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Week 4 GDT: No Anthem Version


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3 hours ago, RaidersAreOne said:

LA and superficial in the same sentence? Even us Canadians know that can't be true! ;)

I mean I guess being on-pace to shatter the largest season to season drop in average attendance isn't something to be worried about? I just don't understand how fans can sit back and honestly believe that was the best case scenario for the NFL going forward. Going from 0 teams to 2 teams in such a short period of time. Let alone the Chargers being one of them.

We'll see how it all plays out. I just pray Las Vegas doesn't give the Raiders the cold shoulder as well.

The Raiders aren't the draw you seem to think they are. Hell, they arent much of a draw in their own town. With 50+ years in the community and a 12-4 record they were still dead last in attendance last year. They wouldn't be much more of a draw in Los Angeles. 

I didnt want 2 teams in LA. Neither did the NFL. But if 2 teams had to come, the Raiders made more sense. Absolutely nobody cares about the Chargers in LA. This had "dumpster fire" written  all over it. But the silver lining is that the NFL is already considering forcing a Charger move back to San Diego. Which would leave Los Angeles how it should be. A Rams town. Like it was for 50 years. 

 I'm not sure you really understand the deal that was made or why everything shook out the way it did. But nobody wanted 2 teams in LA. Not the LA fans. Not the owners. It was a peace offering. An olive branch at the end of some very intense politicking involving astounding sums of money. 

And dont talk about LA or LA fans until you get a hometown NFL team of your own. Which should be somewhere between "yeah right" and "never."


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1 minute ago, The LBC said:

In fact, this game needs to end in the most lulzy way possible.  Cooper juggling the ball for a catch in the end zone.

The DB jumps the route, pops it up in the air, and Cooper makes a one handed catch for the TD.

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