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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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15 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

/s right? Edited because I don't want it to turn into politics and really.....I don't care that much. 

Yes that was me trying to end the political talk. 

And I was wondering if I was actually going to see a check

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10 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I get that, but I’m guessing a couple months without happy hour or seeing your sister isn’t either. 

I guess my point is we need to toughen up a bit, show some resilience, be smart, do the right thing, and this will be over eventually.

Complaining and becoming impatient about what you can’t do (not you personally) and insisting you be allowed to do it now because you’re sick of waiting isn’t helping anyone.

the thing is,  that's not my biggest issue. 

Although I do selfishly want to be able to sit at a bar,  I'm fine not doing that for a while

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18 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Real talk: Tom from Myspace did it right.

Started from nothing, sold it for half a billion dollars, never had to testify before Congress about screwing up an election, and never had a movie about his flea college days made tbh. Good for you Tom.

And he was friends with everyone 

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2 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

the thing is,  that's not my biggest issue. 

I was just referencing some of the issues he meontioned.

2 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Although I do selfishly want to be able to sit at a bar,  I'm fine not doing that for a while

Me too.

We’d usually go to a brewery every Saturday for lunch and couple of beers.  Miss the hell out of it, but I know why.  I also know restaurants open here tomorrow and I have no interest in being the canary in the coal mine.  I’m perfectly fine waiting a few more weeks and let businesses work out the kinks.

This too shall pass.

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34 minutes ago, N4L said:

Dude. Wear the friggen mask. It's not hard. Super irresponsible and inconsiderate to not do so. 

Not really, your freaking out over nothing tbh. I’m not coughing, I don’t sneeze, and I practice my social distancing measures so  wearing a mask wouldn’t change anything.

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1 minute ago, dtait93 said:

Not really, your freaking out over nothing tbh. I’m not coughing, I don’t sneeze, and I practice my social distancing measures so  wearing a mask wouldn’t change anything.

Where did you get your medical degree? What data are you basing your statements on? Saying you, "don't sneeze" is literally false. Everyone coughs sometimes. You can pass it by simply breathing and I'm guessing even you do that.  What you are being is selfish. Sorry. How anyone can say almost a 100,00 people dying in a couple months is "nothing".  You have no clue whether you have it or not and to refuse to wear a mask because you somehow know better than the medical community of the entire world is kind of unreal to be honest with you. 

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Public service announcement: This is a reminder that if you encounter a terrible post, you can block someone by hovering over their username and clicking "ignore user".

You should have posted this faster....

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19 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I get that, but I’m guessing a couple months without happy hour or seeing your sister isn’t either. 

100% agree and that's not what I'm talking about.  There are a lot of real personal tragedies unfolding as a result of the lockdown and feeling trapped, isolated, stuck in an abusive situation, or fear of being economically destitute are some of the biggest emotional traumas people can experience (along with loss of a loved one) and the leading causes of addiction and suicide.  There will be hugely negative personal consequences to many people as a result of the lockdown that shouldn't be minimized.


29 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I guess my point is we need to toughen up a bit, show some resilience, be smart, do the right thing, and this will be over eventually.

Complaining and becoming impatient about what you can’t do (not you personally) and insisting you be allowed to do it now because you’re sick of waiting isn’t helping anyone.

I mean sure, I'm all for that, but try telling that to a single mom stuck living with an abusive boyfriend or someone whose worked their whole lives to save up to start a business that will not be there on the other side of this or someone who suffers from clinical depression. 

I get it, we all need to make sacrifices, all I'm saying is at a certain point pain and trauma are kind of binary and telling one person their pain is less because they haven't lost a loved one is not really based on any realistic model of how people feel grief and pain.  This is going to be the most traumatic experience of many people's lives, whether they lose a loved one or not.

And to be clear, I have lost relatives to COVID-19.  I get it, death is bad.  I'm not saying open everything up and let everyone die so that people can go to happy hour in May instead of July.  All I'm saying is there are other bad things too we shouldn't minimize. 

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21 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Public service announcement: This is a reminder that if you encounter a terrible post, you can block someone by hovering over their username and clicking "ignore user".

Dumb question but how do you hover over someone's name on a phone?

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4 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Dumb question but how do you hover over someone's name on a phone?

- Three lines, top right hand corner

- Select "Account"

- Select "Ignored Users"

- Type name into field

- Press "OK"


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18 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

Where did you get your medical degree? What data are you basing your statements on? Saying you, "don't sneeze" is literally false. Everyone coughs sometimes. You can pass it by simply breathing and I'm guessing even you do that.  What you are being is selfish. Sorry. How anyone can say almost a 100,00 people dying in a couple months is "nothing".  You have no clue whether you have it or not and to refuse to wear a mask because you somehow know better than the medical community of the entire world is kind of unreal to be honest with you. 

Oh so you’ve been around to see if I’ve coughed or sneezed in a store? Lol ok bud. LIS, I practice my safe social distancing measures of 6 ft, so I’m not breathing on anyone, and I haven’t coughed or sneezed in any store I’ve been in. So yeah, it was a freak out over nothing 🤷🏻‍♂️

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6 minutes ago, mission27 said:

100% agree and that's not what I'm talking about.  There are a lot of real personal tragedies unfolding as a result of the lockdown and feeling trapped, isolated, stuck in an abusive situation, or fear of being economically destitute are some of the biggest emotional traumas people can experience (along with loss of a loved one) and the leading causes of addiction and suicide.  There will be hugely negative personal consequences to many people as a result of the lockdown that shouldn't be minimized.


not minimizing them at all, but that’s not 90% of the group who’s marching to state’s capitol buildings with rifles.  They’re not there to make sure everyone’s mental health is well managed, they’re pissed they can’t do what they want.  Or because various sources are telling them it’s a hoax or fake news or whatever.  

And maybe that’s my issue, maybe that’s who I’m seeing as being the loudest champions of the anti-lockdown point of view.  

Many people are struggling, and I’m not minimizing them.  I just don’t think the majority of people who are arguing against the measures are doing so in good faith.

6 minutes ago, mission27 said:


I mean sure, I'm all for that, but try telling that to a single mom stuck living with an abusive boyfriend

I mean, not to sound callous but the pandemic isn’t beating her arse.  Maybe men should stop beating women instead of us looking for ways to blame their poor behavior on something other than the individual.

6 minutes ago, mission27 said:

or someone whose worked their whole lives to save up to start a business that will not be there on the other side of this

awful, but people survive bankruptcy.  Some survive many of them and still manage to become president even...

6 minutes ago, mission27 said:

or someone who suffers from clinical depression. 

I get that, but depression is the underlying issue, not the pandemic.  

6 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I get it, we all need to make sacrifices, all I'm saying is at a certain point pain and trauma are kind of binary and telling one person their pain is less because they haven't lost a loved one is not really based on any realistic model of how people feel grief and pain.  This is going to be the most traumatic experience of many people's lives, whether they lose a loved one or not.


To the first part, again, I don’t feel the majority of people complaining about lockdown and reopening measures are doing so in good faith, they’re doing so out of selfishness and impatience.

6 minutes ago, mission27 said:

And to be clear, I have lost relatives to COVID-19.  I get it, death is bad.  I'm not saying open everything up and let everyone die so that people can go to happy hour in May instead of July.  All I'm saying is there are other bad things too we shouldn't minimize. 

That’s fair, and I don’t mean to minimize it.  I feel you’re being genuine in your concern for others and the associated issues, but many on that side are not.


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