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Seeing the player who crosschecked someone in the head assist on the game winning goal and break up a breakaway chance is really annoying. I'm slightly annoyed that the Wild didn't retaliate after such a blatant cheap shot, and I hope that Morrissey gets suspended into their next series. The odds were low of the Wild winning the series anyways with Parise breaking his sternum, but head shots to the teams leading scorer that go uncalled are going to make it impossible.

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8 hours ago, The Gnat said:

Seeing the player who crosschecked someone in the head assist on the game winning goal and break up a breakaway chance is really annoying. I'm slightly annoyed that the Wild didn't retaliate after such a blatant cheap shot, and I hope that Morrissey gets suspended into their next series. The odds were low of the Wild winning the series anyways with Parise breaking his sternum, but head shots to the teams leading scorer that go uncalled are going to make it impossible.

Yeah, that was ridiculous. Refs were looking right at it too. Should be a game suspension, IMO. Not a hockey play. 

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Marchand is just the worst. Can't stand him. Maybe the hockey player I dislike the most that I've ever watched. It's just constant with him. Tons of clips that provide evidence of what a dirty player he is but almost every second on the ice is him being a complete tool.

That's charging, right? Absolutely no reason to try to do that. He was just going for a shot to take out Matthews. Fortunately, he missed Matthews because Matthews saw him coming at the last second.


He's a rat. A true pest. Like other people mentioned, a reason that it's good to have enforcers on your team especially when you have really young talented players who might not be as well physically developed. Because you have rats like Marchand that try to push those young guys around and play dirty hockey to rattle them. But I'm not sure that's good for the playoffs. Regular season, sure, take a shot at Marchand to send a signal to knock it off. In the playoffs, I think you want to avoid retaliating in a way that gets you in the penalty box.

The Leafs certainly didn't handle that well in Games 1 and 2. They played right into Marchand's and Boston's hands by dealing with the physical and borderline dirty play the wrong way and getting frustrated and getting stupid penalties. Game 3, the Leafs were more disciplined, stayed out of the penalty box, and kept the Bruins power play unit off the ice. That helps. And on top of that, Toronto started to make Boston chase them a little bit with their speed.

Not sure who wins tonight but I think the Bruins are coming off as very over-confident in their interviews. A lot of them are attesting the Leafs Game 3 win to stretch passes by the Leafs. They seemed to be saying that if they take away the stretch pass, Game 4 will be like the first two. And I think they would be very mistaken. Toronto was effectively skating away from Boston for a lot of Game 3. They used their speed in a way that they probably should have in Games 1 and 2. It also helped that Andersen had a huge 3rd period for the Leafs.

I think that if the Leafs win tonight, they win the series. The longer this thing goes, the worse I think it gets for the Bruins. Feels like the Leafs can skate the Bruins off the rink. Younger and faster. They'll get Kadri back Game 5. Certainly, he must have learned from his mistakes in Game 1. He should be good to push back against the Bruins physical play. Just has to be be smart about how he pushes back and I'm hoping that's something he learned with the suspension.

Big wild card is perhaps the best line in the world on the Bruins. Not sure what anyone in hockey can do to consistently stop the Bergeron line. Pastranak touches the puck and you just hold your breath because you know he's about to make something happen. Andersen will need to step up like he did in the 3rd period last game.


Edited by RollEagles
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Looks like Hammond is going to be the starting goalie for Colorado in game 5. No idea where or when Bernier got hurt in game 4,  but just add him to the list of Avalanche injuries. They have shown a lot more fight than I expected them to this series, especially with out Johnson or Varlamov to start, and Girard since game 1.

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