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6 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I think you'd be surprised...obviously certain things would have to be amended but I know a lot of health care providers that feel not sympathy for people who have created their own health problems.

I can already see the lawsuits coming.


Look, again, i get it.  But this isn't going to gain any traction.  @Outpost31 is right.  This is distasteful at best, and at worst sets up for lots of individual examples where the rule was applied correctly, but upon examination didn't really fit the spirit.  Like Outposts example about twinkies.  Or maybe some good samaritan out there was doing a kind thing by going out to get something for an elderly person who can't go out, and gets arrested/put on this list.  There would be tons of similar examples.

It's just not going to happen.

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Super heroes I’d call before Captain America, in no particular order, to solve a Cold War crisis:

1. 007 James Bond

2. Rocky Balboa (See Rocky IV)

3. Tie between JFK (Cuban Missile Crisis) and Ronald Reagan (Berlin Wall)

4. The Wolverines (Red Dawn)

...then I think about maybe picking up the phone.

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4 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I will get tot that link when I have time but I can only speak to this topic as it related to two specific counties in NJ, where I get daily first hand accounts for the past 7+ years.  

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7 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

This should also then apply to obese people, people who smoke, etc.  Fully on board, but make it across the board.  If you do something that is proven to be a massive risk to your health, then you are not guaranteed a damn thing. 

Fine, I'll share.  I was always overweight.  Genetics from my mom and dad being the same.  When I started working, some eating choices I made as a teenager/young adult weren't the best. But how many of us can say that for other decisions we made at that time?  

Eventually, I developed sleep apnea.  I probably had it for a little while before it really started affecting me.  But I would wake up almost on the hour, if not more.  I would wake up not feeling rested at all, could go back to sleep at a moment's notice.  My weight would continue to spiral because my body wasn't getting the rest it needed, and eating was again all out of whack for me because of this.  So I gained more weight.  At this point, I couldn't go to the gym because I had absolutely no energy, even if I wanted to.  I probably could have dozed off at a machine during a rest cycle at my worst.  

I finally went to a doctor and it took a long time, but I got the c-pap machine.  And it hasn't worked for me.  I tried, but the facemask for someone who breathes through their mouth was too much.  I have decided that enough was enough and I was going to at least do some exercise that I could, and try as much as possible to watch what I eat again.  So far I've dropped 30 pounds from that point and as I've done that, sleep has gradually been better for me.  

So you want to punish me, for being "a fatty" as some have called here, for genetics and admittedly some mistakes I made earlier in life (which almost everyone has done) as far as me getting medical care?  I don't think that's going to fly.  And for the record, even as someone who is very overweight, the fat acceptance movement baffles my mind.  There are still some people who choose this route, and I don't understand it, but I wouldn't want them to lose medical care from it.  

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4 minutes ago, theJ said:

I can already see the lawsuits coming.


Look, again, i get it.  But this isn't going to gain any traction.  @Outpost31 is right.  This is distasteful at best, and at worst sets up for lots of individual examples where the rule was applied correctly, but upon examination didn't really fit the spirit.  Like Outposts example about twinkies.  Or maybe some good samaritan out there was doing a kind thing by going out to get something for an elderly person who can't go out, and gets arrested/put on this list.  There would be tons of similar examples.

It's just not going to happen.

Shopping for someone in a higher risk category wouldn't be punishable.  We actually reopened the kitchen at our church to cook for the homeless shelter and we checked all of the boxes on providing an essential service.  We aren't doing "drive thru" church dinners or anything like that, but a community service for a group that's being ignored right now (a lot of homeless shelters are dangerously low on meals and supplies.). 

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I finally went to a doctor and it took a long time, but I got the c-pap machine.  And it hasn't worked for me.  I tried, but the facemask for someone who breathes through their mouth was too much.  I have decided that enough was enough and I was going to at least do some exercise that I could, and try as much as possible to watch what I eat again.  So far I've dropped 30 pounds from that point and as I've done that, sleep has gradually been better for me.  

This is unrelated, but they have mask-less c-paps now that go through your nose. Talk to your doctor about it.

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2 minutes ago, theJ said:

I can already see the lawsuits coming.


Look, again, i get it.  But this isn't going to gain any traction.  @Outpost31 is right.  This is distasteful at best, and at worst sets up for lots of individual examples where the rule was applied correctly, but upon examination didn't really fit the spirit.  Like Outposts example about twinkies.  Or maybe some good samaritan out there was doing a kind thing by going out to get something for an elderly person who can't go out, and gets arrested/put on this list.  There would be tons of similar examples.

It's just not going to happen.

