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2 hours ago, MacReady said:

The Monster Squad would be a solid choice if it qualified as a werewolf movie. It does not. Harry Potter has werewolves in it. It is not a werewolf movie. The Monster Squad has a werewolf. It’s not a werewolf movie.

Among movies where A werewolf (or werewolves) is centric to the plot, there isn’t one better than An American Werewolf in London.

From the practical effects to it actually being a genuinely enjoyable movie (not just great effects), it stands in a tier alone.


I’ll have to watch it some point this month 

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6 hours ago, MacReady said:

The Monster Squad would be a solid choice if it qualified as a werewolf movie. It does not. Harry Potter has werewolves in it. It is not a werewolf movie. The Monster Squad has a werewolf. It’s not a werewolf movie.

Among movies where A werewolf (or werewolves) is centric to the plot, there isn’t one better than An American Werewolf in London.

From the practical effects to it actually being a genuinely enjoyable movie (not just great effects), it stands in a tier alone.


But Die Hard is a Christmas movie? 



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3 hours ago, Ray Reed said:

Hot take incoming: I watched Annie Hall for the first time the other day, and I hated it.

And it’s not a Woody Allen thing, because Love and Death is like a top 15 comedy for me all time.

Just couldn’t stand Annie Hall for some reason.

I can't stand most Woody Allen movies. I somewhat liked Midnight in Paris, but even that had some cringe worthy dialogue at times.

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7 hours ago, Ray Reed said:

Hot take incoming: I watched Annie Hall for the first time the other day, and I hated it.

And it’s not a Woody Allen thing, because Love and Death is like a top 15 comedy for me all time.

Just couldn’t stand Annie Hall for some reason.

Diane Keaton has been in some excellent films but the only role she played that I like was in Father of the Bride.  

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So in Attack of the Clones compassionate, righteous, democracy loving Padme hears/sees Anikan:

  • Advocate for a brutal dictatorship instead of the Republic because of his disdain for people in her profession
  • Murder an entire community including women and children
  • Break into a factory and immediately start killing factory workers
  • Break sworn oaths to his friends and mentors
  • Makes her live a secret life so he can keep his job

Her response?



Plus, why didn't Mace Windu lop of some heads of pretty much the entire seperatist movement when he had the drop on them?  How many Jedi died because of this?

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Saw Sweeney Todd on Broadway this week it was excellent! Love the music and it’s funny too. Went back and watched the Tim Burton movie and really enjoyed that as well. Great cast who all knocked it out with their singing. Not a musical fan, except for the South Park Movie, so this is probably my top choice. 

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Five Nights at Freddy's is ok.  I never played the game and knew little about the lore.  The animatronics looked great.  Jim Henson is awesome at that.  Final villain reveal was super obvious.  I semi enjoyed it.  Maybe fans of the games will like it more.   6/10

No One Will Save You on Hulu was just ok.  A woman living by herself has her home invaded by aliens.  This movie has next to no dialogue.  Facial expressions and body language is how you know the main character played by Kaitlyn Dever.  She's great in this.  I liked the first half, there was some good suspense and tension.  Personally, I felt the movie goes off the tracks in the second half.  It's not bad, but it could have been better.  This could be one of those movies you like more on re watches.  6/10

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