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Can a Case be made for Keenum...?

vike daddy

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1 minute ago, Heimdallr said:

No, I just think Case has equal potential, and is a MUCH smaller risk moving forward.

I'd agree that the risk is much smaller, however, I think that Teddy has a higher potential by a ways for the long term. My opinion is that Case can maybe sustain for another year, but Teddy can become better than Case is now and last longer at that level.

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10 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

Why is the risk smaller? I don't agree with that at all. And at what cost contract wise?

We have no idea what sort of player he is anymore.  He could come back and be great, or he could come back and be the worst QB in the league. Drafting a rookie would be less of a gamble because at least that player would have played football in the last 16 months.

Case has already shown he can be a highly effective player on this team.

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I agree, that I don't want to retain Teddy as the starter, and likely not as the backup QB (too much future controversy & distractions).

1) Case has outperformed Teddy significantly (argue weapons & scheme, but outperforming, is still outperforming)

2) Teddy has not (will likely not) play any meaningful snaps in 2 years (carry's more risk)

3) He was not all that great in his first 2 years here

4) Has injury history (small factor)

I would choose Case at tag of $25M to be the starter over Teddy at $10M to be the starter, as I think Case gives us a better chance to win games (+10% better chance for example), and the $15M difference for one year will not impact Rick's ability to retain our top talent (Eric/Barr/Hunter/Diggs).

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14 minutes ago, The Gnat said:

For me, I think longevity, and I think with the offensive line improved we're going to see as dynamic of a passing game that can be as open if not more so.  I also think that Keenum is playing probably at a higher level than he ever will again.

Keenum might be playing at a higher level than he'll ever play again in the future. He is playing at a higher level than Teddy Bridgewater ever played at. I don't know that either will play at Keenum's current level again.

The odds of Keenum playing at this level again is much, much higher than Teddy ever sniffing Keenum's current level of play IMO. At least he has done it once. Anything that has been done is possible so we know Keenum can do it. Just not sure that Bridgewater will ever get to that level. That said, I would love it if Teddy did get to the level Keenum is playing at this year. If the team goes with him, I'll be pulling for him to do it. I won't blame Teddy if he doesn't make it as I don't think that is a realistic expectation of him but I will be calling for Spielman's head if he rolls the dice on Teddy and he never breaks average while Keenum continues on as an above average QB elsewhere in the league. I guess the same is true the other way around too though. It is a very tough call for Spielman and may cost him his job if he doesn't nail it. I am glad I don't have that level of stress in my job. On the other hand, I would make the decision for the team happily for half of Spielman's annual salary with threat of losing my job if my dart doesn't fly true.

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9 minutes ago, CriminalMind said:

I agree, that I don't want to retain Teddy as the starter, and likely not as the backup QB (too much future controversy & distractions).

That is a good point that I hadn't really considered. If they lock Teddy in longterm as the backup, they have to be prepared for the fact our fan base will clamor for him at most every misstep the starter has. The offense will probably keep getting questions from the media, as will Zimmer.

But again, that's why I try to lock in both on short-term deals, or deals we can easily get out of. Give both guys a fair shot at the job this summer and let the chips fall where they may. After 2018, figure out who to move forward with as the guy.

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2 minutes ago, Klomp said:

That is a good point that I hadn't really considered. If they lock Teddy in longterm as the backup, they have to be prepared for the fact our fan base will clamor for him at most every misstep the starter has. The offense will probably keep getting questions from the media, as will Zimmer.

But again, that's why I try to lock in both on short-term deals, or deals we can easily get out of. Give both guys a fair shot at the job this summer and let the chips fall where they may. After 2018, figure out who to move forward with as the guy.

Locking in both QB on short-term deals,  or deals to get out of.. is super highly unlikely.

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6 minutes ago, Klomp said:

That is a good point that I hadn't really considered. If they lock Teddy in longterm as the backup, they have to be prepared for the fact our fan base will clamor for him at most every misstep the starter has. The offense will probably keep getting questions from the media, as will Zimmer.

But again, that's why I try to lock in both on short-term deals, or deals we can easily get out of. Give both guys a fair shot at the job this summer and let the chips fall where they may. After 2018, figure out who to move forward with as the guy.

But will Case be willing to sign that type of deal? That’s my biggest question

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8 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

But will Case be willing to sign that type of deal? That’s my biggest question

I don't know why he wouldn't be. I doubt anyone is going to blow him out of the water and lock him in longterm as their QBOTF. So because of that, any deal he signs elsewhere will probably be of a similar nature.

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