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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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Got a lot of catching up to, but a few things.

Just now on the news heard a terrible story of a young man found dead hanging from a tree and I can’t even make this up, CBS said the death could be linked to covid. Now maybe there is some connection, but the level these media go to is absolutely unreal. I guess covid is back on the front burning these days. 

My wife + 2 other NPs + 4 of the doctors who have been working with covid patients since this started (and probably before) and inadvertently worked in rehab centers for 2 weeks with zero ppe protection somehow all tested negative for the antibodies? Either that’s some solid luck of interesting coincidences. 

Hope y’all lives are staring to get to back to a more “normal”. I know here in Nj people have effectively said F you to the powers that be and we might as well be open. Been seeing what a few of you mentioned a 100 pages ago, people are starting to not wear masks in stores even though they are required and I’m seeing employees not wearing them. This is petty and stupid and I hate the masks. On the flip side we were told we’d have killed everyone after Memorial Day so I get the frustration. 

Anyone got any travel plans? Restaurant plans? 

I don’t ever eat at restaurants but I got reservations each weekend for the next four week. 25% capacity is like a dream come true for me. Got my haircut and beard trim booked and looking into getting a massage soon. 

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On 6/13/2020 at 11:20 AM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Not to make things political, but many of the people saying “it’s the protests” are the same people who think the virus is a hoax/overblown/“just asking questions”/“why aren’t things open already?!?” so it’s not really a good faith concern.

Surges would be related to a bunch of things but I’d hope you can see why people would be frustrated (although shouldn’t blame one thing vs the other). NJ for example specifically allowed protests of 100 people but outdoor gatherings of only 25 for a while. I love the 1st amendment but you are going to get a large pissed off part of the population when you start moving the goal posts so much and people realize the situation is blatantly being used for personal/political gain. 

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On 6/13/2020 at 6:20 PM, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Things that lead to elective surgeries impact things like mobility and quality of life, not vanity or a killer combo plates at Applebee’s.

Elective surgery need to be done, they’re just not emergent.  No one is talking about fake boobs, it’s joint replacements and preventative procedures.

Agreed that elective surgeons are more than cosmetic...but I gotta question you on emergent. My dad was supposed to get his wrist fused back in April. He’s was roughly 3 years from retirement to start the year. That was shut down and will continue to be shut down (he was getting it done in NYC) and last week he was forced into early retirement because he can’t continue to work until the wrist is fixed and at this point Is on pace to lose a year of work. So now his income moving forward has changed all because why? Because it wasn’t deemed non-essential by someone else who gets to live without a concern for anything? 

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1 hour ago, JTagg7754 said:

Very interesting

Do you smoke? Covid might also hate your lungs as well


Asthma might also contribute to let severe symptoms. Does the virus act like WWZ (the movie) and only like healthy people?

They had some studies come out a month ago or so that showed smokers actually do better against the virus than non smokers. It's a good thing because smokers would have been in the highest risk bracket since the virus attacks the respiratory system. I imagine this fact may have actually brought the fatality numbers down a decent portion from what they could have been. 

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8 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

They had some studies come out a month ago or so that showed smokers actually do better against the virus than non smokers. It's a good thing because smokers would have been in the highest risk bracket since the virus attacks the respiratory system. I imagine this fact may have actually brought the fatality numbers down a decent portion from what they could have been. 

Can't talk, too busy buying PM stock.

For real though, I do recall those studies but nothing ever printed. Curious about weed as well but that's a topic I'm sure is probably off limits here so I'll leave it at that.

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1 minute ago, JTagg7754 said:

Can't talk, too busy buying PM stock.

For real though, I do recall those studies but nothing ever printed. Curious about weed as well but that's a topic I'm sure is probably off limits here so I'll leave it at that.

Don't quote me but from what I recall it was the nicotine that they were focusing the studies on and not the actual smoking. 

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11 hours ago, mission27 said:

Ok, but when?  Based on the standard the Canadians public and politicians seem to be applying that border wont be open until there is a vaccine which may never exist. Canada cannot diplomatically afford to open up travel with countries other than the US before opening up the US border.  So either Canada needs to find a way to open up the border, accepting some degree of increased risk, or Canada and Canadians will be cut off physically from the rest of the world indefinitely until a vaccine shows up that there is no guarantees will ever exist.  I don't get what the gameplan is here.  At this point, there needs to be some messaging about when and how and under what conditions that border will open.

You are an American citizen with an American perspective. We haven’t cut ourselves off from the world and no, we don’t need to be telling Americans anything.

What don’t you get? Toronto is in stage 1. The rest of Ontario entered stage two Friday. The prudent course of action is to wait and measure the impact of those steps. Just because states in your country have thrown caution to the wind by not following scientific advice doesn’t mean we have to follow.

Most of our provinces have published plans that are being followed unlike some of your states that have disregarded medical advice and haven’t implemented effective stages with adequate contact tracing.

