and assemble in large groups, but that doesn't mean that they should. social distancing is working. The USofA is going to beat this thing. We have to stay the course. 

Slow Motion USA Flag Waving United States Of America Flag Flying ...

GOD BLESS AMERICA (we need it right now)

Edited by N4L
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14 minutes ago, mission27 said:

This made me legit lol man, nice job.

You've got a point. Although I do think its also helpful to have practitioners in addition to academics. As someone with a deep academic background in economics and also practical experience in the financial markets and running a business, the types of people you find in those three roles are very different and they all have a valuable perspective. 

very true and to be fair he was one of 20 names on a list, who knows what he actually contributed.

19 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Idk if Vince is the best example although hey, he does know a lot about the business of putting on events, and he's POTUS' buddy so whatever. Whatever we need to do to get things opened up again. I was more focused on the names Jamie Dimon and Brian Moynahan myself.

I can picture Donald interrupting rodger goodell mid sentence to ask vince **** ing McMahon how he organized/was planning on organizing XFL games and how they could apply that to NFL games, then letting vince talk for 5 minutes.

I wonder how many times Donald made a serous joke about how if he didn't get part ownership in a team that he wasn't going to let any of these leagues resume. Or how many times he jokingly told them he was up for re-election and was once again asking for their support haha. He probably wants them all to make a rule about the championship winners being required to go to the white house as well LOL


(not meant to start a political discussion so please don't try and turn it into such) 

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The church thing is legitimately complicated tbh and probably something we can't get into here.  All I'll say is thankfully it seems like most are being constructive as far as remote options and in-person with social distancing and I think there are options there (what comes to mind would be having more services with fewer people per so you can spread people out more and stay under local rules for max people gathering).  Of course there will always be knuckleheads. 

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13 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Went out today to do some more stocking up for myself, my mother and grandmother.  Had to wear a mask as it was the first time for everyone being required to wear one.  The amount of people not wearing them correctly absolutely floors me.  Just about every other person in Giant or Sams had them down exposing at least their nose, if not their whole face, at one time or another.  

Also, my eye doctor might get Lasik out of me, because I could barely see through all of the condensation on my glasses.  If I've got to go back to work with a mask, I'm absolutely considering that.  

Try washing your glasses with soap and water. Also, if that doesn't help what might is moving the mask up a tad to the point where your glasses essentially act as a seal for the mask against your face. Works for me. 

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2 hours ago, naptownskinsfan said:

And now a Maryland group is doing a copycat gridlock event that Michigan did this Saturday at noon- gridlock the state capital.  

This isn't going to help the USA. I was afraid too much non-conformist bickering between multiple sides of the country regarding freedoms, beliefs, and rights was just going to make this a much harder battle against COVID-19 than it has to be. Sucks. 

Edited by PapaShogun
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The Vince McMahon thing is being blown out of proportion a bit because of his personal relationship with the president. The panel he's on also includes the commissioners of every major sports league as well as Dana White... It's not like they are going to have any say in how the country reopens on a large scale or anything, that panel exists strictly to figure out what to do as far as sports events is concerned. 

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China is treating this like the arms race during the Cold War, haha. They have their first vaccine entering phase 2. I don't doubt they're going to expedite the hell out of this process. They're taking a lot of **** for not being transparent with this virus early on. Finding a vaccine would would save their image a bit. Unfortunately, I can't find anything about the vaccine. 

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7 hours ago, dtait93 said:

There’s going to be major uproars if this goes past May. Michigan’s already protesting and they’ve only been on lockdown for 3 weeks. 

Things are going to get ugly, no doubt. Liberty vs Science. Feds vs State. I hope Cuomo and co. can keep their plan intact because they're going to feel the pressure once we begin trucking through May.

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