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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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16 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

I was two. 

I was three. 

there were some late rumblings that you were playing both sides and I witnessed you go after gopher before bcb (who made it known he would be voting for me). we never talked game outside of our original tribe (that's not on you - it's a two way street), but with that being the case I couldn't ignore the rumblings because they wouldn't shock me if they were true. 

with that being said, obviously nothing personal. you were the MVP of the og tribe IMO and arguably the favorite to win the all whole thing. I will say I struggled with that because on one side you have quite a few inactives in this game, but ultimately you play to win the game. probably more risk putting this out there because you aren't even on the jury, but letting you know the "why" is the least I could do. you busted your *** for our tribe. sorry man, hope to play with you again. 

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alrighty here are the results!!

so this is what the mine shaft looked like for what it's worth

0 A B C D E F G H

1 O B O O O S O G

2 O P B O S B O O

3 O O R O G B B O

4 B O O S O B b O

5 S S O P R O A O

6 R B O O O S G G

7 P b O G O S B O

8 O S B O R G P B

B is for Bronze

S is for Silver

G is for Gold

P is for Platinum

A is for Advantage

b is for Bomb

R is for Rat


and so with those in mind let's add up everyone's scores

Orca 8

ET 10

Outpost 17

Mookie 17

Pickle 18

Ted 20

Swoosh 29

and then our winner @bcb1213 taking it out with 31!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

those of you that won the advantage i'm pm'ing it out to you now and then i'll do the tribal post

Edited by Shady Slim
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advantages sent out!!

this is very important read this post and respond to it too

alright so the next challenge A Sense Of Sacrifice is live and i want to organise a time the most people can be on to participate


  1. @The Orca
  2. @Pickle Rick
  3. @TedLavie
  4. @bcb1213
  5. @MookieMonstah
  6. @FinneasGage
  7. @ET80
  8. @swoosh
  9. @Outpost31
  10. @mission27
  11. @gopherwrestler


start times i can do thursday

6:30PM EST


7:30PM EST


8:30PM EST


9:30PM EST


start times i can do friday

6:30PM EST


7:30PM EST


8:30PM EST


9:30PM EST


please nominate what times you can do. the times on thursday work much much better for me so hopefully thursday is the go and i'd prefer the thursday a lot more, but nominate which you can do. challenge shouldn't take too long


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Just now, bcb1213 said:

Thursday and friday night are out for me unless it's 930-10

if we had to do saturday night we could do that too at one of the same times listed above i'm just cognizant of trying not to grind the game to a halt but we can do saturday night in a pinch too

like bcb has just post your times in the thread @y'all

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1 minute ago, swoosh said:

labor day is this weekend so I’ll be gone, thursday or friday (earlier the better) 

times too! it seems that friday is firming as the day which is fine; everyone keep getting your times in!!

and with that, we'll head to the sixteenth tribal council while you're doing that. don't forget to give your available times for the next challenge - seems friday is the day!!

Australian Survivor's Matt shares excitement to take out Lee and ...

  1. @The Orca; from immunity to last place - mining not your strong suit?
  2. @Pickle Rick; any revenge for beating orca here after he got you at the final hurdle in the last challenge?
  3. @TedLavie; seems that the odds are against you - can you put a case forward to be spared?
  4. @bcb1213; so with your self-confessed vote for last place philosophy, as winner of the challenge you must feel justified?
  5. @MookieMonstah; after having the first big blindside come and go do you feel the game has really started?
  6. @FinneasGage; you in next challenge?
  7. @ET80; close to the bottom but not last place - crouching tiger or paper tiger?
  8. @swoosh; how does it feel to come so close?
  9. @Outpost31; yet to give the individual challenges a real shake - when will the real outpost stand up and be counted?
  10. @mission27; not even a challenge submission; where is the autonomy?
  11. @gopherwrestler; where are you!!??


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