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Australian Survivor!! Now - Tribal!! Final!! Congratulations to our Sole Survivor - Outpost31!!

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@Pickle Rick!!

it's been a blast pickle!! thank you for playing, you've given a lot to the game

will put the next challenge up tonight, it is a reward challenge;


whoever chooses to cede their right to compete in the reward challenge will be granted a smaller but similar advantage in Parlay, which is the next immunity challenge, to what they'd get had they won reward. this offer is open only to the first taker, and after it is accepted, i'll put the reward challenge up when i get home

who wants it







@The Orca

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9 minutes ago, Shady Slim said:

whoever chooses to cede their right to compete in the reward challenge will be granted a smaller but similar advantage in Parlay, which is the next immunity challenge, to what they'd get had they won reward.

I'll take it. I cede my right to compete.

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Sorry, @Pickle Rick.  I made a business decision that I felt best suited me.  That’s a compliment to your game.  Always feel bad during this part of these games.  You played a strong game from the start up until now and it sucks it came to this, especially with some inactive players still in it.

I would love to work with either you or Orca in one of these games, but the fact remains that it’s too intimidating working with both of you because it’s clear there’s no question on loyalty and who either of you would choose.  That also factored into my decision.

I was going to try to lie my way out of this one and pretend like I messed up and didn’t vote on accident, but Shady ****ed me again.  It’s better this way.


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this is the reward challenge that i call Zero Sum

matching pennies is a game theory game - each of you reveals a coin, either heads or tails; one of you wins if your combo is HH or TT, the other if the combo is HT or TH

we're playing this game seven times - so you have to send me seven reveals of your coin.

the people i list first will win on a duplicate (HH-TT), the ones i list second will win on an evens (HT-TH)

the bouts are









@The Orca




so mission and outpost and orca win on a duplicate, and finn and mookie and bcb win on a fifty-fifty

the winner of the reward itself will be the person who scores the most, simply! so nice and easy. so you get your points in your little vs, but you actually win reward as measured against everyone else

the chance to send in your seven coin reveals (either heads or tails obviously) is open for a bit under 24hrs. that is to say until tomorrow EST 6AM (so in other words, get them in today at night so i can run the challenge when i get home from uni tomorrow); after that i will put up the sports bouts for the parlay challenge

tiebreaker as always is submission time

Edited by Shady Slim
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@MookieMonstah @Outpost31 and all of you, bcb nails it yeah lol. i'll try to explain in more detail;

you pick a sequence of seven heads and or tails. like it could be HHHHHHH, THTHTHT, TTTTTTT, HHTTHHT, HHTHHTH, HTHHHHH, whatever sequence you so desire.

your opponent does the same.

we match the sequences

so if you went HTHHHHH and then your opponent went TTTHHHH

your matches would be HT, TT, HT, HH, HH, HH, HH.

the person i listed first (mission, outpost, and orca), would score a point for every HH or TT. the person i listed second (finn, mookie, and bcb) would score a point for every HT or TH

so if the above was mission and finn's bout mission would win 5-2

tu capisci, o mi hai bisogno di spiegare un tempo terzo?

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only three of you submitted - bcb did, the orca did too

bcb went for THTHTHT, orca went for HHHHHHH; bcb wins their duel 4-3

finn submitted too - and mission did not submit. meaning finn has, by default, won 7 to 0!


@FinneasGage, you have an extra hundred dollars to gamble with in the upcoming challenge!!

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