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Island of Terror: 80s/90s Action Stars Mafia - Indies Aligned Wins

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

I didn't.   I was voting Daboyle for the last 10ish minutes.  It was a possible alternate vote to the matts/malf vote that Malf was voting and wanted to get some traction on.  

So from 1 or 2 votes to 7 in 10 min, how often does that happen. It was essentially a throw away vote 

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2 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

D1 VC: deadline is Sunday at 10 pm eastern

5 Matts- db, daboyle, mwil, counselor, bbb

4 malf - blue, matts, hobo, josh

2 blue - ksj, et

2 daboyle - malf, squire

1 et - orca

1 bbb - biggio



4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So from 1 or 2 votes to 7 in 10 min, how often does that happen. It was essentially a throw away vote 


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1 minute ago, squire12 said:



If Malf stayed, you would have needed 4 more votes at the least assuming no one moved off Malf. Assuming malf and Dome vote how they did you had 1 vote and needed to get to 7 to tie. In 10 min both are beyond unlikley. Happens very rarely...and as seen you were the only vote on Daboyle....essentially a throwaway vote 


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5 minutes ago, The Orca said:

If Malf stayed, you would have needed 4 more votes at the least assuming no one moved off Malf. Assuming malf and Dome vote how they did you had 1 vote and needed to get to 7 to tie. In 10 min both are beyond unlikley. Happens very rarely...and as seen you were the only vote on Daboyle....essentially a throwaway vote 


if more people would have voted daboyle, it wouldnt have been an issue

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