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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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55 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

So these people I feel comfortable lynching. 

Mwil (unless we truly believe he is governor/cant be lynched), Counselor (unless he can provide information to prove he is an ally), Rack, BCB, Forge, Pickle, Heim, Mookie, Squire, Touch.

Why Heim? 

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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

i figured it out

1) You guys figured out josh investigated slappy  based on our conversation but missed the fact that i specifically knew that josh visited slappy.

2) you soft claim later that you have a town read on josh and slappy for reasons

3) you hit josh

4) i hard claim that i saw josh visit slappy

5) you think that your soft claim was before mine, so you cc me, thinking i will be easily lynched

6) i bring up the post that identifies that my soft claim of josh visiting slappy was way before yours

7) you switch gears and make a watcher claim instead of the obvious tracker move that i have, because you realize you cannot afford to directly cc me


sanchez is scum. I am pretty damn sure


(and before you use this weak excuse again, im not saying you came up with this plan on your own here)


i think scum kidnapped us and we destroyed the jail because we escaped

Yes, i vouch for Heim

Why would he claim to have watched Counselor N2?

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5 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Have you not been reading the thread? 

Literally, do you not know how to read a post? They were thought to be bad EARLY. Everyone has flipped theie thinking several times. Either way, I'm voting Counselor today. Admitted he was Government and in light of Matts alignment claim, I dont believe they are on our side.

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It’s pretty obvious here guys. I’m Michael Westen. I’m the governor and Orca is government alignment. He faked a red letter on me and was probably told that I’m Westen since before N1 even happened (even @Slappy Mc pointed out he was pushing me well before N1). He’s clearly a godfather scum variation and almost assuredly has to eliminate me as part of his win con. When @SwAg updates the VC, if Orca can’t be voted for, we know he’s The Godfather counterbalance to me as governor.

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Just now, Malfatron said:

if hes claiming watcher, he had to say something, right?

counselor feels like a beliveable and safe choice to pick. 

But if he isnt, he could have been tracked and would he this early with 19 people left and an even night tracker most likley out there risk that?

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8 minutes ago, Forge said:

Why Heim? 

Until very recently, I had no clue as to what possible alignment he could have had. I did find it interesting that in the ransom note that Swag said he couldn't vote or post "until the end of the phase" and then chose to not speak for almost another entire day. 

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Until very recently, I had no clue as to what possible alignment he could have had. I did find it interesting that in the ransom note that Swag said he couldn't vote or post "until the end of the phase" and then chose to not speak for almost another entire day. 

I assume it meant end of the ransom phase. I could not post until I escaped. Confirm with swag if you don't believe me.

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