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Island of Terror: 80s/90s Action Stars Mafia - Indies Aligned Wins

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38 minutes ago, Blue said:


- Pushing to lynch inactives during a holiday weekend because "scum are using it as an excuse to lie low." Nonsense. If anything, scum are going to be more active because they have a team relying on them and therefore greater investment in the game.

- Incidentally pushing inactive players that most people aren't going to stick their necks out to defend.

- Clinging to a "roles were completely random" claim that doesn't really make sense for an individual Townie. Nicholas Cage is a pillar of versatility; you cannot convince me that Town Malf looked at whatever his role is and went, "weird, I would never think Nic Cage could do that"

- Lied about a Hobo scumslip, then dropped the charade as soon as someone (me) pointed out that Hobo had three posts at the time, two of which were him stating he wasn't going to be around much. It was, at best, a half-assed and unconvincing attempt at a push that accomplished nothing except mildly annoying Hobo.

- He's actually John Travolta and trying to steal my face.


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48 minutes ago, Blue said:


- Pushing to lynch inactives during a holiday weekend because "scum are using it as an excuse to lie low." Nonsense. If anything, scum are going to be more active because they have a team relying on them and therefore greater investment in the game.

- Incidentally pushing inactive players that most people aren't going to stick their necks out to defend.

- Clinging to a "roles were completely random" claim that doesn't really make sense for an individual Townie. Nicholas Cage is a pillar of versatility; you cannot convince me that Town Malf looked at whatever his role is and went, "weird, I would never think Nic Cage could do that"

- Lied about a Hobo scumslip, then dropped the charade as soon as someone (me) pointed out that Hobo had three posts at the time, two of which were him stating he wasn't going to be around much. It was, at best, a half-assed and unconvincing attempt at a push that accomplished nothing except mildly annoying Hobo.

- He's actually John Travolta and trying to steal my face.

I fully believe that roles are randomized and have nothing to do with the character.

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5 minutes ago, Counselor said:

What the hell are you going on about Blue? We are based on an actor not a specific movie character. 

Out of John Travolta and Nicholas Cage, which do you think is a specific movie character?

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