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15 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Doesnt seem like the most unreasonable guidance tbh

Only on Public Transport or where social distancing is impossible. They say if you touch your mask you contaminate your hands and everything you touch. 

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38 minutes ago, Blahstoise said:

Only on Public Transport or where social distancing is impossible. They say if you touch your mask you contaminate your hands and everything you touch. 

Yep, I'm not sure there's much evidence of efficacy to wearing a mask outdoors when you are only having limited contact with strangers.  In an environment where you are having longer term close contact with a large number of strangers like a train, that's a no brainer, but are you really going to get COVID walking past someone outside for half a second?  Probably not.

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9 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Former WHO official says coronavirus could 'burn out naturally' before a vaccine is available | TheHill


Well, this would be nice, wouldnt it?

Yes and no

No if that means its because we dont have a vaccine for years

Yes if it means this will be virtually gone by the fall, but I doubt thats the case

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2 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Yep, I'm not sure there's much evidence of efficacy to wearing a mask outdoors when you are only having limited contact with strangers.  In an environment where you are having longer term close contact with a large number of strangers like a train, that's a no brainer, but are you really going to get COVID walking past someone outside for half a second?  Probably not.

Exactly, we're allowed to exercise outdoors as much as we want, just stay 2m apart. I have a mask if I need it.

11 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Former WHO official says coronavirus could 'burn out naturally' before a vaccine is available | TheHill


Well, this would be nice, wouldnt it?

Professor Sikora is such a good follow on socials with his optimism, I doubt this happens but he's saying it's an unlikely possibility.

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Wouldn't you be better off not wearing a mask if you already have the virus and aren't likely to pass it on to someone else? It seems like it would be better to get the infected water droplets out into the atmosphere instead of having to breathe through a dirty mask. I'm talking people about wearing a mask while outside mostly

I'm not giving advice,  just asking a question. 

Also not going to take any answers to seriously 

Edited by vikesfan89
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4 hours ago, mistakey said:

Cool- can blame the parents or you can blame the parents and act responsibly- which one sounds better for anyone who may read these as serious posts ?

Do you know what self-accountability means? 

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18 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Wouldn't you be better off not wearing a mask if you already have the virus and aren't likely to pass it on to someone else? It seems like it would be better to get the infected water droplets out into the atmosphere instead of having to breathe through a dirty mask. I'm talking people about wearing a mask while outside mostly

I'm not giving advice,  just asking a question. 

Also not going to take any answers to seriously 

Not likely to pass it on to someone else because you are far away from them, then sure why wear a mask, but I dont think anyone is suggesting wear a mask when you are by yourself or around people you are otherwise having regular social contact with

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4 hours ago, Blahstoise said:

I'm not sure what you expect them to do? Not post? They've gave a disclaimer, if people ask them questions they are always going to answer.

He actually already said to not post so yea, that is exactly what he wants. 

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3 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

I just can't understand the "thought" process of the people so opposed to wearing a mask when they go out right now. You've put up with so much over the last two months, I can't believe this is where the line is drawn.

*Thought in quotations because it's clear very little goes on between the ears of these people.

My personal beef with the masks is:  I just don't like it.  I also don't like not being able to turn at all red lights, go over the speed limit if I have a car equipped to do so, etc.  I think you get where I am coming from, no actual basis I just like to do what I want...like a child with a beard.  

My logical beef with the masks is: Mask vs "face covering" drives me nuts.  Unless everyone was walking around with N95 masks that were perfectly secured to their face, then I would be ok...but you get...people wearing a bandanna (useless), people not covering their nose or constantly touching the mask (counterproductive), people who mask clearly doesn't fit (useless) and people like me, beard = no seal.  There is a reason in certain hospital settings or surgery settings, everyone is geared up and not just 50% of the people, 50% of the people isn't going to cut it, has to be all or might as well be none. 

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13 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Do you know what self-accountability means? 

Yep and asking those who know better to be better and practice some self accountability could help out the people who dont know better


 maybe im thinking too highly of them and they dont know better 

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18 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Assuming states are using CDC guidance, that is coming from the epidemiology world.

I would not assume that NJ and FL are using the same guidance. At this point I can't imagine what some states are going off of. 

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