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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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Just now, JoshstraDaymus said:

Has anyone actually said what they did with their night moves? I may have missed it. The only thing I recall is DaBoyle saying he was redirected and didn’t MWill say he was roleblocked?

mwil- roleblocked by yellow and green forcefield

squire- redirected to orca, killing him

daboyle- claimed protector, redirected to amac

dome- says he caught dingo with a night move

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

I have now said last night and today that it was solely a gambit to see if someome would hammer biggio before it was up to the hammer.  If he was town, scum could have been eager to hammer him (especially if malf is scum)

I have been 💯 consistent on EVERYTHING I have said.  You cannot point to one thing that has been inconsistent, why you gotta lie and try and spin that? 

I already told mwil and I will tell you.  Do not ever try and get something by me in regard to my posts bc it ain't gonna happen.  

I've pointed to a number of inconsistencies, but let's set that aside for now.

You didnt answer my question.  Why weren't you going to vote biggio despite saying you would?

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

So I steer towards mwil (which you said you didn’t like) and I “come back to your radar today” until I question you and “will probably fall off again now” 


does that sound right? 

no, you are falling off because of the dome/dingo thing

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4 hours ago, Blue said:


Across town, a blonde figure wanders in frustration. This wasn’t where they wanted to be…but then, things have a way of working out for the best. As he looks up into the sky, he sees a @The Orca drifting through the glass canyon, heading God knows where. Perhaps this Night would not be a total waste, after all. With a powerful leap, the bare-chested man runs up and along the nearest building, quickly ascending to a point where he can leap out and grab the unsuspecting Orca. Then, he raises his left hand and impales his foe on the hook there, like a hunter trapping the sea creature of the same name.

The Orca is dead. He was Sinestro, Legion of Doom Aligned.


Anyone else catch the bolded part

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Just now, amac said:

Anyone else catch the bolded part


4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

mwil- roleblocked by yellow and green forcefield

squire- redirected to orca, killing him

daboyle- claimed protector, redirected to amac

dome- says he caught dingo with a night move

Yes, it's been pointed out.

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