I am not talking about anything specific to COVID to be honest. Isn't it equally distasteful that people can mistreat their health but magically expect others to jump to their aid at a moments notice to fix them when it all catches up to them?   

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1 minute ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

This is unrelated, but they have mask-less c-paps now that go through your nose. Talk to your doctor about it.

You still need to wear a headstrap to keep your mouth closed so that the machine can properly work the airway.  At least that is what my doctor told me at the time we were deciding this.  

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Just now, naptownskinsfan said:

You still need to wear a headstrap to keep your mouth closed so that the machine can properly work the airway.  At least that is what my doctor told me at the time we were deciding this.  

My dad was able to get used to it and doesn't need the headstrap anymore. If you've already discussed it and that won't work, then it won't work. Just didn't want you to be unaware.

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43 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

It's a special kind of arrogance to think it should be acceptable to wander around in a stay at home order because you think you're special and that laws don't apply to you, then to claim discrimination when there are consequences for those reckless, idiotic, insane actions.

This. All of this.

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3 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Fine, I'll share.  I was always overweight.  Genetics from my mom and dad being the same.  When I started working, some eating choices I made as a teenager/young adult weren't the best. But how many of us can say that for other decisions we made at that time?  

Eventually, I developed sleep apnea.  I probably had it for a little while before it really started affecting me.  But I would wake up almost on the hour, if not more.  I would wake up not feeling rested at all, could go back to sleep at a moment's notice.  My weight would continue to spiral because my body wasn't getting the rest it needed, and eating was again all out of whack for me because of this.  So I gained more weight.  At this point, I couldn't go to the gym because I had absolutely no energy, even if I wanted to.  I probably could have dozed off at a machine during a rest cycle at my worst.  

I finally went to a doctor and it took a long time, but I got the c-pap machine.  And it hasn't worked for me.  I tried, but the facemask for someone who breathes through their mouth was too much.  I have decided that enough was enough and I was going to at least do some exercise that I could, and try as much as possible to watch what I eat again.  So far I've dropped 30 pounds from that point and as I've done that, sleep has gradually been better for me.  

So you want to punish me, for being "a fatty" as some have called here, for genetics and admittedly some mistakes I made earlier in life (which almost everyone has done) as far as me getting medical care?  I don't think that's going to fly.  And for the record, even as someone who is very overweight, the fat acceptance movement baffles my mind.  There are still some people who choose this route, and I don't understand it, but I wouldn't want them to lose medical care from it.  

Thank you very much for sharing and good for you, losing weight is not easy, it is a lifestyle change and I hope you continue to drop pounds and feel better.  The mental rewards from that alone are AMAZING. 

It is an absolutely AWFUL cycle, one that I have had to break two times in my life...for context I am 5 foot 7 with a wider build but more muscle than fat.  Two times in my life I allowed myself to balloon up to 260+ which was extremely bad, I had major issues with anxiety and depression and the only thing that I thought helped was food. Side note my primary doctor is extremely heavy and actually called me obese during one of these times, always got a kick out of that.  The cycle sucked *** but eventually I broke it, lack of sleep/depression/other issues be damned, I had to do what I had to do and its been 5+ since I have had any such issues. I am not expecting all people to be wired like that.  I do not expect all people to have the same drive, economic means, life situations.  Go figure that last year, the healthiest I have been in years, I had to go through rounds of heart/apnea/stress testing because of a possible issue (luckily all was clear) and even during that, every time I sat in that waiting room at my cardiologist, everyone there was obese.  I have no idea how many were self inflicted and how many were just crappy genetic issues. 

I absolutely do not want anyone "punished" and this is the reason why all of this is impossible, I don't want this to sound cruel but perhaps it comes off that way. The stories I hear daily about people who refuse to care for themselves yet are taking up resources and quite frankly are demanding on medical staff is absolutely sickening.  With that said, every single person is going to have a different situation.  The system will never change because it can't, you can't expect your situation to be the same as mine.  For every person out there that may have a weight issue that they genuinely do want to fix and may not be their direct fault, there is also going to be a person that has no interest in fixing it and just expects the healthcare system to fix them.  The later is the group I have issue with. It is 100% impossible to solve for that. Similar to smoking, but in my opinion a bit easier to decipher. 

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12 hours ago, mission27 said:

Depends on the state and the type of work, but I think restrictions will begin to be eased within the next 2 weeks and really pick up steam in May. 

The large metro areas more likely will be late May or June 1st. 

If you work in the cruise ship or concert venue industry you may be out of luck for a lot longer.

I would be shocked if there is any movement in NJ until well into June, likely July.  I mean we have a Governor who already said the Bill of Rights is above his pay grade...so yea, luckily got a lot of home projects! 

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