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What movie are you watching?


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1 hour ago, JTagg7754 said:

Seth Rogan movies are funny... Pretty much all of them

The Interview is my favorite.  It got pretty much ignored bcuz of the Sony controversy but it's so damn funny.  Randall Park steals the show as Kim Jong-Un.

Pineapple Express was just creepy tho with his girlfriend being in HS.  Perv.

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Watched Onward with the family last night.  Like most Pixar, it definitely hit me right in the feels, especially as a father of four boys. Not their best effort, but I still had plenty of laughs and it delivered a good story even if the setting was a essentially a gimmick. I'll definitely watch it again though.


Pixar Rankings

  1. Toy Story 3
  2. Finding Nemo
  3. Toy Story
  4. Monsters Inc
  5. The Incredibles
  6. Coco
  7. Inside Out
  8. Up
  9. Wall-E
  10. Onward
  11. Cars
  12. Toy Story 2
  13. The Incredibles 2
  14. Toy Story 4
  15. Cars 3
  16. Brave
  17. Ratatouille 
  18. Cars 2
  19. Finding Dory 
  20. Monsters University 
  21. A Bug's Life
  22. The Good Dinosaur
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I was hesitant to watch Doctor Sleep after reading and liking the book but I felt like the movie pretty much nailed it. I was worried Jack Torrence wasn’t going to make a guest appearance like he did in the book but he did, although I am bummed there was no father son moment because it was just the hotel’s spirit. Also slightly disappointed jack Torrence’s voice wasn’t quite there and slightly disappointed they killed off Dan’s character for no reason but the movie went a little further away from pure fan service with that move, while the book felt like pure fan service. I did like the tip of the hat to Stephen King (who hated the Shining movie) by giving Doctor Sleep The shining’s book ending. 8,800/10,000. Also nice job getting the creepy morbius lookin dude from Backstreet Boys to play Crow

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6 hours ago, Outpost31 said:

MIB International was probably the second best Men In Black movie.  Shame it didn’t do well.  

I forgot about that one!  I wanted to see it when it came out, but i believe Endgame had just came out, IIRC?  So we couldn't get back to the theater because we couldn't get a babysitter that quickly.

They could have done a much better job advertising it.  Feels like i only saw a few ads for it.

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

Toy Story 4 is good.  Not as good as 3, but very good.  Also, it might be both the darkest Toy Story and the outright funniest Toy Story.

My 6 year old was very creeped out by those creepy dolls.

Also, i agree with you.

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