Look, I get it. The restrictions are impacting YOU. I’m sorry that three months without visiting Canada has impacted your life But get over it. The border will likely be open by September once we have read that stage and the impact of the previous stages has been measured.


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3 hours ago, acowboys62 said:

Surges would be related to a bunch of things but I’d hope you can see why people would be frustrated (although shouldn’t blame one thing vs the other). NJ for example specifically allowed protests of 100 people but outdoor gatherings of only 25 for a while.

What other activities that were being restricted are also protected explicitly by the constitution?

3 hours ago, acowboys62 said:

I love the 1st amendment but you are going to get a large pissed off part of the population when you start moving the goal posts so much and people realize the situation is blatantly being used for personal/political gain. 

These same people were also protesting (in Michigan for example) and most like minded people had no issue with that.

This isn’t a good faith argument.  This issue isn’t the protests, it’s what they’re protesting, let’s just be honest.

3 hours ago, acowboys62 said:

Agreed that elective surgeons are more than cosmetic...but I gotta question you on emergent. My dad was supposed to get his wrist fused back in April. He’s was roughly 3 years from retirement to start the year. That was shut down and will continue to be shut down (he was getting it done in NYC) and last week he was forced into early retirement because he can’t continue to work until the wrist is fixed and at this point Is on pace to lose a year of work. So now his income moving forward has changed all because why? Because it wasn’t deemed non-essential by someone else who gets to live without a concern for anything? 

Elective doesn’t mean unimportant, it means it can wait without risking serious complication/death.  

An orthopedic procedure on a wrist is exactly that, even if it’s inconvenient.

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11 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

Don't quote me but from what I recall it was the nicotine that they were focusing the studies on and not the actual smoking. 

Ah so vaping could possibly provide the same "protection". That's interesting. When I quit smoking, I vaped for a couple years. Helped me stop cold turkey after many years of smoking a pack every 3 days. I felt worse vaping than I did smoking. I'll pick it back up if it means I can not worry about 💩 any more lol

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12 hours ago, mission27 said:

Completely respect your opinion but I think its a mistake for Canada to believe the US is less than its most important ally and trading partner simply because of who the president is tbh.  We share a 2K mile border and more cross border communities and more trade than any two countries on earth.  North America north of the Rio Grande is basically one entity.  Two sovereign nations but I honestly don't think there is any meaningful cultural or economic difference between Canada and the US, as someone who crosses that border many dozens of times a year.  

I spend about 50-100 days a year in Canada, its a second home to me, I have family and loved ones and countless friends in Canada. I've looked at buying property and getting citizenship. Nothing but respect for your country. But the reality is the US is a much more important trading partner and ally to Canada than the other way around. Thats not an opinion its just relative size of our economies.  I do a ton of business in Canada, many of the companies I work with are hurting right now because of the border closure.  US companies honestly aren't feeling the same pain.  Canada represents 14% of our trade, the US represents more than half of Canada's.  Canada is a sovereign nation and entitled to do what they believe is right on their border I just think the consensus public opinion in Canada on this issue is warped and too heavily influenced by blowback against Trudeau for being one of the last leaders to shut down the borders, just as public opinion in the US is warped on so many issues related to the virus.  There has to be a better way than ruining people's lives and businesses for months or years. 

The trade that happens between our countries is based on business principles. You act like you believe the U.S. is doing us a favour which they aren’t. 

Goods are moving across the border. 95% of business travel is non essential and can be accomplished by video conferencing. It’s been done numerous times before. Companies that have to have personnel travel to Canada can arrange that through foreign affairs. 

No, we aren’t all that similar. We have numerous, significant differences between our countries. Canada supports multiculturalism not the melting pot. We have two official languages, we have national healthcare indicative of a far more compassionate society. It’s further illustrated by the breadth of our social programs. We aren’t a militaristic country and we observe international law, signed agreements and abide by international trade tribunal rulings. Suggesting that our cultures are the same is frankly a bit obtuse tbh.

Throw your trade numbers out the window. Do you not think that Canada can’t sell its raw materials and manufactured goods elsewhere? If you do that’s foolish. Our trade is a result of business practice and will only be altered when underlying circumstances change.

You exaggerate the border issue terribly. No one is talking years. The latest would be September 1st but I suspect August 1st is a more likely date. Each stage of opening requires impact assessment. I’m sorry if you disagree but every expert concurs with that methodology. We follow science and the recommendations of OUR experts. 

I really can’t address a number of your points without getting political. Which is to bad because your assessment of the relationship between our countries seems to be rooted in the false concept of America first. Sorry but that dog don’t hunt.




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15 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

This isn’t a good faith argument.  This issue isn’t the protests, it’s what they’re protesting, let’s just be honest.

If you're lumping in me w/ this comment, you're dead wrong. I loathe everyone protesting the same b/c the virus doesn't give two bleeps about what you're protesting. It's just going to spread regardless and that's my concern, nothing else. I want this thing gone, period.

Webby said to stop w/ the politics so this is as far as I'll take it. Just "clearing" my name in case you harbored those feelings about my stance on this.

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