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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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7 hours ago, mission27 said:

CFR from Iowa Tyson plant so far ~0.4% (444 cases, 2 deaths).  Could rise a little still because its only been 2 weeks since the last positive case was confirmed but you also have no under-18s in that group which skews CFR up.  Right in the range we've seen elsewhere. 

These are going to be interesting studies to follow. I wonder what the hospitalization rate is. 

Also, I've been thinking a lot about that article your posted that shows a mutation similar to SARS. I wonder if it's likely we could see this virus become severely less deadly in the coming months. It's spreading like wild fire, which gives it more opportunity to mutate. This had me nervous at first, but the virus *seems* to be trending towards less lethal. Ideally, a virus would want (lack of better terms) to be as least lethal as possible and show weak symptoms in its host. This would give it the most opportunity to spread. 


I'm going to be following that study and relative studies closely going forward. Very interesting stuff...

Edited by WizeGuy
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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

For the love of god let there be cell phone video.

Unfortunately no.... there is CCTV from our front end cameras but it was really uneventful.


It was him being told he can’t use his reusable bags then him trying to anyways. This was after he’s been seen getting  way to close to people, touching products he wasnt buying and constantly clearing his throat with his hand to his mouth

When my manager told him that she doesn’t want to take any germs home to her husband who is fighting cancer he said sorry and moved about 5 feet away.

Once 5 feet away he began shaking his reusable bags clean, with all the crumbs and dirt and who knows what falling onto the floor.

At that point my manager pointed to the door and told him “get your nasty bags out of here” lmfao

he apologized again and left 

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Headlines like this are a little misleading given the other things Austria has done to decrease R0 but still 

I kind of wonder what the world would look like if we'd told people to wear masks on subways, etc. in February instead of saying masks don't help 

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1 hour ago, rob_shadows said:

Tyson needs to be seriously investigated and punished, there is no damn reason for so many of their employees to have tested positive. Obviously they seriously lacking in employee safety.

100%, it almost feels like they were trying to shut their plant down to avoid any info leaking about other issues they have, massive failure. 

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26 minutes ago, TVScout said:

A new study but not yet peer reviewed:

Spike mutation pipeline reveals the emergence of a more transmissible form of SARS-CoV-2



I started to read this but did not get through (and I can't understand half of it anyways) but haven't there always been talks about two strains of this thing, one to CA via China and another to NY via Italy?

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29 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

I started to read this but did not get through (and I can't understand half of it anyways) but haven't there always been talks about two strains of this thing, one to CA via China and another to NY via Italy?

That's been a pretty common theory for a while but now someone has found the mechanism they believe is causing hire transmission

A lot of experts have pushed back on this study though and do not believe its conclusive tbh

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Worldometers added 7 day averages to most of their charts which is a nice add.  So the MoL will keep doing our deaths charts but you've got something to check our work!  Here is the US:


As the MoL has mentioned you can see the peak on April 20th at 2,208 now down to 1,858 today.


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