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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Mafia Game Thread: Game Over - Slytherin Wins


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I begrudgingly owe @Counselor an apology

It seems unlikely with Flint being in the game that Snape is Slytherin

If Crabbe was in the game, I HAVE to assume both Malfoy and Goyle are also

And it's very unlikely that they would have Snape as a 5th

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Night 4:

BBB was meandering around the grounds, tending his garden, and going back-and-forth into the Forbidden Forest for this and that.  He was about to call it a day when he happened upon 

Arrr, whatcha doin out 'ere, Professor?

The figure spun around in surprise.

Kill him!

A blinding green light illuminated the forest, casting shadows that extended all the way to the castle.  BBB fell to the ground with a thunderous crash.

BBB is dead.  He was Rubeus Hagrid, Big Man Body Guard, Hogwarts-Aligned.


Forge was pacing his study, perplexed by the events that had befallen his school.  Never did he imagine such chaos and destruction could descend upon the castle, as his judgment and decision-making was always prudent and well-thought.  He turned as he heard the gargoyle staircase shift beyond the closed door, which opened to reveal students.

Can I help you?

You're finished, old man, you dogged old fool!

The students attacked Forge, but Forge easily parried their curses, blocked their hexes, and deflected their jinxes.  The students began to cast spells even more feverishly, panicked by the sight before them.

I will not harm you.  Please, stop.

The students hesitated, then stopped.  They looked suspiciously at Forge, who smiled weakly, and then made his exit, unwilling to harm students who are so innocent.

Forge has left the game (dead).  He was Albus Dumbledore, Omnipotent Kingmaker, Hogwarts-Aligned.

The students looked at each other...

Something tells me that could have gone badly, especially if we were someone else.

It is now Day 5.  You have until 11:00 EST on Sunday, June 7, 2020 to reach a decision.

@Counselor @Dome @HoboRocket @bcb1213 @ET80 @Forge @Tk3 @bigbadbuff 

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