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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I blame governors in each of their separate respective states and their arbitrary standards and different requirements.

Blame governors lol?!?!?  Stop, you’re smarter than this.

There’s a group that could have handled this, like, for instance, the federal govt, and they could have set standards for all states to abide by.

Instead, they chose to pass the buck and individual governors did what they thought was best.  If you want something done across the board, look to the group that handles that.

3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I mean, pizza places are “essential” but the local coffee shop by me directly across the street from said pizza place (delicious btw) was closed until a couple weeks ago. Fair or not, people are skeptical.

do they serve food?  I’d not, it’s not a restaurant.  Neither are essential if we’re being honest.

3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Elective surgeries are okay because rich doctors need paid, but sorry poor waitresses and hair stylists, you aren’t essential. I hear things like this all the time and it’s a viable point.

Things that lead to elective surgeries impact things like mobility and quality of life, not vanity or a killer combo plates at Applebee’s.

Elective surgery need to be done, they’re just not emergent.  No one is talking about fake boobs, it’s joint replacements and preventative procedures.

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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Oh absolutely, and many are super legit like joints, hernia, colonoscopy, etc., and some are cosmetic.

I’m speaking strictly from a consistency and message standpoint varying from state to state in light of what I’ve heard from those that doubt the validity and why this has become political, aside from the precedent established by the government having the ability for your/our basic health.

For example, the clause our governor in OH originally used to take control along with Dr. Acton was a WWII/Cold War “under attack”, and took advantage of a vague language loophole clearly designed for war to make that happen.

And where did he drop the ball exactly?  DeWine (and you know my politics and well as anyone on this board) is not my cup of tea, but he absolutely slayed during the pandemic.

If only others had his ability to make tough decisions.

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1 hour ago, JTagg7754 said:

If you’re looking at positive tests, then perhaps.

Positive tests are a poor indicator imo, hospitalizations and ICU capacity are all that really matter until we have an effective treatment or vaccine.

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15 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@LETSGOBROWNIES you understand I’m merry answering the questions about where politics came into this and not speaking for myself here, right? You know I voted for DeWine because I’ve thumped my chest for three months 😂 

If I’m being honest I’m half drunk and have no clue what you’re saying.

Things I do know:

1. It ain’t the governors

2. elective surgeries should have been postponed

3. DA>>> Quinn

4. DeWine thinks ectopic pregnancies can be reimplanted (they can’t) but killed it during covid.

5. you are a DeWine fan

*i reserve the right to edit this as my level of sobriety increases or decreases.

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2 hours ago, JTagg7754 said:

In some states this is indeed the case and I would say two weeks ago this was the overwhelming driver of the increase in positives

HOWEVER, what we've seen over the last week or so in AZ, NC, FL, AL, and a few other states is a much more serious problem positive cases are going up much faster than testing, hospitalizations are going up, etc.

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46 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Blame governors lol?!?!?  Stop, you’re smarter than this.

There’s a group that could have handled this, like, for instance, the federal govt, and they could have set standards for all states to abide by.

Instead, they chose to pass the buck and individual governors did what they thought was best.  If you want something done across the board, look to the group that handles that.

Was that ever practical though?

We aren't China.  We don't have a totalitarian single party federal government apparatus that passes orders down to provincial bureaucrats.  That's not how our country is set up.  If the white house told Gavin Newsom or Andrew Cuomo what to do, they'd tell them to F off.

We also aren't Europe, we can't lock down our internal borders.  Its not practical.  EU member states have their own cultural history, languages, etc. and a history of internal borders.  That does not exist in the US. 

People do not think of states as independent entities with their own sovereignty and yet a lot of the practical day to day governing is left to the state level.  That's the cognitive dissonance of the American system.  So the way the USA is structured we were always going to have a patch-work structure with people moving freely from state to state, potentially from states that are better to ones that are worse.  That's fine although it does make it harder.  But eradication was never the goal and this was working fine until a few weeks ago. 

It all comes down to masks tbh.  I blame any governor that hasn't mandated masks. 

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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

Was that ever practical though?

We aren't China.  We don't have a totalitarian single party federal government apparatus that passes orders down to provincial bureaucrats.  That's not how our country is set up.  If the white house told Gavin Newsom or Andrew Cuomo what to do, they'd tell them to F off.

We also aren't Europe, we can't lock down our internal borders.  Its not practical.  EU member states have their own cultural history, languages, etc. and a history of internal borders.  That does not exist in the US. 

People do not think of states as independent entities with their own sovereignty and yet a lot of the practical day to day governing is left to the state level.  That's the cognitive dissonance of the American system.  So the way the USA is structured we were always going to have a patch-work structure with people moving freely from state to state, potentially from states that are better to ones that are worse.  That's fine although it does make it harder.  But eradication was never the goal and this was working fine until a few weeks ago. 

It all comes down to masks tbh.  I blame any governor that hasn't mandated masks. 

I think the federal government could have laid the groundwork for the states to follow and the governors could have put their stamp of approval on it as well.  Comprehensive AND united.

As far as mandated masks, DeWine initially did that here and was crushed for it by his base and eventually relented. It’s become partisan and governors react accordingly.

if a very specific person would have just been on board with this, there wouldn’t be a divide. I realize that’s somewhat political, but it’s also fact.


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The governors ignored the federal guidelines for reopening i doubt it would have been that much different for shutdowns. 

With this vast country it doesn't make much sense to go with a 1 size fits all approach imo. I suppose some sort of template to follow and make decisions off of might have been nice

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